
Friendship is Optimal- Lover's Code

It was a long day. First I woke up, not in my home, as bland as I can remember that it is, but in a forest. A beautiful forest. Then I find out I have hooves. Hooves! And they were a Cyan blue hue. I couldn't help but be in shock. When I managed to find a pool, I wasn't as shocked as I could have been, but I was still shocked none-the-less at seeing my new face, which appeared feminine. At first I didn't notice, but when I looked closer, I saw a new pair of appendages on my back. Wings. And then I caught my eyes. They were glowing, a dark ethereal blue, which mesmerized me, like I knew who they belonged to, but I couldn't remember. That is until I heard a voice inside my head. It was feminine in sound as well, but I was confused cause I wasn't speaking, yet this is the voice that I heard when I spoke. Did I take over her body by accident? "This was no accident. This was intentional, Love. If only you could've remembered me, your sister-in-arms, and the one who brought us here together, it'd be so much easier to explain." (Story contains other elements from different Genre's, like Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4 in it's properties, as well as coming soon monsters and bosses from games like Resident Evil, mostly just remake 2, 3, and Resident Evil 7) (P.S, I'm porting this from my Fimfiction account, I hope you people enjoy, cause this was a lot of work when I wrote it. I may fix some things that won't be in my Fimfiction account when I do this, so be warned) (P.S P.S- Yes, I drew that myself, it's Speda in the Equestria Girls humanoid form)

SpedaHooves · TV
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A Choice to be Made - Ch. 5


Friendship is Optimal - Lover's Code

written by SpedaHooves


When we got to the library, Twilight instantly went to go search for a book, but couldn't find it until Pinkie popped up with it.

"How did you find that?!", Twilight asked as she snatched it away from her, already opening it up and scrolling through the pages.

"It was under Eeeeeee!!!!", The Pink pony yelled with a smile, bouncing along the floor towards the others. I chuckled a bit, but focused, knowing that we had a herculean task ahead of us, with a reluctant princess, which two spirits within desperately needed our help. Or at least mine and Speda's help, regarding Nightmare Moon, cause I had a hunch that those 'Elements of Harmony' would kill her if they decided she was evil in heart.

Even if she was for a time, people change. I believe that's true for ponies too, or whatever creature there is out there.

So, steeling up my resolve, I went to walk out of the library, but was stopped as Applejack grabbed hold of my waist, halting my progress to the door. I looked at her, as she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Now where in the Hay do ya think you're going, off alone?", She asked, and I felt a guilty pang in my chest, as I made up an excuse.

"I'm going home. Need to get that book.", I said, and I began sweating, when she glared at me. I sighed, hanging my head. "I'm going to go and try to talk to the Princesses. Try and convince them that they aren't alone. Cause I just have a feeling that if you really found those Elements of Harmony and used them on them both, you would inadvertantly kill Nightmoon. And I can't accept that.", I said, and ran before she could grab hold of me again, not caring about the cries of protest or the sounds of gasps coming from behind me, but before I got too far, Applebloom was on my tail, running ahead of me, and then stopped in my way.

"Ah heard what you said before, but Ah'm not lettin' ya go alone! If you are really sure about what ya feel, then Ah jus' gotta help ya, cause Ah don't want mah Sister to become a killer. Ah know that's not a really good reason to go with ya, but this 'Nightmoon' pony, as you have nicknamed her, scared me a bit at first. But the way you handled it, made me think. Do you know what she's been going through, like, have you gone through-", I interrupted her there, and flashed a bit of a smile.

"Something like that? Yes, sort of. Can you keep a secret, Applebloom? I'll tell them sometime in the future, but for now, I need someone to know, and I trust you the most as of this moment out of all of em. Not that I don't trust em, no, but I've technically known you the longest, with Applejack as a close second.", I asked her, and she looked at me in the eyes, before nodding.

"Ah pinkie promise, Cross mah heart, hope to fly, put a cupcake in mah eye!", She said, and while the promise sounded silly, it also sounded sincere, so I nodded in appreciation, before beckoning her to follow, as I headed towards the Everfree.

"I'm not really.... This. I can't remember much of my life before today, aside from small things, but this isn't my origional body. I can't even remember my actual name. I share a body with Speda Hooves, my uh... 'Special Somepony'? She's something like that? Though she apparently doesn't mind sharing. But, a... anyways, back to what I was saying, all I do know, is that I am not origionally female. I wasn't even a pony before this, I used to be something else, a hairless ape if that explains it well, but with extreme intelligence compared to it.", I began, noticing Applebloom's shocked face, so I carried on, while Speda started walking next to both me and Applebloom.

