
Freedom of Olympia

Jason and Percy grew up as bitter rivals. What will happen when they end up going to the same college? Will these two enemies ever become true teammates, will they overcome their past to become partners? Also, why is Percy's back littered in bruises? Warning! This story contains mature and explicit scenes within a same-sex relationship. If you are not comfortable with LGBT stories, mature and graphic scenes, do not read this story. Disclaimer! I do not own Percy Jackson or any characters affiliated with the author, Rick Riordan. Now on to the story. I hope you enjoy it!*

LetiVH · Book&Literature
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53 Chs

One Perfect Life

I got to the door before I realised Jason wasn't following me. I turned back to see him sitting on the edge of the bed, staring blankly after me. I was suddenly aware of something hot and sticky running down my thigh, and I just wanted that shower.

"You coming?" I asked, hopefully. He gave me a soft smile, slightly shaking his head before he stood and walked over to me.

"Yeah," he said, sliding past me and starting the shower.

"Something wrong?" I asked as the bathroom started filling up with steam. He stepped into the shower, pulling me in after him.

"No," he said, wrapping his arms around me. I cocked an eyebrow at him. "It's just gonna take some getting used to," he whispered. I let my eyes drop to the tiled floor, allowing the water to fall on my back. It had a somewhat calming effect on me. He pulled my chin up to him, and I suddenly didn't feel calm at all.

"Are we going to be okay, though?" I croaked as his eyes searched for something in mine.

"Yeah," he said, looking very thoughtful. "We just have to be, because I really don't want to lose you, Perce." I leaned in to give him a peck on the lips.

"I'm yours, Jase," I said, and he looked up at me with searching eyes again. "For as long as you'll have me." He smiled before his hand slipped to the back of my neck, and he pulled me in for a kiss.

It was kind of overwhelming. The hot water on my back, the gorgeous man kissing me and my chest growing hot as relief washed over me, erasing all my worries and leaving me with the calmness the water brought. The next thing I knew, I was pushing Jase up against the wall, pinning his hands above his head.

"Percy," he breathed as I broke the kiss, latching on to his neck. A sudden stroke of reason flashed through my mind. I pulled back to look at him.

"You okay with this?" He blinked at me.

"With what?" he asked.

"Fucking in the shower?" His eyes went a little wide as a blush spread over his cheeks.

"It'll be a first," he said before clearing his throat. "But I suppose it couldn't hurt..." he eyed me kind of funny "...right?" I grabbed hold of the back of his thighs, lifting him against the wall as he instinctively wrapped his legs around me. I stepped in closer to pin him to the wall as I guided his hands up towards the ledge.

"Not one bit..." I whispered in his ear, "...now hold on." I felt him grasp the edge before I let my hands slide back down to cup his ass. I took his earlobe between my teeth as I slipped one wet finger in between his cheeks to circle his hole. I felt him tighten a bit, so I sucked on his lobe, grazing my teeth over it now and then. I instantly felt him relax and slipped the finger into the circle of muscle. I pulled back to see him with his eyes closed. "You okay?"

"Yeah," he breathed, before he lightly thrust back into my finger, probably without noticing it himself, and I took the hint to move. I let my other hand fist his hair and pin his head to the wall. His eyes fluttered open, and I was met with those pure baby blues in turmoil.

It looked like a lightning storm was wreaking havoc in his eyes, and I loved every second of it. A moan tumbled from his lips as I really started to thrust into him. I pushed in a second finger, and I was surprised at how well Jase was taking it. Maybe he should loosen up by fucking me every time...I found that little bundle of nerves and slowly, but deliberately, stroked over it.

"Fuck," he hissed as his eyes fluttered closed again. Soon, I added a third finger, stretching him as far as I could. He was well and truly thrusting back onto my fingers when I pulled out and let go of his hair to cup his cheeks and lift his ass, slightly spreading him a little further. He was still holding onto the ledge above his head, which gave me quite a glorious view of his flexing muscles. I aligned my cock with his hole, looking up at him as the silent question fell between us.

"Please, Percy," he whispered as he let his head fall back against the wall. "Fuck me." He didn't need to tell me twice. I leaned in, crashing our mouths together in a deep kiss before I pushed into him. I sheathed myself in him entirely before I pulled back to rest our foreheads together. He was still so fucking tight, and I knew I was going to have to control myself.

"You okay?" I asked, and a grin graced his lips as he nodded. We stayed like that, water cascading down my back, for a few minutes before his legs tightened around me, pulling me closer and telling me to move. I started slow, but his sheer tightness was beginning to drive me crazy. After a few thrusts, his head fell back against the wall with a moan, and I felt myself smiling.

