
Friends Files

After being involved in the serial killing of her classmates, she found herself being targeted by the serial killer. In the midst of attempting to kill her, she gains the ability to see the dead people whose being murdered. Will she be able to use this ability in the right way?

Terpsichore_0906 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Willow's Pov

I was sleeping when suddenly my phone rang. I pick it up without looking at who's calling. "Hello?"

"Scarlet, we have a problem," I immediately sat up when I heard Elliott's voice making me look at my phone. How did he get my number?

"What problem?" I don't know but I feel uneasy by this. I felt someone is looking at me and when I turn to the window. I felt my stomach twist. "On second thought, I think I already know what is it,"

"Huh? You know what I'm going to say?" he said confusedly.

"It's about Brianna, isn't it" I heard his breathing hitched before sighing.

"You are seeing her right now, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I'm going to talk to her first and come there," I hang up not waiting for his response.

"Bria, can you tell me why did he killed you?" she didn't respond. Okay, can't be answered.

"Did he kill you because of me?" she nodded.

"I-i'm sorry," I lower my head and clench my fist. Another one. I lost another friend.

"It's not your fault, don't blame yourself. J-just promise me, you won't let anyone of our friends die. Let it end with me, okay?" she said while crying.

"I promise," I said and then she vanish.

I did my morning routine and went to the headquarters. I felt like I'm a police officer than a college student because of this case. I went to where the others are and bow to them.

"Scar—" I cut off Captain Li.

"I already know it, Captain Li. She shows up inside of my room," I said.

"What did she say?" Elliott and I shake my head.

"She just makes me promise something," I reply before sitting.

Elliott's Pov

I don't know why but I felt like she wants to do something but she can't. Looking at her I know that she is so tired of this.

"I don't get it. Why did he kill Brianna and not Elliott?" Archie asked. I wonder about it too.

"Because he wants me to be happy," we look at Scarlet who just leaning on her chair while her eyes close. "He wants me to be happy that's why he won't harm those who makes me happy,"

"Then let's change his perception of me," I said and they look at me. I look at Scarlet and she smirks.

"Let's do that. Let's make him believe that what he thought of you is not real," she opens her eyes and looks at me confidently.

"It seems that you two already had a plan but before that, Scar, do you know had a crush on you?" Mom questioned.

"Besides Elliott, I can't remember anyone else," I felt my cheeks heating up, and everyone had a sickening smile on their faces.

"Can't you stop teasing me? Be serious. If you don't know ask your friends, they might know something," I said changing the topic.

I saw Scarlet dial someone. "Hello, Faith? Do you perhaps know someone interested or have a crush on me? No, my boyfriend just got curious and want to feel jealous so I was asking,"

I saw everyone holding their laugh while I'm starting to blush again. Seriously, can't she live without teasing me? Ever since I reassured her at the gym before, she started to warm up to me, and this stupid pretend lovers makes it worse. She started to tease me too much.

"You mean when we were vacant and my former classmates talking about me? Oh yeah, I remember. His name was Kayden. Kayden Woods," she said looking at Mom and Mom started to write his name on the whiteboard.

"Yeah, thank you, " she hangs up. "Now that brings memories, "

"So you remember who might be our suspects now?" Eliana questioned.

"Hmm. I really don't think about unnecessary things that's why I have forgotten about it. Now that Faith brings it up, I think I remember something but not sure if it was real since it was my former classmates who pinpoint it," she said.

"As long as you gave us the names we won't care if it's true or not. We will investigate it to find the truth," Mom justified.

"Well, when I was in 8th grade, I was really close to someone and they started to ship us together. His name was Kian Carter, we both have the same interest so we really are close," I felt like my heart was burning when I heard that she was close to someone else. Why am I feeling like this? It's normal to be close to your peers so why?

"There was one more, I quite don't remember his name but I think it was Ethan or Nathan. I only remember his last name was Chaser. My classmates caught him staring at me multiple times that's why they concluded he has a crush on me but I just ignore it since I was used to them,"

I saw her expression change suddenly and her ears started to get red. "You are blushing, Scar. Is there something more?" Mom points out.

"There was actually one more. It was confirmed by my neighbor and friend there," she started unsure if she is going to tell it or not but her face is still heating up. "His name was Spencer Richard,"

"Why are you blushing, Scar?" Eliana asked.

"Cause....... I....... I also have a crush on him back then," after she said that everything went silent. I'm trying to digest what she said until I don't know what comes to me but I suddenly stand up and leave the room.

Willow's Pov

"What's wrong with him?" I questioned when he suddenly leave.

"Uhm... Scar, do you still have a crush on that Spencer guy?" Eliana asked.

"What?! Ah no no no. It was a long time ago, I was still a child back then, so you know, puppy love," I denied still looking at the door. "What's wrong with him?" I mumble.

"Let's end this meeting," Captain Li said. Everyone leaves the room until it was only me and Captain Li. "Do you need something, Scar?"

"Captain Li, How did Brianna die?"

"Her face was disfigured and the tongue was also cut," she said looking at me intensely.

"Do you know why he killed her? I know you know, you look bothered earlier when we were discussing it earlier,"

"I was controlling myself not to burst out in anger that's why I did tell anyone. Scar, she died because wasn't happy when you told them about your boyfriend, and when she saw him, she said that she will take him away from you. That's why Griffin eliminated her," I saw how Captain Li trying to control her anger, so do I.

"He's unreasonable. Can't he tell between a joke and real one? Brianna has a boyfriend and they love each other dearly so she was just joking when she said that! About her being indifferent when I told them about Elliott, it was because she was trying to move on from the death of our friends," I expanded harshly. I can't believe it. Just because of amere joke he killed her. I need to stop him or else, I might ever to handle it anymore. I can't handle to lose more of my friends anymore.