
Chapter 17 - Hard Drive Divinity

Description: Panty Power

By obtaining girls panties, you can inherit some of their most outstanding traits. Should they be speedy, you will gain more DEX. Strong? STR. Are they good at a branch of magic? You gain a boost in it.

This boost is only obtained by completing the associated dungeon. The dungeon is adjusted to the level of the person whose panties you are trying to unlock. It will be based on their personality and abilities.

Micro read that ability description and was speechless. She knew that one of the goals of Huniepop was to get girls panties and get laid but she didn't think it would translate to this ability! At least now she wasn't as disappointed Frida came back after finding out she dropped Zecora's panties and took them. There was no way she could take on a 40+ level dungeon right now.

Oh yeah, she was in her female form again. She did promise Litten that she would give him back his "pillows". Currently she was on her bed in shorts and an undershirt with him on her chest asleep.

Speaking of the fire cat, or at Pokémon in general, she had a few other clones working on GBA, DS, and of course 3DS trying to push through the games as fast as possible. She would've had them just try beating the champion again as she was in the post game of each version, but after testing that with Ultra Moon found it had to be the first time. So it looked like they needed to start a complete new file.

GBA clone was working on Emerald. DS was doing Platinum. And finally 3DS was working on X.

"Hopefully you will have some friends soon Litten," she said, petting the sleeping kitty. With a shift in position, she opened the laptop next to her and began scanning through the list of items and skill books.

"Pointless...pointless…. redundant…can probably get that from the game…" She sighed and closed it again. There were probably a few good things listed, but it was getting boring sifting through them all.

With a hand sign she conjured two clones, these two taking her female form, and handed the first the computer

"Just scroll through and make a list of the interesting ones. I have a few dungeon ideas I want to try."

The clone nodded and left to find an open seat among the gaming clones. Micro then turned to the other.

"I don't want to wake him and he need his "pillows" sooo…" the other clone grinned and they traded places. After commanding the Zombie hunting group to dispel, she started to think about which new dungeon idea to try first.

"Heartless and Nobodies…" she thought. "Tempting. Mushroom Kingdom enemies...they would probably be weaker and good for training hand to hand. Grimm...would go with my plans for background music."

While she was in the middle of deciding, a notification popped up.

You have completed the game

Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 1

Do you want to sacrifice your save file in order to gain a skill/weapon?


Micro was caught off guard by this and looked over at the clone on Vita.

"New game plus works apparently," he said smirking. Micro smiled at that. Made some of the games she would be having the clones work on a lot easier.

"Hell yes I want to get a skill!" She cheered hitting the confirmation button.

Skill Created!

Hard Drive Divinity (HDD)

Active (MP Cost 20% Max MP)

The power of the goddesses of Gamindustri is at your hands. Enhance your skills and abilities to help take down your opponents.



-Overwrites current title with CPU Goddess

"Yes!" Micro shouted, jumping up and down. "Granted it only will work in this form but still…well, I guess I know what enemies I'm facing now."

She entered an empty ID and climbed to the roof of the house. Micro then crouched down low so as not to be seen and (after scanning the street and other houses for any possible watching eyes) broke the ID. After calling to mind the types of enemies she wanted to fight, she raised her hand and created her first memory based dungeon.

The world around her shattered and a brilliant light filled her vision. When it faded, Micro stared in wonder at the changed landscape.

The buildings seemed to be a bit more cartoony, as if hand drawn. The road was now a cobblestone walkway and the areas between the houses were decorated with lush greenery and colorful plants. In hope she looked to see if the enemies were what she imagined and was happy to see they were.

Bouncing up and down along the street were little blue creatures. They looked like you typical Slimes in rpgs but they had dog ears, noses, and even mouths with little tongues sticking out.


Lv 5

Hp 500/500

MP 0

The weakest and most common of the dogoo family of my monsters. Cute little creatures that usually just cause a bit of mischief.

'So...adorable!' Micro squealed in her mind. 'Though too low leveled for any meaningful experience or loot. Oh well! That means I can just watch them when I need a break from other fighting. Maybe I can tame one!"

Breaking her attention away from the little adorable bundles of slime, and turns to look at the other creatures.

The next type she saw were box shaped creatures. They had small wings on their sides and a beak. On its head say a small crown and duck feet protruding from the bottom of it. Upon closer inspection, it wasn't just box shaped. It was literally a box.


Lv 16

HP 1600/1600

MP 0

A bird...made of cardboard...you get the pun? These birds are highly territorial.

'No need to get sassy game. And good, decently high levels.'

