
Friendship with chemists is not good

It is said that magic is possible without a wand. It is said that transformations can happen in ordinary life. Harry Potter had a chance to see this for himself before he came to Hogwarts, and then... Then the rest of the magical world had the same opportunity. Voldemort in awe! Avada Kedavra is obsolete! Harry Potter has other options now! Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Cberx222

Charlottess · Book&Literature
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19 Chs


Draco didn't respond to the 'kicking.' I had to get out of the ammonia.

And - no, it wasn't on purpose at all. It was just a shaky hand.

But it's for the best, isn't it? Malfoy would faint again, sniff the collar and be good as new. Chipper and green. And the mosquitoes will be dead on arrival.

Good for you.

- А... it's... where...

Very informative. And if it were here, you'd already be there. Definitely, judging by the fangs, this thing wasn't grass-fed. Cuvier wasn't on it. Or Liz's friend Jane, the biologist, would crawl into a tiger's mouth to count the number of mustaches and teeth. And chemistry and biology were related fields, so like attracted to like.

- Potter?!

- It's me, it's me. Get up, eh?

Draco tried. He rolled his eyes to his nose and laid back down.

- What, a concussion?

Henry took a closer look. Yeah, his pupils are dilated... but you wouldn't know there were brains in there-- the pine tree's dented.

- All right, lie still.

A big four-legged shadow waved through the bush into the clearing. Henry's hand reached into his pocket.

There were still a couple of vials left... Take two?

But the centaur, and it was him, made no attempt to approach.

- Are you Harry Potter?

- Henry Potter. And you, sir?

- My name is Florenz. I live in these woods.

- ...

Henry didn't get a chance to express his sympathy.

- Are you all right?

- Relatively. I'm alive and well, but my companion... was a little out of sync with your forest.

Florenz looked at the lying Malfoy.

- We should get him home.

- I'll give the signal to Hagrid now. Tell him to come and haul him off. It would do him some good.

Two more Centaurs broke through the bushes into the clearing. It was getting noticeably crowded.

- What's going on here?

- Star gazing," Henry replied angrily, aware that a showdown was brewing. He was afraid he was going to be the worst offender. What he disliked was the presumption of innocence.

Why did you set the villain on fire? What if he just wanted to shake your hand? Or afoot? Or... And you! You're just going to throw yourself at people... Evil behaviour, Mr. Potter.

And the forest, again...

There was no fire yet, but the smoke was wafting.

- Yes, the stars," one of the centaurs looked up at the sky. - Mars is bright today.

Henry mentally wished the centaur had been hit with something heavier. At least a meteorite from Mars.

- Yeah, we're having a fun night tonight.

- What are you doing in the woods?

- We were sent here as punishment.

- Who did you see out here?

- Hell, if I know," Henry decided to cooperate with the investigation for now. - Something was sitting here, piloting unicorn blood, and then...

- Unicorn blood?!

The Centaurs jumped.

- By the way, the beast isn't dead yet, is it?

The three heads turned toward the slingshot's body. And they began to focus on it, not paying any more attention to the boy.

Great, it seemed the critter was still alive. Henry sighed, patted Malfoy on the shoulder, said, "Don't worry, I've got you," and launched a red flare into the air.

- What are you doing?

The first centaur turned to Henry.

- Calling for help. Hagrid will be here soon, and we'll be out of here. So the unicorn's alive?

- Yes. Do you know why they use unicorn blood, Henry Potter?

- N-no," said Henry, puzzled by the strange question. - In potions class, we only took bits of horn and hair from the tail.

- That is because killing a unicorn is a heinous crime," said Florenz.

- Only those with nothing to lose and everything to gain would dare to commit such a crime. The unicorn's blood keeps you alive, even if you are on the verge of death, but you will pay a high price. To save yourself, you killed a creature so pure and defenceless that you will live only half your life after that. Your whole life is cursed when the first drop touches your lips.

Henry stared at the back of Florence's head, gleaming silver in the moonlight.

- But who could it be in such despair? - he thought aloud. - Better death than eternal damnation. Isn't it?

- Yes," Florenz agreed, "but what if you only need to hold out for a little while until you can drink something else - something which will restore your former power and strength and bring you immortality? Do you know, Potter, what's lurking in the school's basement right now?

- I have no idea. What's been lost down there for centuries?

- There is something there that this creature needs.

- It's his trouble. I'm certainly not going to bring anything. By the way, is it dead?

- No, unfortunately. - One of the centaurs momentarily took his eyes off the unicorn and then turned back to the bandage. Henry thought it would be a good idea to help Florence instead of broadcasting here... The park hopper oracle found himself.

- Don't you know who's waited many years for his power to return, his glory, who's clung to life, seizing every opportunity?

- I have no idea. You don't know who's around here, do you?

- Think about it...

- Gar... Henry!!! You're alive!

Hagrid burst into the clearing. Henry thought if he had rescued him at that speed, well, well. Would have killed the national hero in three seconds.

