
Friends and Roses

Aya and her 4 childhood friends grew up together since they were 5 year old. She was often mistaken as a boy due to her appearance since she was a toddler. But it all stopped until she entered junior high school, and it's all solely because of one reason....

aurazu · Teen
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23 Chs

Chaotic Revelation

Around 3 years later.

Aya, along with Tetsu, Naoki, Hirofumi, and Ryu were on their way to their elementary school together since they attended the same school and they're neighbors. They all walked together, until a sudden loud exclaim could be heard from the boys' voice and they all had to stop their tracks.


"Aya-kun is a girl?!" Tetsu shouted in a shocked tone and his eyes widened in disbelief, just like Naoki's, Hirofumi's, and Ryu's.

"Say what now?" Naoki added. Hirofumi and Ryu were just speechless and couldn't say anything while their eyes remained widen.

Tetsu approached Aya and poked her cheek to check if it's true. "You mean to tell me... Aya-kun has been a girl this whole time?!"

"No way..." Ryu finally spoke with a betrayed tone while approached Aya to look at Aya closely to made sure.

"Nah!" A sudden denial suddenly came from Naoki where he just shrugged his shoulders. "Aya-kun is a boy! He's just pranking us! Ahahahahah!" A laugh followed along after the denial while Naoki continued to walk with a devilish laugh like that. The other boys resumed their walks too to the school while Aya pouted and sulked because they didn't take Aya seriously when it's the truth.

Around 4 years later.

The boys in Naoki's house couldn't help but staring at Aya who just arrived at Naoki's house intently without saying anything. Naoki had his lips pursed while plotting something.

Aya looked at them in confusion. They still hadn't said anything to her. "What? Why are you guys staring at me like that?" Aya asked. Naoki who just sat in his chair with his chin rested on his palm shrugged his shoulders.

"Tetsu." Naoki suddenly called out to Tetsu. Tetsu quickly approached Naoki and saluted to Naoki in a playful childish way. "Yes, sir!"

Naoki with an unknown reason put a bored face. "Get me a scissor." Naoki ordered Tetsu with a voice that matched his bored face. Tetsu quickly ran to somewhere to get the scissor that Naoki asked. "Right away, sir!"

A few seconds and a few clattered sounds later, Tetsu returned with a pair of scissor in his hands, handed it to Naoki but Naoki didn't take it. "I'm back, Sir! Here's your scissor, Sir!"

"Good job. Ryu and Hiro." Naoki called out to Ryu and Hirofumi now. Ryu and Hirofumi saluted as well just like what Tetsu did to Naoki.

"Yes, sir!"

"Hold her down." Naoki ordered Ryu and Hirofumi. They quickly grabbed each of Aya's shoulder on each side that made Aya gasped.


Naoki finally grabbed the scissor from Tetsu's hands and stood from his chair, loomed over Aya with a devilish smirk because he was about to do what he's been plotting.

"W-what... what are you going to do to me?" Aya couldn't move, froze in place while looked up at Naoki with a fear expression on her face, worry for what Naoki about to do to her.

"Waaaaahhhh!!!! What are you doing to my hair?! Don't cut it! No!!" Aya quickly screamed when Naoki suddenly cut her hair that grew longer to her shoulders' length. Naoki done cut her hair to his hair length, a common short hair length for boys their age.

"There you go. That suit you more." Naoki said calmly while Tetsu handed her a mirror. "That's right! You should look at it yourself!" Tetsu handed the mirror with a big smile, showing Aya her brand new hair that has no bangs anymore. And her hair now even shorter than Naoki's hair, leaving Hirofumi and Ryu speechless on their spots.

Aya took the mirror from Tetsu's hand to look at her hair herself. "My hair..." That's all she could say while looking at the mirror. Completely speechless from what the boys just did to her, especially Naoki. Hirofumi held his laugh so hard that he released a snort while Ryu comforted Aya with kind, gentle words as he patted Aya's shoulder.

"You look... good in that hair, Aya-kun." Ryu said. Aya couldn't take it anymore.

"WHY DID YOU CUT ALL OF MY HAIR?!" Aya exploded instead of crying, yelled her lungs out to the boys especially Naoki while clenched onto the mirror tightly.

"All of your hair? I didn't make you bald now did i?" Naoki responded with a nonchalant but sassy attitude while the other boys finally laughed their lungs out.


"Why? You look good in that hair."


Aya and Naoki continued their bickering while the other boys witnessed them with a laugh. I guess they still didn't see Aya as a girl, but who knows?