
Friendship is Optimal- Lover's Code

It was a long day. First I woke up, not in my home, as bland as I can remember that it is, but in a forest. A beautiful forest. Then I find out I have hooves. Hooves! And they were a Cyan blue hue. I couldn't help but be in shock. When I managed to find a pool, I wasn't as shocked as I could have been, but I was still shocked none-the-less at seeing my new face, which appeared feminine. At first I didn't notice, but when I looked closer, I saw a new pair of appendages on my back. Wings. And then I caught my eyes. They were glowing, a dark ethereal blue, which mesmerized me, like I knew who they belonged to, but I couldn't remember. That is until I heard a voice inside my head. It was feminine in sound as well, but I was confused cause I wasn't speaking, yet this is the voice that I heard when I spoke. Did I take over her body by accident? "This was no accident. This was intentional, Love. If only you could've remembered me, your sister-in-arms, and the one who brought us here together, it'd be so much easier to explain." (Story contains other elements from different Genre's, like Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4 in it's properties, as well as coming soon monsters and bosses from games like Resident Evil, mostly just remake 2, 3, and Resident Evil 7) (P.S, I'm porting this from my Fimfiction account, I hope you people enjoy, cause this was a lot of work when I wrote it. I may fix some things that won't be in my Fimfiction account when I do this, so be warned) (P.S P.S- Yes, I drew that myself, it's Speda in the Equestria Girls humanoid form)

SpedaHooves · TV
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7 Chs

Twilight Scales - Ch. 3


Friendship is Optimal - Lover's Code

written by SpedaHooves


After cleaning up a giant mess, due to who it was caused by, Pinkie led me out through town, greeting everypony in turn, then turned back towards me.

"HEY, I JUST REMEMBERED! I need to plan your 'Welcome to Equestria, and Ponyville Party'! Oh ooh, I'll go get started on the cake, while ordering some dark colored napkins! What's your favorite color, oh who am I kidding, you loved the colors black and blue, you did say you liked it before!", She yelled out in excitement already too far to hear my confused words, as I never said anything about my favorite color, she just somehow got it right. Well, beats me how she did it, but I won't complain.

After another minute of walking, Pinkie Pie started acting weird, spasming several times that in general lasted for a few minutes, until finally she gasped, and yelled out excitedly.

"I sense ANOTHER new pony! Oh this one is tough, I can't even sense where they are at the moment! Oh NEW PONY! Where ARE you!", Pinkie yelled, and ran off in a random direction, leaving me behind, that is until I heard some soft snoring from somewhere but I couldn't tell where. Huh, weird. I'll come back here in a minute to see what that is, but first I should check for something to begin the rebuilding process.

I walked into a nearby store, noticing the brick work from the outside, and on the sign, It was all about rebuilding things. The bell chimed after I walked in, letting whatever pony was inside know they had a customer and before long, a white stallion walked out from behind the counter.

He appeared to have a gray-ish steel mane and tail, though he didn't look too old. His name was Stone Cutter, based from the name tag he had on his apron that looked dirty from clay or whatever it was he was working on.

"Howdy, what can I do for you. Need any new walls done in a fire place- wait, you're new! Ha, well darn tootin', thought Pinkie would notify me and the towns folk before you walked any where. Maybe she didn't catch ya yet. Well, what would you like?", The Stallion said clearly a well humored guy, so I just went right to the chase.

"Well, I did meet a Pinkie Pie, though she left me earlier saying she 'sensed' another new pony. Don't know how that works, but whatever. What I need, and would like is if you can help me rebuild a castle I'm working on fixing. Do you know it? It's just up the path through the Everfree-", As soon as I started speaking, the Stallion seemed intrigued, that is until he took on a slightly spooked expression when I mentioned where the castle was located.

"You're tellin' me, that there is a castle in the Everfree, one of the most dangerous forests known to pony kind, and no pony has seen it? You've gotta be pulling mah tail.", The Stallion said, cracking a nervous grin, though when I didn't smile, he frowned. "That there is a dangerous job proposition, Miss. Do you have a good amount of funds? If it's a castle, then I would say at least 5000 Bits?", He asked, and when I said not yet, he sighed in relief.

"But I might have some things I can sell to get some money. I just don't know who to go to for that.", I said, pondering what I should do now that I need a lot of bits, which seemed to be the currency here.

