
Frieren: Reincarnated As a Demon

[Read Advanced Chapters On My Patreon: patreon.com/ANelite ] Synopsis:- He was reincarnated as a demon with extraordinary talents and a long lifespan. Though born with living parents, he became an orphan and had to fend for himself, always cautious of both his own kind and humans. Still, it didn't bother him too much. At least when he was three, he suddenly gained a system—though it turned out to be less useful than expected. Even so, it allowed him to travel back in time, where he befriended Frieren. But soon, he realized that his friend had a strong prejudice against demons. Thankfully, the little sister from his tribe, Aura, whom he'd known since birth, had become quite successful. However, their relationship was a bit complicated—he used to boss her around as a child. That wasn't a major issue, though. He even met the strongest hero, but... the hero died a little too early. As he moved between the human and demon worlds, he gradually realized that neither side could be trusted. "There's no choice, I'll have to rely on myself." And so, he set a new goal for himself: kill the current demon king and become the new demon king—tentatively. Please Note: I do not own anything in this fanfiction. The copyright belongs to their respective creators.

ANelite · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Attack and Defense Alternation


A massive sword, larger than anything a warrior might wield, crashed down, and under the influence of the strange gravity, the earth trembled and split apart. Although the dust was affected by the abnormal gravity, rising in an oddly erratic way, bits of rock still exploded outward, with some striking Ash, causing him to wince in pain.

Millie, who had just rushed out of her room, witnessed this scene. She had initially been worried that Ash would be easily defeated, but what she saw now was utterly shocking.

In the past, Ash had always been so serious and diligent about magic, to the point that even an elf like Millie couldn't help but admire his commitment. It was precisely this hardworking attitude that had brought him to this moment, allowing him to remain absolutely confident in his abilities and magic. Even in the face of death, where the slightest mistake could result in him being cut in half, Ash refused to retreat.

Of course, that's how Millie perceived it.

In truth, no one noticed the cold sweat trickling down Ash's face, nor that his body had stiffened.

In reality, it wasn't that Ash didn't want to retreat. It was simply the first time he had used his "Gravity Thunder" spell, which he had painstakingly developed by merging his own research with the gravity magic of the mythological era. And in the heat of the moment, he had misjudged his step, driving his foot too deep into the gravity-compacted ground.

As a result, he was stuck!

The gravity had made the earth beneath him harder than concrete, and though his body hadn't crumbled under the pressure, he couldn't move. It was a testament to his strong physique that his legs hadn't snapped under the weight.

Fortunately, when Ash leaned backward, his head narrowly avoided being split like a watermelon on a hot summer day.

But before Ash could fully process his luck, Bazalt, the towering demon before him, was equally stunned. Though Bazalt had no idea why his sword had suddenly grown much heavier and harder to control, he knew this bizarre shift was somehow the work of the human standing before him.

"It doesn't matter whether you're a magician or a warrior! Today, you will die!" Bazalt growled, his eyes flashing with a mix of arrogance and cruelty.

After another failed strike, Bazalt, now fully enraged, decided to go all out. He slammed his foot into the ground and charged straight into the field of abnormal gravity. With a thunderous roar, like that of a massive tank, he swung his colossal sword in a wide diagonal arc, aiming to crush Ash like a tornado of death.

Just as the blade approached, the gravity surrounding both Bazalt and his sword vanished. The massive blade whistled through the air, missing Ash by inches as he ducked low and dashed underneath it.

Without missing a beat, Ash shot beneath the sword and slashed at Bazalt's legs. A thin trail of blood followed his swift strike, as he moved past the demon general.

It was only a moment later that Bazalt registered the sharp pain in his heel. His eyes widened as the sensation hit, but he quickly dismissed the wound as insignificant. However, the blood, now free from the previously altered gravity, gushed out like a burst dam, splattering around them.

The heavy armor Bazalt wore pressed down on the wound, amplifying the pain. Unable to withstand it, the powerful demon general dropped to his knees.

