
French magic

Just after the end of the Tournament of the Three Wizards, Harry Potter accidentally discovers that his friends are not treating him the way he assumed they would, and their loyalty is questioned. He also realises that the greatest light wizard he has always admired is far from being as kind as he thought. Forced to seek new allies, he turns to the French Delacour family, who owe him the rescue of their youngest daughter. pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Realisation. Part 2

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8 July 1995. Black Mansion.

The members of the Order of the Phoenix gathered at Sirius Black's house were bewildered as they discussed the changes that had happened to their previously hospitable host, who had suddenly renewed the Fidelius spell on the mansion, as well as turning on the structure's internal defences to maximum power. His appearance was also strikingly different from the usual - Bleck was dressed in a black camisole, a leather wand pouch hung from a wide belt sewn in silver, and the Blacks' ancestral ring adorned his fingers - though not the ring of the Head of the Clan, as Arthur Weasley, despite his status as a blood traitor, had recognised first-hand, despite his status as an aristocrat.

Fletcher, who had been the last to arrive at the Order meeting, groaned quietly, cradling his burnt hand. After the thief had tried to stealthily pocket a gold fork from the table, the fork had burst into flames in his hands, leaving him badly burned, and Sirius Black, looking coldly at the crowd, had declared that he would not tolerate thievery in his house. The rogue, who had been humbled by such a rebuke, sat defiantly keeping his hands off everything of little value on the table, enjoying a glass of tea delivered by Black's new housekeepers.

The whispers and quiet discussion of the changed Sirius subsided as soon as the house master and Dumbledore entered the living room, walking side by side, judging by the scraps of conversation, trying to persuade the wizard to lower his internal defences.

- No, Headmaster, as long as unreliable people like Fletcher are in the house, I'm not going to give in. And no, I will not give free access to the house to anyone - every meeting of the Order will be reissued. I'm not going to share the Potters' fate, relying only on YOUR Fidelius and YOUR, Headmaster, promise of protection. - Sirius literally growled the last words.

- I find it strange that you don't understand my position, Headmaster. - Sirius continued, curbing his temper. - The fewer people allowed to defend the house, the less chance of it being overrun by Voldemort one day, and the Order needs a secure base. - Many shuddered at the name.

- My boy, unfortunately, you are right. - Dumbledore, for the first time in the Order's existence, had lost his seat at the head of the table, as it had been taken by the master of the house, so that the bewildered Headmaster found himself in the very unaccustomed position of a guest.

- Dumbledore, I respect you as the leader of the Order of the Phoenix and as a strong wizard, but I will not tolerate such treatment from the man who put me in Azkaban for years without a trial. - Sirius said the words calmly, but you could see that inside he was furious.

- Sirius, don't you dare talk about Dumbledore like that! - Molly Weasley jumped up from her seat, looking like a ruffled hen.

- Why? Did I say something wrong? I went to Azkaban without being interrogated, without the use of Truth Serum, without the legilimency of the Ministry of Magic. And the head of the English Wizengamot turned a blind eye. So sit down, Molly, and don't talk about what you don't know. - Sirius bellowed, flashing his eyes.

- As usual, ungrateful Black forgets who is the reason he is still alive and in this house. - Snape's sarcastic voice broke the tightening tension.

- Let it be known, Snape," Sirius could tell he was using a far more offensive nickname in his mind, "that I am in my own house, protected by the Bleck family magic, and I owe no one for my escape. The only person who really helped me was the third year Harry Potter who protected me from a mob of Dementors. So hold your tongue until I do it for you.

- Calm down! - The commanding voice of the head of the Order of the Phoenix stopped the arguing. It was obvious to Sirius and Snape, however, that they were only putting up with each other for the sake of the cause.

- We have a few questions on the agenda today..." Dumbledore looked around at everyone with a kind look over his half glasses. - Severus, what's going on at the Dark Lord's?

- Complete silence, He's gathering forces and allies, looking for an approach to the old aristocracy left behind during the First War, - Snape still hadn't informed the Headmaster that the Lord was actually in the dungeons of Malfoy Manor, and all actions to restore old and establish new ties were being taken by the Middle Circle without the Lord's direct leadership.

- And what about Harry Potter, my boy?

- Potter is definitely not in the Lord's possession, or else a show execution would have been arranged long ago. - Snape shrugged. - But I still don't see why you want a helpless, untrained boy who is vaunted as the Chosen One.

- At least he's been face-to-face with Voldemort without wetting his trousers," Sirius growled. - Unlike most of the strong wizards here. We have the perfect opportunity now - we know most of the remaining members of Voldemort's Inner Circle at large. So let's take any one of them, get them under the Serum, get them out of the Lord's quarters!

- Sirius, we don't have any proof! The aristocrats would raise such a howl in the Minister's waiting room that we'd all be buried! - Daedalus jumped in his seat.

- So then you'll wait until those same aristocrats, with the tacit support of the Minister, who was bought off by the Malfoys, seize power. And you'll sit there and talk about laws. In the First War, no law prevented them from torturing and killing wizards who refused to serve the Lord.

- What do you suggest? - Alastor Moody looked at the former prisoner with interest.

- Most likely, the Lord will return to the tactics of terror, his Revelers will smash the houses of muggleborn and non-pure-blooded wizards. And it is necessary to answer them in the same way, so that every Reveler knows that he can easily catch Avada in his own home.

- Blood demons! I like your thinking, Black! - The ex-Auror laughed hoarsely, showing strong, white teeth despite his age. - We could make them afraid.

- But that would be like them, Sirius, we can't take on the functions of a legitimate authority. The most we can do is to apprehend the attackers who have been caught red-handed and bring them to the Ministry for trial!

- That's interesting," Moody twitched in disgust. - So another idiotic brat servant of this Lord can throw Avada at me, and all I have to do is apprehend him? - Alastor glanced meaningfully at Bleek with his big eye, and they nodded at the same time.

- I will not tolerate arbitrary behaviour in the Order! We are not murderers. - The Headmaster raised his voice as well.

- Sirius, what do you have on the remaining neutral families?

- The Riemanns, Joneses and Carmichaels have agreed to help. But they will only co-operate through my mediation, after those edicts restricting the blood purity laws you passed with Fudge's support, they will never speak to you directly. They believe that those laws were passed by people not versed in bloodline magic, so they will only work with a member of the old aristocracy.

Dumbledore, who had clearly hoped for more, nodded his head and asked the next question, thinking that it would not be possible to quickly remove Sirius, who was irreplaceable.

- And what are they willing to help with, boy..." the Headmaster stopped, catching the fierce glint in the aristocrat's eyes. - Sirius?

- Money, support in the event of an attack on the Dark Lord's supporters. Defending the homes of the Muggleborns they won't.

- Is there any news of Harry? - The Headmaster glared at Bleek, thinking that the bloody runaway boy would surely inform his godfather if he had the chance.

And Bleck had suddenly lived up to his expectations.

- I got the letter with the owl.

Dumbledore, his eyes glittering, tried to read Sirius's thoughts stealthily, but ran into a powerful block. Gutting the aristocrat's memory in the family mansion was not so easy.

- Harry wrote that he was safe and on holiday in America. He writes that he has no plans to return to school this year. - Black wrinkled his nose, disapproving of his godson's decision. - At least not until 'til he's made amends for all the beatings he's taken in eleven years from the Dursleys, where the Headmaster sent him."

Sirius stared at Dumbledore, who was taken aback by this news.

- Headmaster, is there anything you want to explain to me and your associates? Why my godson was being beaten by some muggles?