
Friends Files

After being involved in the serial killing of her classmates, she found herself being targeted by the serial killer. In the midst of attempting to kill her, she gains the ability to see the dead people whose being murdered. Will she be able to use this ability in the right way?

Terpsichore_0906 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Willow's POV

It's a Monday morning where hell starts again. Yeah, hell. You know what I mean? School!! I get up from my bed and do my morning routine. Since hell is going to start again, I ate my breakfast since I don't want to pass out for this stressful day.

After I ate my breakfast I get my bag when a notification appears on my screen. It's from an unknown number, not only one but two. I open each one and I smirk.

From: unknown

     Good morning, little one. Hope you enjoy your day. Since starting today, you will lose everything you have. Enjoy your sweet days because soon they will be full of misery and pain. Let's start the game of Life and Death. Where you are the protector and I will be the killer. Have fun~

                                                                                                                                                  ~ Reaper

From: unknown

     Good morning, little princess. How's your day? Hope you are ready for what's next. Since starting today, you will become the happiest person alive. Have a nice day~

                                             ~ Lady Griffin

For what I know, it is two of my friends did this since this is not the first time they did this. Every time they change numbers they did this. They really like to scare me but they really not succeeded. Now, they even use codenames, gosh, their creativity. I put my phone in my pocket and start to walk to hell since it is quite close to my place.

I reach my classroom and greeted by my friends. "So which two of you send this message?" I asked them and show my phone. They look at my phone the frown. 

"Scar, none of us send this?" Skyla answered. (a/n: Willow's full name is Willow Scarlet Smith. That's why they called her Scar). 

"Come on, do you think I'll get scared by this? Who is it?" I asked again. God, they started to act now, if didn't know it was them I won't pursue this matter.

"Scar, it's not really one of us. We swear we didn't send this," Darius said and everyone nod. "Besides, that one is creepy. It's like they saying they're going to kill someone,"

"If it's not you guys, then who did this?" 

"Who knows? We wouldn't go that far to scare you. And whoever messages you, they are really good to stir you up like this," Evangeline said.

We went to our seats when our teacher came and welcome, the hell week is going to start.

******time skip******

It's break time and I'm hanging outside the classroom, resting my arms on the railings, looking at my watch. I'm still thinking about who messaged me, if it's not my friends then I'm worried, the sender of this message might really do what he said. 

I was so deep in my thoughts that it was cut off when a loud gunshot was heard. I look at my side and saw Vienna bleeding excessively. She fell to the ground, lifeless.

Everyone starts to panic and run. There were four more gunshots and there they were. Rowan, Livia, and Ava laying dead.

I was frozen at my place and can't think straight. The first thing that comes to my mind was to hide. I start to move and get inside the classroom where the others are. I sat on one of the chairs and start to hyperventilate.

My breath was shaking and still at the state of shake, and so does the others. No. No. No. I need to calm down. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.

I continue to calm myself, and after a few minutes, I calmed down. I notice that it was quiet. Too quiet. Something's wrong.

I stand up and slowly walk outside. My eyes went wide at what I see. "Scar, what are you doing out there? Get back here, you might get shot too," Evangeline said worriedly.

When she looked outside, her eyes also went big. "W-what the h-hell! H-how can this happen? WHERE THE F**K IS THEIR BODY?!!,"

With her shouting, she gained everyone's attention. They also went out to see what she meant and they become speechless.

The dead bodies weren't there, not only that, there was also no blood. As if nothing happens here. How? How is this possible? How can 5 bodies disappear like that?

I look at the time and it was already 12:38 pm. It was already an hour since the incident happened. Why didn't I notice the time? Is that how long I managed to calm down? I didn't even notice someone clean up the crime scene. Besides, why are there no police yet after the loud gunshots? What the f**k is going on?!!!

"How can this be possible? They just were here a few minutes ago! Is what we saw earlier just a hallucination? There's no killing happened, right?" Andrew rumbling.

"Corrections, an hour ago. What happened earlier is also real," I said. They immediately look at the time and confirmed it. "He managed to clean up the scene while we are still in a state of panic. What I'm confused about is, there was still no police and it's too quiet right now,"

Our conversation was cut off when the bell rings. Students filled up the hallway and go to their respective classes or to hang out.

"Excuse me, did you hear out gunshots earlier?" I asked one of the students.

"No, it was really weird. I didn't even notice I fell asleep," he answered and left. I raised my eyebrow at his answers. Isn't normal for students to fall asleep during class if they are not interested in the subject.

I asked another student and my confusion start to grow inside me. They keep answering the same thing.

I felt my phone vibrates and pull it out. It was another message from Reaper.

From: unknown

     How do you like my surprise, little one? I'm very disappointed though, you failed to protect them. What kind of protector are you? Can't even save 4 people. Well, I'm giving you a chance. Every day I'll kill one person from your class and you need to save that person. Good luck, little s**t.


I tried to call the police but it's not working. Damn it! I should have known it!!! We're being watched!! He won't let anyone find out what happens. I should realize it, if he wants to play with me he won't let anyone intervene. Everyone is in danger at this rate!! I need to save them, if the killer wants to play, I'll play with him.