Bazalt was left speechless, unable to comprehend the sight before him. How could a mere magician, who should have been helpless in close combat, not only stand his ground but bring a demon general to his knees? The thought seemed absurd.

How was such a feat even possible? Was there really a magician who could excel in both magic and physical combat?

Before Bazalt could make sense of it, Ash charged forward once more, sword in hand. This time, as he advanced, the gravity around them shifted again, fluctuating wildly.

It was in this constant cycle of gravity shifts that Bazalt realized something crucial. The transitions between Ash's magic and his physical movements weren't instantaneous—it took time for him to switch between the two states. As this realization dawned on him, Bazalt narrowed his eyes, preparing to exploit this newfound weakness.

The next moment, Bazalt swung his giant sword, sweeping it across the ground with a thunderous bang, raising a thick cloud of sand and dust that completely obscured Ash from view. Through the swirling debris, the massive blade cut through the air, hurtling toward Ash.

Bazalt, feeling confident in his quick reaction, believed his opponent would retreat instead of pressing the attack. As the blade closed in, Ash instinctively raised his saber in a hasty backhand block. However, his rushed defense lacked the strength to match the brute force behind Bazalt's powerful swing.

With a resounding "BOOM!", Ash was sent flying, the force of the blow creating a fierce wind as he sailed through the air. He crashed into the wall of a nearby building, smashing through the already crumbling stone, disappearing from sight as he landed somewhere within.


It seemed Ash had been defeated, but no one at the scene paid any attention to his condition, or perhaps they simply didn't have the luxury of doing so.

The battlefield was filled with cries of battle, but in truth, the fight between the demons and the elves had become heavily one-sided. Apart from Frieren and Millie, the elves were struggling, and the air was filled with not only roars but also the screams of the dying.

The elves had no spare strength to check on Ash, and Bazalt was too preoccupied to care. With swift, determined steps, he charged toward the stone house, his sword raised high, and swung it down in front of the building.

The already dilapidated stone house crumbled further, losing an entire wall as it collapsed under the force of the blow.

As smoke and dust filled the air, obscuring his vision, Bazalt continued to swing his sword wildly, slashing through the haze in an attempt to kill his hidden opponent.

But before he could deliver another blow, the dust and debris in the air suddenly froze, suspended by an unseen force. The particles hovered momentarily before—


A powerful shockwave sent the sand and gravel flying like shotgun pellets, catching Bazalt off guard. The debris pelted his armor with a relentless crackle, though it didn't penetrate the thick plating. However, a small hole was punched into his mask.

"You're just being clever!" Bazalt growled in pain, unable to open his eyes for a moment. Out of caution, he refrained from moving, instead waving his sword wildly in all directions, forcing Ash to keep his distance.

But Ash had no intention of getting close. He hurled his saber into the sky, and purple lightning began crackling in his palm. Slamming his hand into the ground, he sent the lightning coursing forward like a serpent, racing toward Bazalt.

As the purple electricity surged across the ground, it left deep scorch marks and cracks in its wake, and in moments, it coiled around Bazalt.

Maximum gravity was applied at that instant.

The earth groaned beneath the weight, and the ground within a three-meter radius sank as if buckling under the immense pressure. Bazalt, already weakened from his leg injuries, was unable to resist the concentrated gravity. He was forced to one knee, blood spurting from his feet.

The moment his knee hit the ground, the immense weight of his body and armor, combined with the abnormal gravity, caused the ground beneath him to collapse further. The earth couldn't support him, and it gave way, sinking over a meter deep.

Bazalt now found himself in a dire situation. His body was battered, gravity continued to crush him, and his feet were trapped in the compacted earth. He struggled to stand, but his legs were firmly wedged in the ground. He could only fight to keep himself from falling completely.


T/N: Bring forth unto me the power stones, be they cursed or blessed. For with Them Shall I rise in rankings.