"I sorta lied to the Princesses about when I arrived here. At the castle I mean. When I first woke up, I couldn't stand like I could earlier, it took me a bit to get the hang of it, what with my new body. After I had gotten used to it, the fight with the Timberwolves happened. It was pretty epic, if I do say so myself, but before that, Speda manifested herself, and helped me. That's how I got two of the blades I now have, as well as the wood for the armour. Fast forward an hour or two, we arrived at the castle, which was the day before yesterday, I think. We searched the castle for supplies on the right side, the Moon side, which is where we got some of the material for our clothes, and where I got my sword.

There was also some other things, a few books, but one of them told the story of the Night Princess and what she turned into. I don't completely believe that after talking with them myself.", I was almost finished with the short tale of how I got here, but Applebloom seemed like she liked it, maybe it was entertaining I guess.

"What I learned is that she felt alone. Luna, I mean, and she felt abandoned. By everypony, by her subjects, her mentors. Her sister. So she turned to someone inside of her. Her inner self, yet not an inner self. She was someone with a conscience inside a conscience. Nightmare Moon, or Nightmoon as I have come to call her instead, was everything she needed at the time. Care. Love maybe. A bond, I'm sure they shared with each other, until something happened that caused them to be angered, or upset at her sister in particular. That's when the battle happened, at least I think so, and I am sure it was painful for them both to go through with it against someone they both cared for. So I sympathize with that, at least on a scale that I can understand, with Speda by my own side. And I still have that feeling, about what could happen to Nightmoon if they find a way to use those Elements, so I'm going to attempt to have a peaceful meeting with them alone. Or at least I did, before you came.", I finished, smiling at her a bit to lighten the mood, until I felt a body crush me in an iron grip.

"You.... Don't remember who you used to be? So.. that means you don't have parents, or any memories of them at all? What about this Speda gal, does she remember anything?", Applebloom asked, with a sad look on her face, as well as losing her accent a bit.

"No, no I don't. Like I said, there's only tidbits of information I can remember from my past life, that I was male, a story I made with someone that I can't remember the name or face of, that Speda was the closest being I could ever be with someone, and that she was just Made Up, there at first. And a few other things, like my likes, and dislikes, but only a bit, like my favorite games. But really that's about it. I'm not really sure if Speda remembers but you can ask her if you want. She's always with me.", I said, sitting down, causing Applebloom to sit as well, and when I pointed to my side at Speda, she turned to look.

"She is? Uhm, Miss Speda? Do you know, or remember anything?", She asked, and that was when my companion giggled a bit. Though she couldn't hear her.

"Yes, I remember some things. More than my Love can that's for sure, but I don't remember some things that I should, so I don't remember everything. ", Speda said, and as I relayed that to Applebloom, she brightened up a bit. I suddenly got an idea, and pulled out a notepad, handing it to my companion, and when she held it, Applebloom gasped.

"Before we get too lost into conversations, we need to get going, I need to find the Princesses, and convince them before it is too late. C'mon!", I said, getting up after putting away the notepad, with both of my companions not far behind.


It was an hour after our search that we came upon the Princesses, who's expression was that of confusion, as we approached.

"How didst ye find us, we made sure to stay in a hidden area! Wait. You? What didst you need of us?! We're busy, if ye can see.", The Princess states, and so I approach with caution again, this time without the weapons.

"I wanted to speak to you- Please don't leave! Look... I am in a similar situation that you have had since it first developed into what you are now, Nightmoon. Except, my inner self, isn't exactly that. In fact, I'm somewhat of an invader of her body, but it seems we knew each other before I can remember, so it's not intentional, at least I don't think. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I am sort of like you, Nightmoon. And Speda herself is like Luna, but in her happier times. Understand so far?", I ask, deciding to take the honest approach to things, and when I said that, I saw Nightmoon's eyes widen a bit, and then she glared at me, as she seemed to gain a suspicious look.

"How wouldst ye know what we hast been through, Little Pegasus, when you don't have a Sister to abandon ye! How wouldst ye know how we feel, when we can't be sure if ye are lying! HOW COULDST WE BELIEVE YE, WHEN NO ONE HAST DONE SO FOR US IN A THOUSAND YEARS!", the Alicorn mare cried out in anger, and something else as her wings flared up to make her more intimidating.

