

Looking for shelter .. an easy live ,he finds himself killing and fighting people, as it is the cost to gain few money or he did thought..w..wasn't it the plan since the beginning or not?

mangakajoy · Horror
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

CHAP.2 : Delinquent

*The next day*

A punch follows another , the public is silent as the two delinquent fight each other ,but aparently only one person was punshing meanwhile his opponent preffered to dodge his attacks .

_"I have bet 55 000 ¥ on you , Kaito , don't you dare lose "said Yeamaki as he sounded careless than anyone after his annoucement inlike the rest of the crowd.

After few seconds , kaito's opponent attacked him only to be knocked down by a strong spin kick sent to his face ; the match is over and Kaito is announced the winner .

_"I bet 115 000 ¥ to win against me ,Kenji ,chef of the 6th team from Nightrise "

Everyone got silent for a moment as they had never seen a chef of from Nightrise give such attention and will to fight low ranked member from Lonetribe , Yeamaki stood to interfere.He knew, Kenji isn't a risk he could take but a voice raised on the the fight yard .

_"*laughs*.MY PLEASURE.. of course" answered Kaito .Whispers , laughs and excitement spread through the croud ,they were pretty much sure of the result of the match ,Yaemaki stood silent he didn't care for his friend as much as he worried about the money ."He had to win" tought to himself , 100 000 ¥ was all their gain from 4 successive matches , all ended by a knockouts . In order to accept Kaito as a confirmed new member of the Lonetribe, if this match ends unwell Kaito sure won't be able to stand for another fight atleast to recuperate the lost money. And as these thoughts kept running in his head , Kenji fell down to the ground , meanwhile his opponent was looking at him with his noise bleeding ,more tired than ever still ,he laughed out of excitement, silence spread Kenji was standing up with a furious eyes .

_"You are...hhhh..hh.. disappointing you know " whispered Kaito .

That monster so tall and strong, once again headed a punch from above and missed it , Kaito had fascinatingly avoided , responded with a strong punch in the lower Sternum sending a next a kick to the stocmach wich didn't do much damage then sent a powerful kick to the side of his opponent's body to lauch another one straight to his head .That kick mad him feel dizzy but it wasn't enough ,he suddenly turned around quickly grabbed Kaito's head ,sent him to the ground with consecutive punches ,one punch after another the fight seemed on the verge of its end , he recieved a knee kick to his head , both looked unsteady yet to dizzy but surprisingly Kaito was able to perform finishing blow with a spin kick to the head making Kenji fall to the ground . The fight ended.

Everyone had a hard time to believe what happened , Yaemaki included.

-"Our gain for todays fight is 215 000 ¥ , i think it's enough ,right ?" said Kaito as he was all beaten up.

_"Yeah ,it is enough" replied Yaemaki with a big smile to add "I see you on Halloween night to meet ur boss ..if you gat accepted".

Then the meeting was over for today , everyone left ,Kenji was carried away ,only Kaito and Yaemaki were still there , they talked for a while , sudenly Kaito had remembered something "what was it again ?"thought to himself ,he asked his friend for the time ,then said goodbye to him ,when he left the fight yard a girl suddenly appeared infront of him .

-"O.. my .. what happened to your face ?may i help you ? what is your name?"said the girl worried.

-"My name ? My .. name is .. uh.. my name is .. Kuzake Kage."..