
Chapter 36 - What Happened With Iron Will?

Micro sat up in his bed, one hand navigating the Chaos Auction website on his laptop, the other stroking Chara's hair as she slept, head on his chest. She wore one of his undershirts and Rainbow Dash's panties while he only had on a pair of shorts. Looking down at her smiling, sleeping face brought a smile to his own. Quickly pulling up his quest log and skill lists, he looked at his newest additions.


Give and Take! (H)

-Lose your virginity to Scootaloo

-Take Scootaloo's virginity

Quest Reward

-Lover status with Scootaloo

-Scootaloo's panties

Quest Failure

-Lost opportunity

That's right. He didn't lose his virginity to Chara. As tempting as it had been, she had actually been the one against it.

I can tell you and Scootaloo truly love each other, and I like you two. So I'm going to leave your V-card for her to take.

Sure, it had been a little disappointing, but she more than made up for it with the "lessons" and reward. That lead him to his new skill.

Pleasure (Lv1)

Your ability to give physical pleasure, from kissing and back massages to sex. Influenced by various stats depending on the action. For example, kissing is influenced by DEX while sex by VIT, DEX, and WIS.

Of course, she received the same skill as she was also a Gamer. She also chuckled at having gotten a CHA boost for thinking of them and leaving his V-card intact for now.

Though the skill they both received raised an interesting question. Did they receive the skill at the same time because they were both doing it? Or did they automatically receive the same skills? Guess they would figure out when one of them used a skill book.

They could always reunite and split again in order to gain the same skills, but then they run another risk. Say for example Micro built up INT to 100 while Chara kept hers at around 50. If they joined and split again, they would each have 75. Sure it could benefit them to not each have to grind the same stats, but if they based their fighting styles around one stat, that could cause issues. At least they didn't have to wear the rings on them at all times. Thankfully, once they split, they could remove them at any point.

'What would be a few good skills or items for her…'

He already decided to let her use the Dagger of Sunfire. That was obvious. As for other equipment…

He pulled up the costume tab on the site, never really having looked at it before since he thought weapons and skills were more important. Seeing some of the options, he realized how wrong he was.


Chara woke up with a stretch. Looking up she saw Micro smiling down at her. She grins.

"Hey there big boy," she said. That was when she saw the clock out of the corner of her eye. "Wait a minute. Aren't you supposed to be meeting up with Fluttershy to get to school early and take care of things?"

"The real Micro already is," The now revealed clone said. "He didn't want to wake you."

Chara sighed. She really wanted to give him a good luck kiss...or help him relieve some stress that might be building from the upcoming meeting.

"Oh well," Chara said. "At least he's considerate."

She stands and stretches some more. The undershirt slipping off one shoulder and revealing most of her chest. The panties weren't meant to cover such a plump rear and so they began riding up. As she bends forward to stretch out her back, she hears everything go silent. She looks up and sees the clones in front of her staring down the undershirt which hung so loose her breasts were on full display. Meanwhile the one behind her was staring at her rear.

"Even his clones are horn dogs," she chuckles. "Well…" she puts her hands together in a hand sign that all the clones were familiar with.

Suddenly, each one of them hand their own Chara to focus on. The gaming clones had a partner for any multiplayer or just a partner for the games, while the ones working on the many different projects found themselves explaining everything to their own Chara's. Those watching over the Pokémon (except for Litten who was with Micro himself based on their inventory) were replaced by Chara's and sent to loot grind in an ID.

"Now…" That was when she noticed the package on the table. Looking at the note, she saw it was something Micro ordered from the Chaos Auction. There were other packages, but they weren't marked for her. Tearing open the package, she raised an eyebrow at the contents.

At The School

"You ready?"

Micro stood next to Fluttershy, who was shifting nervously. They were outside the principal's office.

"What if they…"

In an instant she saw a double layer barrier shoot up around her. Looking to Micro, she saw blue flames fading from around him as he double checked to make sure no one else was around.

"I bought two skills last night," Micro said. Unlike others though, they weren't skill books, but skill cards to give to Arsene. "Tetrakarn and Makarakarn. If they try anything, they will feel their own attack right back at them."

Fluttershy smiled gratefully at him and readied herself. With a deep breath, she opened the door.


Micro couldn't help but smirk as the binding spell that Luna tried to use on Fluttershy was reflected back and now she was bound in magic cords.

"Looks like I made the right call," Micro said as he walked in, blue flames coating him hand and Arsene's overlapped his. Another barrier rose up around Fluttershy and he looked at Celestia who sighed and shook her head at her sister.

"We agreed to talk," Celestia said. Luna struggled against her own spell before wriggling a hand free and breaking it.

"I just thought it would be best to restrain this-"

"If I have to state my feelings on racism one more time…" Micro grumbled. Twilight and Sunset looked down as Fluttershy turned toward them.

"I won't say I forgive you…" The two girls stiffened, feeling tears come to their eyes. "But I've kept secrets too...so I am also to blame for this as well."

"That's all well and good," Luna said tapping her fingers on her arm. "But you still attacked Iron Will, and we have to know why."

"My sister is right," Celestia said. "Would you please tell us what happened? Micro said nothing in his message to the girls."

"That's because I didn't learn anything yet," Micro clarified. "I felt it better to have it all explained at once."

"Except she now has had a full night to think up a story!" Luna said. Micro looked up at her and smirked.

"I have a Detect Lie skill that I have been grinding up for moments like this. I'm not stupid."

