
Friends and Roses

Aya and her 4 childhood friends grew up together since they were 5 year old. She was often mistaken as a boy due to her appearance since she was a toddler. But it all stopped until she entered junior high school, and it's all solely because of one reason....

aurazu · Teen
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


The same day, on evening.

Naoki, Tetsu, Ryu, and Hirofumi are in front of Aya's house while constantly throwing small rocks at Aya's bedroom windows on the second floor. It annoys Aya so much she opens the window aggressively and shouts at them.

"Stop it! What do you guys want?!" Aya asks in an annoyed tone.

"Let's grab some ice cream!" Tetsu says with a big grin.

"My treat." Hirofumi adds.

Aya's annoyance quickly disappears and turns into a very excited one as she smiles widely and jumps in excitement.

"I want! I want! I want!" Aya quickly closes her window and runs downstairs to the front house. With only wearing a tanktop and a pair of shorts.

The guys' eyes widen and blinking many times in surprise. The sight of Aya's assets under that tight and thin fabrics enveloping her body causing them speechless while holding back their blushes and urges. But Naoki quickly snaps from his trance.

Naoki takes off his hoodie to put it on Aya roughly. "You'll get cold, dummy! Are you that excited to forgot to wear a jacket at least?!" Naoki asks in disbelief while continue putting his hoodie on Aya.

"Aaak i forgot..." Aya says nonchalantly while letting Naoki puts his hoodie on her. Tetsu smacks Aya's head to hides his embarrassment.

"Don't worry! Dumbasses don't get sick that easily! Right, Aya-kun?!"

"Ouch!" Aya yelps. Once the hoodie is fully on, Hirofumi ruffles Aya's hair.

"But still, you can't be so careless like that, Aya-kun. Don't ever go outside alone wearing outfit like that." Hirofumi says.

"Eehh i won't. I forgot cause you said you'll treat me to ice cream! Hehe~" Aya chuckles softly. She looks happy and excited for the upcoming ice cream, but the guys are actually overjoyed with her trust and obliviousness towards them that she can be this vulnerable and feeling safe around them.

Naoki wraps his arm around her neck and starts dragging her aggressively. "Come on. Let's get the ice cream that you're so stupidly get excited about."

"Aak!" Aya yelps while being dragged like that. The rest of them chuckle softly at the sight of it.

They go to the convenience store nearby with Naoki's arm still around Aya's neck. They spot Riku from a distance in the darkness except Aya, Tetsu and Ryu quickly wrap their arms around Aya as well while continue walking towards the convenience store.

Hirofumi smirks at the sight of Riku from a distance, enjoying Riku's frown and hurt expression while the rest of them enveloping Aya's body with their arms. Showing Riku who she truly belongs to.

"Can i get three ice cream, Hiro?" Aya suddenly asks in an excited tone while still not noticing Riku's presence in the distance under the darkness.

Riku turns his head to face Aya and caresses her cheek softly while giving her a charming smile. "Of course. You want five? Fine by me too. Get yourself some stocks for your fridge."

"Really?! Yippie!" Aya jumps in excitement. Naoki's arm around her neck tighten as he buries his face on Aya's hair while locking his eyes to Riku's in the distance.

Aya doesn't look disturbed about Naoki's action, in fact, she looks like she's used to it. They continue to walk towards the convenience store and then Hirofumi opens the door for the rest of them, covering the sight of Riku from Aya's eyes with his whole body.

The guys can't stop their smirks at all since the sight of Riku appears right in front of their eyes. Aya thinks they're excited as well for the ice cream, but that's not what the curved lips on their faces are about...

Once they enter the convenience store, they let go of their arms from Aya's body as they lead Aya towards the ice cream freezer. They all trying to distract Aya from the outside view since Riku hasn't disappear at all. Riku stays there, watching Aya from the distance as she looks so happy getting her ice creams while being surrounded by Naoki, Tetsu, Ryu, and Hirofumi. Along with their skinships towards Aya.

Riku can't help but mutters to himself under his breath while looking at such sights in disbelief. "Are they... really her friends? Childhood friends? Is that how childhood friends normally act?"

It's too much for Riku to comprehend. And Aya looks used as well with their skinships like it's nothing. Aya doesn't brush them off when their arms are all over her. Aya just picks up five ice creams from the store's chest freezer while bickering with Naoki, fighting over ice creams. Aya still hasn't notice Riku outside in the darkness.

Once they bought ice creams, they all exit the convenience store together with each ice cream but Aya is with a bag of four ice creams, eating their own ice cream with Ryu's body covering the sight of Riku from Aya's sight.

Naoki wraps his arm around Aya's neck again with his eyes piercing through Riku when he turns his head back. He then ignores Riku's presence there to continue to walk with Aya, while taking a big chomp of Aya's ice cream.

"Huuk!" Aya gasps and stops her tracks. She looks at her ice cream with widen eyes and speechless gaping mouth. Instead of getting sad, she quickly grabs Naoki's hair and pulls it to the left and right in anger.

"YOU ASSHOLE...!!!" Aya yells while Naoki yelps.

"Aaakk that hurts!"

Their ice creams almost fall from their hands, but they stay strong within their grasps. Hirofumi, Tetsu, and Ryu watch them in surprise in the middle of a street, being the center of attention to some people walking by.

"YOU STOLE MY ICE CREAM! THIEF!" Aya continues to yell and pull Naoki's hair.

"Alright! Alright! I'm sorry! I'll give you mine!" Naoki pleas.

Aya lets go of Naoki's hair and quickly take Naoki's ice cream from his hand, but not giving him her ice cream.

"No! Yours is all mine!" Aya takes a big chomp of Naoki's ice cream as well as she holds two ice creams in her hands now.

"Hey wait!" Naoki tries to stop her, but he holds back and releasing a loud heavy sigh. He's giving up and just let her do whatever she wants. He deserves that.

"Alright, whatever..."

Hirofumi, Tetsu, and Ryu chuckle together at the same time. Their little fight about ice cream is finally over.