
Freedom Path: The World of Deva

The world of Deva is a place where geniuses rise and fall every day and only those with extreme luck can survive. George is a naive poor boy who grew up not knowing the horrors of the world. After being thrust from one situation to another again and again, he learned that there is no escape to being used by others. With no backing and no one to look after him, George will strive further and further until he can be free of the influence of the world. In a perfect world this would be the story of him climbing over every single person to become the sole strongest, but life doesn't work that way. There will always be those who stand in his way, even those he's known since the beginning of his journey. Alex is a former noble abandoned by his family. From a young age he has always had a sadistic streak, but that apparent flaw of his ended up leading him to his destiny. Alex and George. These two will continue to clash and take away from each other until there only one thing remains. Their lives. George raised his red sword that had been his companion for years on years, and uttered one word. "Flash." Immediately, thunder struck and lightning fell from the sky, encasing him in a golden glow. Golden armor formed around his body, his sword turned to black lightning and his eyes went black. He gazed at Alex who stood far away, and breathed out a challenge. "Come. Today, we will end this." Alex didn't respond, but raised his twin black daggers that were so jagged that they looked like they would tear through anything. He too narrowed his eyes and spoke. "Monarch of the Night." This is the story of how it came to be, and how it will end. I would like it if any potential readers would read the first fifty chapters before deciding whether the book is good or not. The story gets better the more you read. ----------------------------- Check out my NEW book Primordial's Champions. The academy tag won't really come into play until Chapter 100 If you want to join the discord server for this book then leave a comment asking for the link. For every: 60 power stones per day, I will release one extra chapter per week.                                                      120 power stones per day, I will release three extra chapters per week.                                                  250 power stones per day, I will release five extra chapters per week.

CarltheCreator · Fantasy
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220 Chs

CHAPTER 27: Josephine's Story, I Think?

[The JWIT (Junior Worldwide Indon Tournament) is the most important sporting event for the students who play Indon in the world. In the competition, the best of the best from all the continents are pitted against each other in one, final competition to decide who is the best in the world.

The road to the JWIT is very long, and takes place over six months. Every team that wants to make it to the JWIT has to place within the top twenty of their continental league, or be one of the wildcard teams in their league.

The JWIT was created in the Chiargo Era to promote unity among the youth on all the continents, but instead of doing that, it has sparked an even greater rivalry that cannot be stopped.

Every year, all continents have their favorites to win, but most times, it is either the Demons or the Barbarians that win it. On other occasions, the other races have won but the Humans have only won twice in the entire history of the competition.

Whether this is because of the 'superiority' of the other races over the humans, or just because the heavy hitters of the humans aren't interested in competing, one thing is for sure, if the Humans want to defeat the other seasoned teams they have a lot of work to do.....Excerpt from: THE JUNIOR INDON MAGAZINE]

[George's POV]

"My parents were not that well off, honestly. I didn't actually know cause they always made sure I was well fed, even at their own expense. I just wish I had known earlier, maybe I could have helped them out somehow."

She had a sad, reminiscing expression on her face.

"If I had known, I would have been able to do better. I wouldn't have let them be the only one's bringing in the money. I could have gotten a job or something. I would even sold myself if it had come down to it.'

She glanced towards me.

"Sorry, you don't really want to listen to my sob story, do you?"

I shrugged.

"Don't mind me, just go on."

She had a quizzical look.

"Why are you interested? It doesn't have anything to do with you!"

I shrugged again.

"I just feel like it'd make me understand you better. If you don't feel like telling me, you don't have to."

She sighed and slumped her shoulders.

"Never mind, I already started. I might as well finish the story. Like I was saying, my parents worked themselves to the bone trying to provide for me, but eventually the loan sharks came for the money my parents owe them. The banks also came to take the house and everything we had. We had lost everything and were living on the street when my parents told me they had a meeting with someone, and if it went well we could get everything back."

I nodded my head along with her story.

"You didn't find it suspicious at the time?"

"Of course I didn't. I was trying to distract myself from the hunger that was eating up my stomach, do you think I had the time to wonder what my parents were doing?"

I thought about it a little.

"No, I guess not."

"Exactly, so when they said we may get everything back, I was really excited."

I had been nodding for a while now, so it's what I was doing on autopilot now. I wasn't even really paying attention.


"You know, my parents have always tried to help people, even when they didn't have enough for themselves. There was this one time when they only had enough money to get food and not anything else, and they gave me the biggest portion even though the others were so small. They told me not to worry and just eat, that seeing me satisfied is the best meal for them."

"They sound like good people."

"They are. They even took that small portion they were supposed to eat and gave it to someone else on the street who was homeless like us. Later on, I heard their stomachs growling but when I asked them if they wanted to eat, they said no."

"And you accepted that? You sat back and watched them be hungry while you ate your delicious food?"

"Of course I didn't do that! I asked them whether they wanted, but they said I should eat. I couldn't make them change their minds no matter how much I tried. They just wouldn't listen!"

"And so?"

"When they came back from their meeting, they asked me if I loved them or not."

Interesting. What would I have done in her situation, cold I presume, and hungry.

"Your answer?"

"Of course I said yes. I still do."

After all they've done?

"Even after everything?"

"Especially after everything. They might have put me here, but I still respect them."

Respect, not a bad thing to have. I think I like her more now.

"Is that so. You know, you seem very nice, but I can't help but wonder why you're telling me all this. I'm not the same person I once was who would take everything at face value."

Her voice took a different tone.

"You're smarter than I thought, George. You're right, I shouldn't be telling you this. It doesn't make sense, does it?"

I had a brainwave.

"Was what you were telling me actually true? No, that's not possible, it was so real. How could you fake that?"

She chuckled, but it was in a sort of sad way.

"So you actually believe me? I guess that means I've gotten better at acting."


"You see George, my parents weren't good people."

She really was lying!

"Are you kidding me?"

"They were the shittiest, most horrible people that I will forever hate."

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