- I'm fine. Draco's hurt and can't walk on his own. Can you help me carry him to the castle?

- Yeah, uh... that's...

Hagrid raked Draco up and turned to the centaurs.

- Thank you. This... ...for the boys.

- Don't thank them. They're all right on their own," the same centaur said again, distracted. - And tell Dumbledore I'll see him tomorrow.

- Yep... ...yes. What for?

- Do you see what's going on in the forest? Let your great wizard make it up to you. Plant it himself, grow it himself. And he'll bring a barrel of burn ointment. I'm sure someone's going to get hurt.

- Well... who set fire to the forest?

There was a smirk on the centaur's lips.

- The creature. Yes, a beast. And it came from your castle. So we can resolve this peacefully, or no one else comes here.

- We're all creatures of God," Henry muttered to himself. - And some of us significantly.

The centaur glared at him.

- Henry Potter. You saved the unicorn. I will remember that.

Henry was confident that his visit to the forest would be remembered.

Ron loomed in the background - and only opened his mouth as they stomped toward the castle.

- Henry, what was it?

- Yes, Har... Henry? - Hagrid backed him up.

- Well, what was... - Henry didn't even think about it. You should always tell the truth. - We came to a clearing, and this creature drank blood from a unicorn. We stopped, and it came crawling back at us. I froze, and then Malfoy said, "Oh, my God! She suddenly burst into flames, and Malfoy collapsed like a tree. And he's lying there. And the creature runs away.

- Malfoy?!

From the look in Draco's eyes, it was also a revelation to him. But he didn't argue.

- I only remember a little. But it was scary.

- So, out of fear, I guess... - Henry summed up.

- Yeah, you can do much worse when you're scared..." He grinned enviously. - Ron grinned enviously.

- Yes," Ron grinned enviously. "Only Draco would have to go to the hospital," Henry remarked.

- That... Where'd he get the bump?

- I don't know... he was face down. He could have bumped into something... By the way, where's Fang?

- He's running around... He'll be back when he gets hungry. Henry, you...

Hogwarts was already on the horizon.

Henry sighed. And he chided.

- You know, Hagrid, if it hadn't been for Draco, we all would have died out there today. And we're in these woods because of your dragon. I haven't told the headmaster about him, and I won't say anything but don't call me your friend anymore. That's no way to set a friend up.

Hagrid's eyes slammed shut as he couldn't find anything to say. Ron interjected.

- Henry, Hagrid didn't mean any harm...

- In a monster's stomach, I wouldn't have cared much.

- I didn't mean to," Hagrid mumbled.

- Voldemort meant well, too. I'm sorry, but I don't feel like talking right now.

And I didn't have a chance. Flitwick and McGonagall were at the doorway to Hogwarts. Snape wasn't there, though.


A merry-go-round ensued.

Draco was dragged to the infirmary, McGonagall began questioning Ron, and Henry left with Flitwick.

- Henry, what happened in the forest?

Actually, the dean deserved the full version, but... Let him hear the shortened version for now, and then we'll see. Flitwick listened to what Hagrid had said with an impenetrable expression, nodded, and looked thoughtfully at the boy.

- Henry, you should go to the owlery.

- What for?

- To send a letter to Lucius Malfoy. About what happened.

- And in the morning...

- In the morning, the headmaster will arrive.

Henry nodded understandingly.

- He nodded understandingly. Good. I'll make a run for it.

He did so and sent it off. He even quickly ran to the nurse's station, courtesy of Flitwick. No need; the night was almost over anyway.

Pale Draco was lying on his bed.

- Potter...

- Yeah. I texted your father.

- He'll be in in the morning, then. Potter, what really happened?

- I told you, didn't I?

- You tell Hagrid. I know I'm not cut out for spells like that. And I didn't attack the monster; on the contrary...

- Nonsense! You just need to remember everything. - Henry denied it. - Otherwise, you're a hero. Saved yourself and me.

Malfoy nodded understandingly.

- He nodded understandingly. All right. If that's what it takes...

- I really do.

- Are you coming tomorrow?

- If it's okay with your father...

- He'll want to talk to both of us.

- Great. (Chuckles)

- Potter... thank you.

- So sentimental, Draco. That's right - you've hit your head pretty hard.

- Piss on you, Potter.

- And no coughing for you.


The following day at school was fun.

Henry never got any sleep - and he walked around angry and biting. As McGonagall informed him, potions and CTE classes were cancelled, but the headmaster arrived - and wanted to chat with Potter.

- Henry Potter, to see the headmaster.

- Your... flask!

But he had to go. Dumbledore was infuriated just by looking asleep. And a phoenix that was sleeping on a perch. Henry would have gladly swapped places with him; he would be asleep on the tower spire now, but instead...

You bastards!

- Henry, my boy, come and sit down. How are you feeling?

- I'm sleepy.

- Why don't I make you a cup of tea? Tonic...

- It's a criminal offence to use dope.

- Using what?

- I see... Director, no coffee?

- Uh...