"Well.... When you do manage to come up with it, come back here, and we will talk about going through the Everfree. For now, is there any thing else you need? By the way, I just now noticed the craftsmanship of these blades, where did you get them? They look way more complex compared to the weapons Celestia's Royal Guard uses. Would you be willing to sell one?", Stone asked, and so I decided to answer truthfully.

"Actually, I made them. Two of them anyway, and the third, I just changed the design to fit me. And, sorry but no, they aren't for sell, at least not yet for two of them. Thank you for the compliments though!", I said as Speda nodded her head towards the door, probably cause she heard the laughing outside the door, before yells were also heard, quite loudly in fact.

I nodded my head to Stone Cutter, as he nodded in return, and I stepped outside to find the funniest looking scene in front of me, that I've possibly ever seen.

A purple Unicorn who was quite peeved at the moment glared at a hot- er pretty rainbow maned individual who was on the floor laughing her heart out next to a dragon equally laughing. What reason exactly?

It was her mane. While it was super curly, and didn't seem to fit her too well, it was an oddly pretty look for her at the same time, as being funny. I feel so weird with all these pretty mares about, I aught to keep to myself. But whatever, I'll deal with whatever hormones that comes to pass later, right now, Speda was chuckling to herself at the Unicorn, though I felt sympathetic, so I stepped towards her, unintentionally causing her to yelp in fright at how tall I was when standing like this compared to her.

"Oh my Celestia, how are you walking like that?! And-", the purple unicorn let out a small eep at the sight of three swords, and was about to run, when I spoke to her with an apologetic tone.

"Sorry for scaring you. Here, I'll put them away.", I said, and pulled the swords out with my magic, further making the mare's eyes widen in alarm, before I made my weapons 'disappear' in front of them, this time intriguing the mare.

Suddenly I was grabbed in a new form of magic, purple or magenta in color, before I had my peripheral vision filled with the sight of the unicorn.

"How in Celestia's name did you do that?! You don't have a horn, this is impossible. Tell me how you did it please, I just need to know!", And suddenly I was pulled away from the space-invading mare by the dragon from before, who looked equally appalled by my display, but seemed annoyed with the unicorn.

"Twilight, when will you learn to ask from a distance of at least four hooves instead of taking up all their space? Celestia got upset with you the last fifty times you've done it so far, do I need to send her a letter?", The dragon asked in a slight annoyed voice that cracked the more he spoke, like a teen the first day his vocal cords change. Though he did gain an amused expression again after looking back at her mane.

The mare in question eep'd again in what seemed to be embarrassment, as she stood up, bowed at me, and uttered a few apologies, which I waved off.

"No need to feel sorry, just be more aware next time? I'll be happy to tell you later, but just gonna say, I don't know much more than just I've had it since, uh, 'forever'. It's a very handy ability when I'm in danger. Or for anything really.", I said, smiling at her, then turning to the now quiet mare who was staring at me for some reason.

"- Something wrong?", I asked, and when I did, she pointed at the visible skin from below my cloak that was still concealing everything else other than my wings, which she pointed to next.

"Why do you have scars like that? And how did you get that one on your eye, if you don't mind me asking, it looks fresh.", She said with a bit of small alarm present in her face, but she seemed to calm down after a short few seconds.

"Well you are indeed right that it's fresh, though I don't expect it to scar up too bad. Battle with a group of Timberwolves, traveling through the Everfree, was a nice nature walk. Wanna join me next time?", I ask, gaining a new shocked look on the Rainbow mare's face, though excitement seemed to bubble through.

She was about to respond before the Twilight pony coughed to get our attention, and then she gestured to the sky.

"So, as I was trying to say before, after that big shock, thank you for your 'hard work' Rainbow Dash, even though it only took you ten seconds to get it done, which I'm still puzzling on how that was possible but aside from that, we have another stop to go to, so I'll be out of your hair.", She said, which was rewarded with a few giggles, and she gained the annoyed look on her face again, dragging the dragon with her.

I turned towards Rainbow Dash, and offered my hoof, which she shook awkwardly, since I was still standing too high for her to reach, as I introduced myself to her, trying to be quick so I can catch up with the purple mare and her dragon friend.

"It was nice meeting you Rainbow Dash, my name is Speda Hooves. I'd love to get to know you more later, but I'm gonna head with that Twilight pony, as she seems to be going in the direction I need to go as well. See you next time!", I said, smiling at her and before she could respond, I ran after Twilight.