Another group of enemies, and these ones creeped her out, were chubby cheeked, short guys in glasses. They wore flannel button ups that seemed tight on them and equally tight jeans.

Super Otaku

Lv 19

HP 2200/2200

MP 0

Think of the worse stereotypes of otakus you can. Now give it the desire to hurt you. These enemies are particularly potent in Gamindustri as the ones who fight them are females who are usually creeped out by their gaze.

'If I didn't have to be a girl to use HDD…'

The others seemed to be assortments of….screens? There were a few different types. One had a red haired girl in a sailor uniform with a yellow headband and another was a blonde guy in a suit. Both had text boxes with Japanese characters in them that Micro couldn't read.

Tokimeki Sister

Lv 17

HP 1850/1850

A girl in a visual novel. Beware, words can hurt.

Blushing Hot Guy

Lv 21

A handsome man and male lead in a dating visual novel.

'They always were the weirdest ones.' With her Observes done, she decided to make her presence known.

"Attention all monsters!" She shouts from the roof. All the monsters stopped what they were doing and turned. "I am here to kick your asses to kingdom come...except for you Dogoos. I suggest you run."

The monsters all just stared for a moment. After a while, they just started inching toward her house.

"Now I know you are only used to dealing with goddesses or daring adventurers in your world...so I will tell you something. Here…"

She activated the Hard Drive Divinity skill and a bright light surrounded her.

MP (620/775)

As the light swirled around her, her clothes disappeared. Instead the light formed around her. Her breasts shot from C cups to DD. The color of her hair changed from black with blue neon to just a pure bright neon blue. It braided itself down her back, suddenly growing until it reached down past her rear to her ankles. As the light faded, it revealed her new attire. Her bottom half was simply covered in a black, bikini bottom like article.

Stretching from the center of the front of the bottoms were two strips of fabric that went up and covered the front of her breasts before tying around her neck in a choker like collar. High heeled black boots with neon lining adorned her feet, stretching up to her knees and spiking up in the front. Similar gloves stretched from her fingertips to her elbows. The tips of the fingers had metal claw like nails.

Opening her eyes, revealing them to be bright neon with a power symbol in the middle of the irises. She looked down at the monsters again. The Dogoos has stopped advancing and they began bouncing away. The others had just stopped to stare. With an almost sadistic grin, she spoke again.

"I am your goddess! I think I shall call this form...Neon Heart. Now…" She held up a clawed hand in front of her face. "Hello there my enemy."

Background Music Start

Ignite by Jeff Williams

With a running leap, Neon Heart launched herself off the roof and fell down toward the monsters. She landed on top of a Cardbird, clawed hand digging into the top of its box head. With an intense cackle, she flipped from the top of the creature and flung it over her and into the face of an Otaku.

She looked around and saw a small group of Cardbirds and Tokimeki Sisters trying to sneak up on her. With a smirk she held up her hand and decided to try out her newest summon.

An elongated skull appeared in front of her palm. It was about the size of a normal head and had short horns coming out the back. With a mental command from Neon Heart, the Gaster Blaster opened its mouth and a concentrated beam of energy shot forth, tearing into the walking boxes and blasting pixels from the screens.

Happy with the destruction it caused and wanting to mainly work on hand to hand, Neon Heart dismissed the skull. The second she did she felt a smack...right across her…

Turning, Neon Heart glared at the now sweating Otaku.

"Apparently I wasn't clear enough earlier…." she said, a dangerous tone in her voice. "If anyone is going to do any spanking…"

With an uppercut claw strike, she knocked the little man back into a group of his buddies. They all ended up facing away from her with their butts in the air. Neon Heart reached behind her, brought the braided ponytail around and began twirling it.


With rapid swings she brought the ponytail forward and back, lashing the short creatures with it like a whip. When she was done, they all faded away, revealing she just eliminated every Otaku in the area.

Skill Created!

Whip Mastery (Lv1)


The use of whips or whip like objects.

+10% damage when using a whip.

Skill Created!

Whiplash (Lv1)

Active (MP Cost 50)

Strike an enemy over and over with your whip.

-Number of strikes= DEX+ Hindrances on enemies

Neon Heart smiled at that before dropping into a crouch to avoid a swinging text box from a Blushing Hot Guy. As the text box clicked back in place Neon grabbed the bottom of the screen and began spinning with it. When she got enough momentum she threw it like a frisbee, sending it straight into a group of other monsters.

She had been moving so fast she didn't even notice she had shot up two levels. Dropping her two bonus points into LUK she let loose a sadistic cackle.