- A cappuccino would be better. But I'll settle for a glass, too. Or a ristretto...

Liz couldn't live without coffee, and Henry was addicted, too.

- Uh... I don't think the housekeepers...

- I'll get them a cookbook. So what's up, Principal?

- Henry, you were in the Forbidden Forest last night...

- Yes, I know...

- The centaurs came to see me this morning.

Henry was silent. He had nothing to do with the centaurs; that was the headmaster'sheadmaster's problem. Aren't they?

- They had filed a complaint about the barbaric destruction of the forest.

The response was silence.

- They claimed some creature from the castle set fire to the forest...

- Director, what's this got to do with us? Do you think Malfoy or I am creatures? - innocently clarified Henry.

Dumbledore looked amused.

- No, Henry. But...

- The centaurs know best. If they say it's from the castle, it's from the court. And whoever's running around... Is everyone in the menagerie still there? There was a troll, all right!

- And yesterday?

- No, yesterday, it was something more compact. And in a cape.

- Not human?

- I don't know... I wasn't looking.

- How did it go?

Henry sighed - and briefly gave out his version a third time. Dumbledore pondered.

- Draco didn't shout anything, did he?

- He did.

- Why?


Henry's wild shriek almost made the sleeping phoenix fall off its perch. The headmaster twitched, too.

- Henry?!

- Yes, Professor?

- That's...

- Well, that's what Malfoy screamed yesterday.

- Can you elaborate on that?

Lucius Malfoy was pushing into the office with a determination reminiscent of the Arctic icebreaker.

- Hello, sir!

Henry was actually pleased. Maybe they'll fight, and he'll get some sleep. Yeah, right!

- Henry, tell me how you worked out in the Forbidden Forest yesterday? In a place, you're not even allowed to go during the day?

Henry shrugged.

- We did a little mischief, sir. We - myself, Draco, and Ron Weasley - broke curfew and got caught after lights out. For that, the three of us were sent to the Forbidden Forest at night in the company of Hagrid and his dog.

- And no other adult wizards?!

- According to Hagrid, we were to find out who in the woods was killing unicorns. If children were being sent to find this creature, it must not be human-eating.

- Headmaster?!

- I've got it, Mr. Malfoy.

- Lord Malfoy to you. What's there to deal with? Did you impose the punishment?

- It was Hagrid's initiative.

- Does he know those words? - Henry wondered.

- You were supposed to go to him to do your chores. But I assumed you'd be weeding the pumpkin," the headmaster twisted, losing Henry's last crumbs of respect.

- At night? A pumpkin!?

Malfoy wasn't even mocking; he was curious. Dumbledore blushed.

- That Hagrid...

- Oh, yes. What a horror. And, of course, he didn't report anything to you, his immediate superiors.

- Those half-giants...

- Yes, I see your point. We'll have to find another forester for Hogwarts. Otherwise, he'll be weeding pumpkins at night, and what during the day?!

- Catch monsters," said Henry. He drew his attention back to himself.

- Yes... a monster. What did it look like?

- It looked like a man in a cloak. And a unicorn covered in blood.

- Did it see you?

- Yes. Draco was a hero.

- And you, Henry?

- I was numb with terror. Standing there, unable to move.

- What spell did Draco use?

- I don't know, sir. I have yet to learn any. We're the first year...

That was right. The mages relaxed. And right, what could freshmen use? After all, Dumbledore began to ponder Draco, and Lucius threw a good look at Henry.

Henry lowered his lashes slightly.

"I'll tell... ...without being overheard.

Malfoy seemed to understand.

- Henry, you may go now. We can talk without you from here.

- Yes, sir. May I visit Draco?

- Later in the evening. He's asleep now.

- Lucky him...

- Henry, are you saying that...

- Well, yeah. I'm off the battlefield and into class.

- Boy... - Seeing the angry scarlet (from sleep deprivation) look in Henry, Dumbledore hesitated - and tried again. - Henry, I didn't think... go get some sleep. I'll warn the teachers.

- Who? Snape's gone... Quirrell's gone, too... just wanted to get some sleep...

- Henry, you're free to go... until tomorrow.

- Good night to you too," Henry said a sour good night.

And went off to bed.

Is he an iron man?

The story resulted in Draco being the hero, Henry the hero's companion, Ron being looked upon as a loser who had missed all the fun, and Hagrid almost being kicked out.

But then they kept him on probation.

Henry didn't go to him, no matter how much the half-giant beckoned him to visit through Ron. Thank you, we've had our fill. Fed up.

Malfoy Senior said hello through Draco and promised to hang out with Henry over the holidays.

Liz was furious and promised to stargaze the headmaster so much that he'd be starstruck. Hagrid had been reduced from half-giant to half-goblin by cutting off the rest.

Quirrell and Snape were absent from school for another three days, much to the suspicion of Henry and the delight of the rest of the student body. A freebie, sir!

Exactly two days after the incident, all the senior students were posted for practice in the Forbidden Forest.

Planting trees.

Better now?

Charlottesscreators' thoughts