Luna locked eyes with him and they had a brief stare down. Eventually, she turned away and crossed her arms again. The others in the room sweat dropped at that.

"Please Fluttershy," Celestia said. "Tell is what happened."


The Day of the Attack (Fluttershy POV)

Parenthesis means present time speech

"Ok Fluttershy," Rainbow said as she stretched. "Do you have your phone to time me?"

I patted the pockets of my gym clothes. While we could've worn our gym clothes from home, Rainbow suggested we change at school so we could claim lockers ahead of time.

"Oh no!" I said. "I think I left it in my bag."

"Fluttershy!" Rainbow groaned. "Ok. I'm faster so I'll run and get it."

"No!" I said. "You want to get your best time right? Then you shouldn't waste energy before hand. Just continue stretching and I will run and get it."

"Well...ok. That makes sense. Just hurry."

I nodded and jogged off as Rainbow began stretching again. Little did she know that I left it behind on purpose. I sensed another blood source in the locker room. That of an ability user. Though why they were there, I had no clue. All I knew is I could get a fresh pint of powerful blood.

I walked into the locker room and found out. There, a muscular man in a tank top and sweatpants stood, my locker open and he was sniffing my clothes.

"What're you doing?!" I screamed. He looked up and I recognized his face. The gray eyes and salt and pepper hair cut close. The nose piercing, and around the sides of his head, a magic haze, most likely a spell to hide his horns.

("Wait a minute," Twilight said. "How did you know it was hiding horns if the spell was intact?")

("Logic," Fluttershy said simply. "Most ability users like satyrs or Minotaurs wear similar outfits to hide their legs and spells to hide horns.")

"Oh," Iron Will smiled evilly. "This is just my lucky day."

Before I knew it, he had me with my back against the wall.

"I'm glad it was you and not that washboard girl that came in," he said, hands starting to go up my shirt. "I like my girls a bit more stacked."

"What do you...when I tell…"

He held up a phone and flicked through some photos. They were of me and Rainbow changing into our gym clothes. My thong flossed rear. Rainbows athletic butt clad in just her panties. Even one of my breasts completely bare as I switched to my sports bra.

"You tell anyone, and I go to the school records and send these to every cell phone listed there as well as post them. Now, be a good student, and listen to your teacher."

Suddenly, I found his lips pressed against mine and his tongue shoved into my mouth. His hand found my breast and began groping it. I felt embarrassment and anger flow through me. When he separated for air, I had a plan.

"Oh!" I fake a moan, holding his hand to my breast. He looked shocked before grinning.

"Oh you like this do you?" He squeezed harder.

"Well…." I moan. "I suppose there are worse people who could've blackmailed me than a big...strong man like yourself."

"Hehe...well I guess it will be good to have at least one willing slut here at the school."

I flinched at the use of that word but I covered it with a fake shudder of pleasure.

"At least one?" I look into his eyes and use a bit of my magic to influence him. "What do you mean?"

"Why do you think I was here in the first place? I was setting up cameras all over this place. All I need are a few shots of hotties getting showered or changed and they will be desperate to not have them posted. Maybe even the bitch Spitfire If I'm lucky."

"So you get to have a whole harem?" I asked, pretending to be excited by the thought. "May...may I play with them to?"

He gasped as I ran my hands over his chest, lightly pushing him against the other lockers.

"I could help you to." I ran my hands up his face and held the side of his head. "I know who it might work on and who would be too proud."



With one quick move I slammed his head into the lockers, his horns becoming visible as they punctured holes in the metal, sticking him there.

"What the!?"

"Hope you enjoyed feeling up my tit," I growled as anger coursed through me. "Because it will be the last thing you ever feel!"

I plunged my fangs into his exposed neck. Iron Will screamed (Rather girlishly I might add) as I drained him. He tried to fight back but I used my enhanced strength to keep him pinned.


"But my use of power must've set off your alarms," Fluttershy said. "I sensed you approaching and erased his memories. Using my enhanced speed I gathered the cameras he set up and destroyed them before bolting back to Rainbow. I didn't want her to be able to say I was on my own for so long so I erased her memory and as far as she knew I had brought the phone from the start."

The room was silent. They were not expecting that story. Celestia looked to Micro, who was desperately enforcing Gamer's Mind to stop the rush of murderous anger. When he saw Her look, he nodded.

"No lies detected."

"Why...why didn't you just tell us?!" Luna gasped. "And why destroy the cameras?! You could have…"

"Stayed and been killed on sight for being a vampire who just tried to kill someone?" She looked directly at Luna who looked like she was just smacked.

"I wouldn't have let that happen," Celestia said, looking at her sister admonishingly. "But I understand your reasons. With the stigma attached to being a vampire, I get why you took matters into your own hands."

"Fluttershy…" Twilight said, crying. "We are so sorry."

"If we had just thought about you as you and not…" Sunset said. Fluttershy pulled them into a hug, much to their shock.

"I didn't exactly give you any reason not to act how you did. I'm at fault too."

Micro smiled at that, happy to see that they were on the way back to friendship.

Quest Complete

Friends Until the End

-Find out the full story behind the fight between Twilight and her friends

Quest Reward!

-Unlock further potential!

-New friends

-500 exp

Micro briefly wondered about that further potential, until Twilight looked up at him.

"Micro, thank you. Without you, we would still be trying to find out who the vampire is. Is there anyway we can repay you?"

Micro thought about it for a moment, then looked at her and Sunset's titles.

"Well...I am still a magic novice." A smile on his face.

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}