
Frenemy:Trust once broken can't be same as it was before it was broken

Harcourt_Chiasale · Teen
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3 Chs

New boy continuation


I walked into the hall I took a seat behind the hall is filled up and rowdy with students in their groups talking some looking my direction whispering then laughing

"oh God" I muttered under my breath then Sandra walked into the hall. She wore shades I'll say she looked so hot

" what have you done Greg"I said hitting my head with my palm " would she ever forgive me ? how was I Soo dumb her half sister but how. she never mentioned to me she had a half sister but I never meant to do such to her " I remembered moments we shared together they were fun but would all end like this if it were possible to read people mind she would have known how sorry I am "Sandra please forgive me" I mummered as tear dropped from my eyes.

Tracy 💜

I and kendra just got to school

Then bumped into Mr Mund

"morning sir" we said in unison

"morning dear why are you girls late" he asked

"traffic jam was intense" I said

"Tracy pls come with me" he said

"ok kendra pls have my bag" I said handing my bag to kendra

"ok bye girl see you later" she said as she left

"so Mr. Mund where's the place" I asked

"the administrator block" he said