

Teenage is the age where friends are most important people of our life we don't even trust our parents and think that they would never be able to understand us . We share everything even our darkest secret , nightmare and insecurities with them .

But how these important people after a period of time are not even bothered to ask how we are . How the people who say that we matter the most for them don't even remember us now ...

Being an introvert as a child i was never able to make friends or to grab people's attention .I was never best at anything the only thing I was asked to be or expected to best at was only academics . But in academics also i was not highly extraordinary. I was just a good student and a person who never interacted with anyone . At every PTM'S the teacher had only one complaint which was enough to embarrass my mother that was i was the least interactive child in the whole class and asked my mother to seek a councillor who could help me in oder to speak myself. As an indian parent it's highly embarrassing for them when someone asks them to take their child to a councillor and this fact used to trigger my mother so much that after PTM she used to take a whole session of 3-4hrs about why i can't talk in the class and the whole weekend became highly traumatizing for me . It was not like i never tried to talk to teachers and my classmates in the starting of evey new standard i tried my best to interact but the fact was that it only lasted for one week after that i used to become the same non-interactive person i was. And even how can someone expect me to change so fast. The same happened till second standard.