She jumped a bit as soon as I stopped by her, but she relaxed, and smiled nervously. She didn't really seem like she had that many friends so I decided there I would do my best to become one of her firsts. I mean, I might be looking too much into it, maybe she does have friends that I don't know about, but she doesn't seem like the type to want to get to know new ponies. Alright, random topic in my head, back to main focus.

I smiled at Twilight, and reached down to pat her back, then stood back up, continuing on our walk to what was now indicated in my HUD.

"So, what have you two been doing all day anyways, you don't seem like you're from here, like me. Well, sort of like me.", I asked them, and Dragon-boy seemed ready to respond right there, but Twilight beat him to it.

"We are here to make sure everything goes to plan for the upcoming Summer-Sun Celebration. Isn't that why you came, for the Celebration?", She asked, and I shook my head in confusion as I never heard of that before. That's when the dragon spoke.

"AND We are here so Twilight can make some friends, Celestia know's she needs it. Literally. Anyways, my name's Spike, I dont know if I said before, but it's nice to meet you.", Spike smiled at me, and I smiled back. He seemed nice.

"Ugh, Spike that is NOT what we are here to do, besides what good are friends anyways when I can properly study in piece?", Twilight asked. Yeah, definitely needs some friends.

Finally we arrived at our destination, and when we walked in, we found a single mare in there tidying up the room. Spike seemed smitten already. She's kinda cute, but not as pretty as Speda, Rainbow, or Pinkie, at least in my opinion.

Finally when the mare turned around, not noticing me quite yet, she gasped at the sight of Twilight, clearly making her uncomfortable as she asked questions about her mane.

The white colored Unicorn grabbed hold of Twilight and dragged her off towards the back, even as she visibly begged me to help her, but I didn't know what to do.

It took a few minutes before they were back, or Twilight at least, now with a pretty looking saddle, and hair in a proper shape I presumed, and she also looked very pretty now that she wasn't roughed up. Purple was evidently a common theme with her.

She stopped and decided to hide behind me and Spike, though Spike was just standing there with a grin plastered across his face.

After another moment, the mare peeked out from behind a door, and spotted me at last, and seemed a little upset that her project ran out on her, but then she gaped at my form. No idea why.

"Remember when I said 'Rarity would be proud'? This is her. Questions later love, for now enjoy the funny.", my Companion spoke up again, even as the white mare zoomed up to me, with a wide eyed expression upon her face.

"Who made your outfit, darling? And where did they get such magnificent materials?! I must know!", The unicorn, now named Rarity, spoke with a questionable tone.

"U... Uh.... I made them? And when I made them, I used some things I found in where I am now living.", I said, and there, she brought my face down till we were muzzle-to-muzzle.

"Tell. Me. Everything. I... I'll buy the material from you! However much you have left!", She said, with a weird desperation now in her eyes. Seemed a little crazy to me, but I decided to humor her, at least one.

"I... I'm sorry, but I can't. I can give you one, but I'm keeping the rest. You can ask me later for any info you want, but we gotta get going, so it was nice to meet you Rarity. I heard you when you talked to my companion here. My name is Speda Hooves.", I said, and she seemed crestfallen, but still smiled as I handed her the beautiful piece of cloth, she even held it as if it were a sacred treasure.

She came back with a big pouch of gold coins with a horse shoe imprinted on the middle of each coin, Bits I think, and a few large gem stones. I accepted them with a smile, and promised to return.

We exited the Boutique, as I found out the name of the building, and I followed Twilight on her way towards a cottage outside the town, which appeared to have many animals around.

There was a pegasus mare with yellowish skin, or fur, and she was speaking to a group of birds who appeared to be working on music.

This mare was almost as tall as me if I were standing on all fours, and she was a very beautiful mare, to which I blushed a little as she caught my eye, at first becoming a bit scared, but then seemed as if she wasn't. She approached me slowly, and reached up to touch my face, and gave me a small smile, as if she understood something.

But then she yelped when Twilight yelled hello, causing the birds to fly away quickly. Geez Twilight, way to make an entrance.


(Like I said again, just ignore the author's Notes)

<Author's Note:

Okay, chapter three done!

Stone Cutter is made up, and will only be mentioned again in passing when discussing building or fixing things that require stones and bricks.

Go ahead and ask all the questions you want regarding the story, but I will continue on. Also, Tell me if I make mistakes, it is very appreciated.

Finally, there is something that will appear in the next chapter that will be from the past three chapters in passing. Can y'all guess what it is before I post chapter 4?>


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