"Who else wants some!?" She called out. She heard chirping and turned to face the chirps when she saw they were all hopping away. The remaining screen monsters all had expressions of fear and began digitizing away. "Cowards."

That was when she felt the ground shake. Briefly wondering what was going on, a thought occurred to her.


Turning around, she saw the source of the rumbling. A tall creature with brown, leathery skin was towering over her. It had huge claws on its hands and feet and two giant wings behind it. Horns extended from its head. It threw its head back and roared.

Ancient Dragon


HP 20000/20000

MP 1000/1000

It's an ancient dragon. The name says it all really.

"Well aren't you a big boy," Neon Heart said licking her lips. "Maybe you can satisfy me."

While she was planning on focusing on hand to hand combat, she didn't want to risk it with an enemy like this. Out of her inventory she drew Baldi's ruler while in her right hand she gripped her braid with a twirl. She eyed the ruler curiously.

"I expected this to change like other weapons when the goddesses transform. Maybe I have to be holding it…oh gosh!"

She quickly used Blink to get away from a quick claw strike. With a growl she Blinked up to the beast's shoulder and brought the ruler down on its head hard.


"Thank you boosted stats!" Neon Heart cheered. A quick Whiplash later and she was feeling pretty good… until a clawed hand caught her off guard while she was focused on attacking.



"Ok...now I'm pissed!" She held the ruler out to her side and charged forward, dodging a gout of flame. When she got close enough she gripped the ruler in both hands. "Cross Combo!"

Neon Heart slashed the creature across the knees. Before it could react she jumped partially into the air and delivered another two slashes before spinning, landing two more blows on her way down. She crouched before jumping back up, landing a blow on its chin as she shot pst the head. Twisting in mid air she came down, delivering the final slash of the seven hit combo, cutting down from head to toes.


Skill Created!

Cross Combination (Lv1)

Active (MP Cost 100)

Deliver a powerful seven hit combo attack on the opponent. Signature move of Neptune/Purple Heart.

Smiling at the damage she turned and delivered it six more times. She went to do it again only for a notification pop up.

Insufficient MP!

"Oh sh-" her words were cut off as she was engulfed in flame.



Neon Heart struggled to her feet and panted as she looked up at the Dragon. With a grunt, she looked at her MP.


She checked her inventory...no lollipops.

"Well...no spamming anymore."

With a yell she backpedaled away from another blow.

"Whiplash!" She shouted. The blows rained down on its claw and up its arm as she ran alongside it.


The Dragon beat its wings and got some distance away as Neon Heart used 15 of the remaining 19 MP to knock him down a little more with three Magic Arrows. She used the last of her MP to fuel a skill she hadn't used since initially leveling it up during her second night of Zombie dungeon training.

Life Drain (Lv5)

Active (MP Cost: 1 Per Second)

Absorbs the health of a target and adds it to the user's own life force.

Life Drain Rate: 5HP Per Second

She still only had one hit left, but now the thing was as low as she could get it.


Neon Heart drew out the billy club as well for good measure and held both weapons out at her sides. The Dragon did the same with its claws. They seemed to come to an understanding.

This was to be the last clash.

The two opponents stared each other down for a few moments before finally they charged. The Dragon let out a loud roar as Neon Heart screamed a battle cry. However, while they were still a good distance away, she glance to the side and grinned.

MP 44/875

Just as the Dragon was about to strike, she Blinked out of sight and once again was next to its head.

With a final grunt of effort, she brought the weapons down on its skull, caving it in.


You have gained 1 Level

As the Dragon fell beneath her, Neon Heart was surrounded by light and when it faded Micro was back in her normal female form.

"That...was...too close," she gasped. No way in hell was she telling anyone about how close to death she came. "I have to invest in new ways to attack that don't rely on MP, as well as defense because I am too fragile."

Micro heard a noise and shot up, drawing her weapons, preparing for another fight since she was restored from the level up.

As soon as she was up however, she saw the Dogoos cowering.

"Oh!" She said, stowing them in the inventory. "It's you cuties." One of them bounced forward and stopped at her feet. Reaching down, Micro picked up the small creature and held it up to her face. A small tongue came out and licked her face. A giggle escaped her as she hugged the thing close.

Hearing more approach she looked up and saw a large group of them come up.

"Oh...ummm…" that was when she remembered, first episode of the anime. "Um...please don't-"

The wave of Dogoos flooded over her. At first it was tickly. They licked her legs, arms, and face. Then they started squeezing into every open spot.

"Ah! So slimy! Please stop!" The Dogoos continued pushing up the legs of the shorts and down the cleavage in the undershirt. "Ok…(pant) if you won't…Neon!"

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}