
Chapter 34 - The Verdict

Kill her


She tried to do it to you

'To be fair we interfered in what she doing.'

Which was attacking Fluttershy and now is outright lying to get you arrested!

'Lies beget more lies. And I know just how to catch her in it.'

"Your honor," Micro called out. "I would like Winter to testify and expand on her claim that I am lying."

"So you wish to dispute said claim?" Ancient Oak questioned.

"Indeed I do."

"Very well then. Winter Fields! Testify as to replanting the grove."



Winter Fields


After seeing the destruction of the grove I gathered the remains of all the plants

I used the seeds from those remains to replant the whole grove


"Ms. Fields, you say you replanted all the flowers. Do you remember all the plants that were there?"

"Well...no. I just regrew the seeds. I didn't think too much about…"

"Dear council, if you would kindly free my hands I can show you proof that it was I and not Winter that did what she claims."

"You can't!" Winter yelled. "This outsider is just trying to trick you so he can attempt to break free!"

"While we would like to give you the benefit of the doubt," Lord Fungi started. "Why couldn't you simply tell us which pocket you have said proof in so we may retrieve it."

"Sadly my lord it is not in a pocket," Micro sighed. He was hoping to keep some of his other abilities besides the ones he already showed in the forest a secret, but this one couldn't be helped. "As you may know from previous abilities I've shown, I'm an ability user. One of said abilities is my Inventory where I keep a lot of miscellaneous items and only I can access it."

"Fair enough," Lord Fungi said satisfied. With a wave of his hand the vines around Micro's wrist shriveled away. Micro rubbed then a bit to get the blood flowing again before reaching into his inventory and pulling out a piece of paper.

"Hyacinths, roses, gardenias, and more unique ones like birds of paradise and parrot tulips." Micro looked up at the council. "Need I go on?"

"What is that paper you have there?" Lady Ivy asked, peering closer.

"A receipt from a gardening supply shop," Micro said triumphantly. "While the plants were still fresh in my mind, I went to the store and bought a large supply of them all. Including some saplings to replace the burnt trees."

"Wha!?!?" Winter screamed in surprise, the leaves turning brown again and some even slipping off. Now the tank top and shorts look was more of a bikini before she regained composure.

"Ms. Fields!" Lady Ivy shouted. "How do you explain this!?"

"I...he must've...maybe he has a garden at home. Yeah! That's it! And he…"

"I will stop you right there Winter," Micro said. "Even if I did have enough room for all these flowers, I wouldn't have enough room for the trees. Secondly, I have another question for you. If you did regrow the plants, then if we go to the grove now, would they be fully grown back to where they were? Or would they be seedlings like how I left them?"

"I…" the leaves were brown and cracking now falling more rapidly.

"And finally, if I wasn't the one who fixed the grove…" A small pile of burnt and scarred trunks fell from his inventory to the ground. "Where did I get these?"

That was it. All she had were leaves on her breasts and one covering her crotch. Just when they were about to fall, the pouch holding her seeds spilled open and some of them triggered. Vines shot up and bound her, some crossing and covering her nipples while some wedgied her crotch and rear. Off balance she fell and hit her head, knocking her out.

"Well," a blushing Ancient Oak said after a few minutes. "It seems that we have seen all we need to. The council of forest elders finds Micro and Fluttershy…


Birds tweeted and flew around the clearing, celebrating the verdict for the two as the vines binding Fluttershy shriveled away as well. She smiled as she stood, pulling Micro into an embrace. Micro returned it happily.

Quest Complete!

Save Fluttershy!

This other dryad Winter Fields wants to kill or chase off Fluttershy. Rescue her!

Quest Rewards

-5000 exp

-New perk

-Fluttershy's trust

-The truth

-Further potential unlocked

Quest Failure

-Fluttershy dies

-Truth is lost forever

-Labeled as enemy of the forest

You have gained a level!

You unlocked a new perk!

Friend of the Forest

Grants you the ability to use nature magic normally reserved for dryads.

"Tree Hugger," Lady Ivy said. The hippie girl pulled herself up and walked over. "Take Winter to one of the cells until we decide her punishment. And give the boy back his mask."

With a nod, Tree Hugger grabbed the back of the vines and dragged Winter off, causing the vine to wedge even more up her rear. She smiled as she handed Micro the kabuki mask, a small lipstick mark on the cheek of it. Micro blushed before he looked at the unconscious Winter.

"What is her deal?" Micro asked Fluttershy.

"No one really knows besides the elders," Fluttershy admitted. "She apparently hates humans due to something in her past but that's about it. She just hates me for bringing them in to the forest to get a pint now and then."

That stopped Micro for a moment.

'She had something in her past?'


'But if there was something that made her this way…'


Before the argument could go further, a screen popped up in front of Micro.

...damn it…

"Now then you two, you may-" Ancient Oak began.


"...my boy, the trial is over. You don't need to shout."

"Sorry," Micro muttered sheepishly. "But your honor, I have something I would like to say in regards to Winter Fields' punishment."


Still tied up, Winter awoke in the hollowed tree cell.

"What the...where…."

"Good. You're awake."

Winter turned her head and saw Fluttershy sitting in a chair looking down at her. Winter growled.

"What do you want blood sucker?!"

"Not much. Just to tell you how the trial went." That got Winter to scoff as she struggled to her knees.

"What? That you and your blood bank are free? Or that I'm locked in here and obviously have been arrested myself?"

"And to tell you your punishment. You know, I wouldn't really be insulting Micro considering he came up with an idea for your punishment other than banishment."

Winter went wide eyed before growling.

"Let me guess. The little perv wants me to be his toy when he comes into the forest. Well tell him I'm not like Tree Hugger, willing to drop her pants for him after just meeting. I'm-"


Winter fell sideways from the force of the blow as Fluttershy walked up and grabbed the front of the vines and pulled her up so they were face to face.

"Listen here bitch," Fluttershy growled. "Micro offered you an olive branch, one you certainly didn't deserve. Apparently his ability gave him access to nature magic, and after hearing you were the best in that field in the forest, he said he would call things fair if you agree to teach him."

"As if I would ever-"

"Oh? Please tell me you are refusing. Because the elders told me that if you refuse his offer…" her fangs gleamed. "I can choose the punishment. And I haven't drained a dryad dry before."

Winter panicked at that, seeing the seriousness in Fluttershy's eye. The vampire held her there for a moment before dropping her to the ground.

"Take some time to think it over. I know it's a simple choice and shouldn't take long but… well. You never were the smartest."

And with that last insult, Fluttershy left the girl to think things over.


Micro smiled as he saw Scootaloo running towards him from her house. They had decided to just hang out and maybe grab some dinner that night.

"Hey Scoots," Micro said with a grin as he wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"I'm so glad you had time today," Scoots said as they separated. "So, What all did you have to do?"

Micro took a deep breath to calm himself down a bit.

"We have a lot to talk about."

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}