
Friendship with chemists is not good

It is said that magic is possible without a wand. It is said that transformations can happen in ordinary life. Harry Potter had a chance to see this for himself before he came to Hogwarts, and then... Then the rest of the magical world had the same opportunity. Voldemort in awe! Avada Kedavra is obsolete! Harry Potter has other options now! Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Cberx222

Charlottess · Book&Literature
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19 Chs


Harry's eleventh birthday was marked by a letter to his address.

H. To Potter

4 Fence Lane.

Little room.

Little Winging, Surrey County

Harry took the letter, opened it under the gaze of the Dursleys and read the following.

Hogwarts School.

Witchcraft and Wizardry


(Knight Commander of the Order of Merlin First Class, Grand Wizard, Supreme Wizard, Almighty Wizard, member of the International Wizard Association)

Dear Mr. Potter:

We are honoured to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We also enclose a list of textbooks and other necessary supplies.

The beginning of the school year is September 1st. We await your return owl by July 31st.

With all due respect.

Minerva McGonagall,

Head of Studies.

The envelope contained two pieces of paper - attached to the letter with a list of items needed to study.

Hogwarts School.

Witchcraft and Wizardry.

School Uniform

First graders will need the following:

1. Three plain working robes (black)

2. A plain peaked hat (black), one for each day.

3. Protective gloves (dragon skin or similar) - one pair

4. Winter coat (black, silver buckles) - one

Please add name tags on all the articles of clothing.


All pupils should have one copy of each of the following books:

Miranda Krechet, Manual of Ordinary Enchantments (first year)

Bathilde Bagshot, History of Magic

Adalbert Waffling, A Theory of Witchcraft

Emerich Perekid, Transfiguration for Beginners

Phyllida Spora, A Thousand Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms

Arsenii Stopka, Sorcerer's Infusions and Potions

Triton Salamander, Uncommon Creatures and Where to Find Them

Quentin Trimble, Black Powers: a guide to Self-defence

Other equipment:

Magic Wand - One

Cauldron (pewter, size two) - one

Crystal phials (may be replaced with glass ones) - one set

Telescope - one

Copper Scale - one

You can also bring an owl, a cat, OR a toad.

Parents are reminded that freshmen are not allowed to bring their own brooms.

Harry read in utter shock, then handed the letter to Vernon, who turned pale, and crimson and finally broke all the Petunia rules by cursing three stories with a loft. He was still a long way from Dudley, though.

- What's that? - Harry inquired.

Vernon swore again, threw the letter on the table, and staggered toward the exit.

Harry glanced at his aunt. She shook her head.

- Harry, Dudley to school. We'll talk tonight.

The boys didn't argue. Harry slipped the letter into his backpack - and rushed after his uncle. He didn't want to walk all the way to school on his own. And he could talk to Liz before class!


Liz read the letter with equal attention.

- Harry, are you sure this isn't a prank?

- I don't know.

- The name's idiotic. Albus Dumbledore! It's like saying Albus Dumbledore! Or Dumbledog! Double-Dog? The headmaster is two bulldogs?

Harry snorted.

- Liz, what's with the owl waiting to be answered? How did I get an owl?

- I don't know. Are you sure you're a wizard?

- Until this day, I only knew about the chemist.

- And the list of items... what kind of donkey uses cauldrons these days? They burn, they stick, they oxidize, don't they? There are standard chemical utensils! Crystal phials?

- Instead of dishes with friction corks? It doesn't work! - Harry wrinkled his nose.

- It's medieval. And the books are weird. I'll have a look in the library, but...

- In the children's section. Fairy tales.

Needless to say, Harry didn't go there anymore. The only books he'd borrowed lately were chemistry books. At most, other school subjects.

- What did your family say about these fairy tales?

Harry wondered.

- My uncle used to swear. And his aunt was... shocked?

- Your aunt?

- That's right... she said we'd talk tonight.

- So you need to sit down tonight and ask her seriously. Either it's not the first joke, or...

- But it's not true, is it?

- You know, I hardly believe in magic, but the basic principle of science...

- Anything can be until proven otherwise," Harry finished.

- Exactly. So ask, and don't let them try not to answer.


At home, Harry did just that. He walked up to his aunt and held out the letter.

- You promised.

Petunia grimaced, but...

- 'Dudley, go upstairs.

- But Mum," whimpered the fat man, realizing something interesting was about to pass by.

- Go on. Upstairs. Now!

Hearing that tone, even Uncle Vernon disappeared upstairs. He might get in trouble, too. And Petunia looked at Harry.

- It has to do with your parents.

- But they're...

- Yes, we told you they died in a car crash. But...

Harry didn't interrupt. Patience is a necessity for a chemist. Listening to your aunt isn't like getting nitroglycerine.

- My sister," Petunia finally ventured, "was... strange. Very strange. Almost mad.

The hour couldn't get any easier.

- My parents were happy to have a witch in the family. She had... strange powers. We were close as children, but then she got the same letter. And she went away.

- Where did she go?

- Over there. To Hogwarts. When she came back, she was very different. She read strange books, wore weird clothes, waved her wand, and made friends with the trash. Her parents just treated her like a chicken egg. Then she met Potter. And then they died.

Very informative. Almost like retelling the Bible in short, "That's where Christ died."

- А... the letter?

- The letter... you inherited it from her. I'm sure I did.

- So," Harry, accustomed to thinking logically, began to put two and two together. - Are you saying my mother and father weren't alcoholics and didn't die drunk? They were magicians.

Petunia lowered her eyes.

- You're as crazy as they are.

- It runs in the family," Harry snapped back. - 'Pray Dudlick doesn't have one of those.

Petunia went pale, and the boy went on.

- You can tell me all about my mother later. The truth.

- Isn't that too much to ask!?

- Auntie, why didn't you put me in an orphanage?

That simple question made Petunia falter. She covered her face with her hands. Then she spoke, muffled and cold.

- When James and Lily died, you were taken by those... strange ones. Crazy people. But somehow, it turned out you couldn't live with them. Either you didn't have any family there or something else... in short, you were dumped with us.

- That's great. You shouldn't have gone to an orphanage; they feed you regularly.

- Ungrateful boy! - Petunia burst into tears. She was still in her head but didn't swear too hard; she remembered the clean-up days when the Dursleys were potty-mouthed.

- He was memorable," Harry retorted. - I remember the closet under the stairs. And I'll be forever grateful for my old clothes.

- Thank you for taking care of it. We're a typical family, and these loonies...

- Where do we find them?

- What do you mean?

- It says to buy them. Where? Not at Harrods, is it?

- If you think I'm gonna give you money...

- I'll make do. I've got my own.

- From where? What are you...

- It's none of your business.

Petunia would have gladly slapped her nephew. She was deterred by the simple consideration that the boy would complain and a nightmare of child protection commissions would ensue. No way. Better to send him to Hogwarts...

The name brought back a name and an address she was anxious to forget...

- I know someone who can help you.