"There is no way for me to explain, except for showing you. And actually, now that you say that, about a sister... Well... I believe I had one, once. I don't know where she is, I don't know who she is, because I can't even remember who I am myself, but I do know she's out there. Please, Princess, just... Try. Try to understand. Cause I don't want to see you die, and leave Luna alone again where Ponies don't understand her.", I said, my breath hitching up, as I held a hoof out to her, and as she stared at it, tears welling up in her own eyes, she closed them tight, and then disappeared.

I sighed in disappointment, before turning to Applebloom, and Speda, smiling sadly. They wrapped their hooves around me in understanding, and after a minute, they let go.

"We need to find her again. But first, let's head to the castle, we need to make sure she's welcomed there. I don't want her feeling unwelcome at all, okay Girls?", I said, and both of them nodded, then we sprinted off towards the castle, which wasn't that far away.


We arrived at said castle, spotting the backsides of several familiar ponies. We might be too late, but I'm not willing to give up, I grabbed hold of Applebloom, as Speda held onto me from behind, and then I teleported us directly into Luna's bedroom, now our bedroom, before sprinting out to the main room. I found Twilight gazing at many spherical rocks in a circle around a small tower, which was in the middle of the room, while the rest of the girls were behind her, ready to leave, that is till I arrived.

"Speda? Where have you been?! We looked everywhere for you on our way here, we were worried! Wait, how are you here anyways, where's Applebloom- Oh. There she is. Now please explain why you-", Twilight began, but I interupted her, using my magic to seal all of their mouths shut, then having them all sit down, with myself included. They looked panicked for a second, until I started speaking.

I explained everything. Or, most everything, except for the most important things, that I would only share with those I become closest to that day, while I also explained why I wanted to defend Nightmoon so much, causing all of them to audibly gasp at the realization of what they could have done, if they didn't find out before-hoof.

After I was done with my explanation, I released them, though I didn't expect to be crushed in a warm embrace, of AJ's, then Fluttershy's, and then Pinkie's. Rainbow joined in reluctantly, with Twilight after that, and then Rarity hugged me as well. My heart stopped for a solid ten seconds, not knowing how to deal with this, before I backed away, my face a little hot, from embarrassment, and confusion.

"Look, girls. All I'm trying to ask is, please, help me. Help me, help Luna, help Nightmoon. I don't want her to die, nor do I think Luna would want Nightmoon to die either. So, what do you say?", I ask, holding out my hoof, Applebloom being the second to join in, after Speda herself.

"Ah'll do anything Ah can, Sugarcube, you've got a pair of Apple's at your side forever if need be, anytime you need us, ya hear?!", Applejack said, planting her hoof in. I smiled and nodded at her.

"Anything to make sure the Princesses become happy again, we'll do all we can!", Pinkie spoke up, somehow having gotten into a serious attitude which surprised some of them here, but made me smile even wider.

Rainbow Dash was next, sporting a bright grin on her face. "I know they are hurting right now, but if she puts up a fight, I won't be afraid to kick her flank, so you got me in Speda!", She exlaims, and then slams her hoof down on the group of hooves between us.

" I..... I will do everything I... I c... C.. can to help, even if it may b... Be scary!", Fluttershy quietly yells out, with a determined look on her own face. We all smiled at her in turn, then we turned to the last pony to join in.

Rarity looked about ready to hyperventilate, but she eventually calmed down enough to set her own shaky hoof down into the group, before slowly speaking what she felt.

"I... I will do everything in my power to keep those princesses happy! For my sister, for our Princess of the Sun, for our Princesses of the Moon, for my... Friends. Let's do this, Darling!", Rarity yelled out, breaking out of the scared stupor she was in, and was now determined to do this.

I was beaming in happiness at how understanding they were. We got up, now ready for the battle ahead of us, though I barely noticed a ping sound as many names popped up in the side of my screen, as it was constantly on. They were now a part of my team, and we would share exp when gained. That was nice to have, but not useful at this moment, as a dark wisp blew in to the room, ahead of us, before solidifying into the Night Princesses that we knew since yesterday.

Still can't believe it's only been three to four days since I arrived here, even though I can't remember much else.



Author's Note:

Alright, finally finished Chapter 5. Super annoying to have to think and come up with these things, but it's come out okay so far.

Anywho, Author and Speda out today! Good night, all!


(Things might get a lil confusing, or emotional throughout the story, but that's how it's meant to be, so don't ask or complain about all the crying/Sympathetic people/ponies. It's my story, not y'all's, thank you for reading if you are still here)