
Frieren: The Dark Mage's Diary

In a dark world full of demons and magic, Damian ventures fearfully. With a book as his only ally to master magic, he is dragged into an endless war against the forces of evil. The presence of death and a blood moon in the sky heightens the sense of loneliness and danger. Damian will face an uncertain fate, not knowing if he will survive to see the end of the battle. Will Damian make it to the end of the journey?

SrCuervo · Book&Literature
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146 Chs

Night Attack of the Demons

The demons crowded into the flood channel and were slaughtered with long-range projectile weapons. The defenders repelled a carefully prepared attack by the demons with few casualties.

Seeing the demons retreat, Arthur decisively led his elite troops out of the gates and massacred the fleeing demons.

In war, the most severe casualties always occur during retreats. Only those who can organize a retreat can be considered elite soldiers.

The demons were negligent in their siege preparations, and after suffering numerous losses, the demon in charge retreated first, causing the troops to fall into chaos and making it difficult to organize an effective resistance.

Only a cavalry of five thousand soldiers left the city. They quietly followed the demons, shooting feathered arrows one after another, killing the fleeing orcs by the roadside and in the trenches.

The focus of the pursuers' attack was the demons trying to organize. Many demon officers wanted to organize an orderly retreat but were killed.

Under the rhythmic rain of arrows from the pursuers, the defeated demon brigade couldn't organize a counterattack. They were defeated at every turn, and they even abandoned the sixth and fifth fortresses.

The demons lost nearly 55,500 soldiers during the siege, but more than 79,999 demons died during the retreat, including two powerful combat demons.

Seeing the chaos at the demon front, the garrison stationed in the defensive castles bravely rushed out and attacked the demons from the side.

Being attacked from both sides, the losses of the orc vanguard group became even more severe.

The front line was defeated, and Grodan, the commander of the demon army, immediately sent reinforcements to respond.

The main force of the demons in the rear numbered over 190,000, and their ranks included demons without magic, which began to seem strange.

Their strength far exceeded that of the defenders. But due to the terrain restrictions, they couldn't establish an attack formation and could only adopt replenishment tactics, continuously sending orc brigades to wear down the human defenders.

The demons at the front were defeated, and the main force of the demons at the rear responded quickly. While sending troops to attack Fortress No. 3, they also sent troops to climb the mountain ridge in an attempt to attack the pursuers from behind.

Seeing that the demons had sent reinforcements to respond, Norman, an experienced commander, immediately ordered a rapid retreat to the nearest defensive castle.

In an environment where the enemy is strong and they are weak, the defenders cannot fight the demons head-on. The defenders' primary task is to delay time, maintain the line of defense, and wait for the main extermination legion to arrive.

Since the siege failed, Grodan, the demon army commander, had a grim face and ordered the orc aide beside him, "Go to the fifth brigade and count the casualties."

By evening, when Grodan saw the casualty statistics sent to him, he thought silently. "The Fifth Battalion's casualties reached 89,400, and over 970,000 soldiers died. The battle only lasted two and a half days, and the casualties exceeded 145,000, according to intelligence."

In the battle, it is estimated that humans lost only 2,000 men, an absolutely terrifying comparison.

The enemy was repelled in the morning, and reinforcements arrived in the afternoon. Two consecutive good news stories made the defenders relax their vigilance.

A demon continued watching the human defenders from the air and discovered that the defenders were a bit confused. Grodan, the demon army commander, took the initiative, mobilized 30,000 elite soldiers, and personally led the team to launch a night attack.

More than a thousand gigantic demons rushed to one of the nearest enemy fortresses.

Although the sentinels on the city wall were relatively relaxed, after all, they were on the battlefield; it wouldn't be easy. When the demons approached the city wall, they finally noticed the movement. A soldier hurried to sound the horn, and a sharp, loud sound broke the night's tranquility.

Seeing that the action was exposed, the demons shouted at the top of their lungs, "Kill all the enemies!"

As the demons shouted, figures appeared in the darkness in the distance, and a large number of elite demons rushed in. With weapons in hand and facing the last line of defense, they launched a large-scale attack.

Through the reconnaissance of the demons flying in the air, it was decided that the seventh fortress, the easiest to exterminate, should be eliminated.

Due to the large number of catapults installed in Fortress No. 7, it posed the greatest threat to the demons. After breaking Fortress No. 7, the demons could cross the mountains unhindered. Additionally, many auxiliary soldiers in Fortress No. 7 had weak hand-to-hand combat skills, making it easier for the orcs to achieve strategic objectives.

Hearing the trumpet sound, the defenders resting on the city wall immediately got up, hurriedly picked up their bows and arrows, and fired crossbows in the direction of the sound.

"Don't panic, light the brazier, keep your hands steady while shooting arrows, and aim at the enemy."

When fighting humans, to protect themselves from arrows, the defenders would extinguish the torches on the city wall as soon as possible. However, when fighting demons, because demons have weak long-range projection abilities, the defenders would light the brazier and use the firelight to aim at the enemy.

Hearing the sound of the horn, the base officers immediately organized a team and gave loud orders. Their voices could stop the soldiers under their command from panicking and stabilize their emotions.

Long arrows were fired intensely, and immediately the cries of demons being killed were heard.

The shield raised by the demon soldier made a banging sound, and many arrows penetrated the shield, killing the shield-bearer.

A demon climbed the city wall with difficulty and was soon stabbed to death by the soldiers' spears on the wall.

Even if you wear enchanted armor and have amazing defense, facing dozens and dozens of spears, no defense wouldn't wear out.

The demons' corpses kept falling under the city wall, but the successors didn't care. They bravely climbed the city wall and fiercely killed the enemies.

Because their legion commander, Grodan, had already come to the battle in person. Everyone knew that if they retreated, they would be besieged by their commander.

Grodan is a demon who fights in close combat and is said to be the demon incarnate in a human body. He personally jumped, reached the top of the wall, and killed two powerful soldiers.

Grodan was extremely brave after climbing the city wall, and a dozen soldiers were killed by him in the blink of an eye.

In just a brief moment, Grodan opened a gap, and more and more demons used this gap to climb the city wall. The defenders suffered increasing casualties and greater pressure.

"Raise your spears."

All the soldiers at the front of the battle thought they would be defeated, but at that moment, a whispering voice tore through the sky.

"With this treasure, I summon..."

You can now read the end of the story, this will continue with special chapters that will come out every one or two weeks but the story would be finished. If you want to support me and read original novels at the same time, you can visit my Patreon: SrCuervo

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