"Fuck, Perce," he breathed, and my chest swelled with warmth as he said my name. I took a step back, and his eyes darted towards me as I pulled him off the wall with me.

"You hold on tight now," I told him with a wink. It was moments like these that had me very thankful that my boyfriend had the upper body strength to keep himself up. With pulling him off the wall, he was a little higher than me now, and if I positioned myself just right...

"Oh," he breathed before his mouth set in an 'o' as I thrust directly upwards into his prostate. "Percy," he moaned my name somewhere between a curse and a prayer, and I loved the sound. After a few minutes, both our breathing got ragged; the steam in the air started to fade as the water on my back started to get cold.

I was starting to lose control as moan after moan fell from Jason's lips. I was vaguely aware of my nails digging into his hips as I pulled him down to meet my thrusts. His arms started shaking, and my thrust grew harsher and faster until his legs started shaking too. He mumbled something that sounded a bit like 'I'm close.', but I couldn't be sure. I stepped forward again to lean in and bite his earlobe before I soothed it over with my tongue.

"Cum for me, Jason," I whispered and I felt him shiver. I caught him just in time as his arms gave out, instantly wrapping around my neck, and he plastered our stomachs with my name tumbling from his lips. I saw white as he clamped down on me, and I found my own release. His name was falling out of me like a desperate prayer. When my vision cleared, I realised I was on my knees, Jason in my lap with a goofy grin.

"How does it feel?" I frowned, still too out of breath to think. "Fucking someone you're in love with?" I started to chuckle.

"So much better," I whispered before I leaned in to kiss him. I then lifted him off my lap and my dick before I stood up, holding a hand to him. The water was frigid now, and we still needed to get clean. He stared at my hand before a slight blush crept up his neck.

"I think we have a problem," he whispered as his eyes dropped to the floor.

"What?" He looked up at me through his lashes as his slight blush turned full-on red.

"You fucked me boneless," he said dead seriously. "I can't feel or move anything." I stared down at him, not quite sure what to do. Okay, so maybe twice in a row is too much for him...well, for now. I started laughing, then it died in my throat, then I started laughing again before I bent down and helped him stand up, albeit while leaning against the wall. "Can we get out, now?" he asked, teeth clattering. "It's fucking cold."

"We've got to get cleaned up first," I chuckled as I set to work on getting us both squeaky clean in an ice-cold shower. Once done, I helped Jason out and got him dressed, complete with the Pikachu slippers. I threw on my own sweats and hoodie before I plopped him down on the couch in the living room. He avoided making eye contact the whole time. It was cute, really.

"Be right back," I said, pecking him on the lips and bounding down the stairs.

I first checked to see if his things were dry yet. They weren't. I guess it was going to take a little longer to dry in the cold. Second, I scoured the kitchen for something to eat that would warm us. I suppose that's one perk to living over a dive. There's always something ready to eat.

I settled for two slices of pie before I bound up the stairs again. Jason was where I had left him, flipping through the channels when I got back upstairs. I put the kettle on as I popped the pie into the microwave to heat it, getting two cups out for coffee.

"What're we watching?" I asked as I flopped down on the couch after setting the pie and coffee on the coffee table.

"Don't know yet," he mumbled as he snuggled into my side, extending his arms towards the pie like a toddler wanting to be picked up. I reached for it, and he sighed contently as he took his first bite, handing me the remote. I continued to flip through the channels until I came across Pretty Woman. We exchanged a look.

"I think it's a little too close to home, yeah?" I asked, and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Ya think?" he asked sarcastically. I immediately switched the channel and was met with the cutest little yellow face with two red circles for cheeks, which led to me hiding the remote as fast as I could.

"We are not watching Pokémon!" Jason protested, making to reach for the remote, which was already gone.

"Oh, come on. What's not to love about Pikachu?" I asked as the little ball of fluff electrocuted Team Rocket.

"It's a cartoon, Percy," he said, rolling his eyes. "Don't you think we're a little old for cartoons?"

"You bite your tongue," I scolded playfully slapping his arm. "You're never too old for cartoons." He raised an eyebrow at me. "Come on. That's the beauty of cartoons. They remind you of when you were a kid and had nothing better to do on a Saturday morning." A dark look fell over his face.

"I never really watched cartoons," he shrugged, and I'm sure my jaw hit the floor. He started pulling into himself. "What? My dad never approved." I continued to stare at him. "He had me study or practice on Saturdays. That or he would take us to some fundraiser or something, telling us to just smile and behave."

"You had a crappy childhood," I found myself say, realising a little too late that it sounded pretty awful.

"...and you had a crappy High school experience," he countered, that same dark look falling over his face before he shook his head and looked up at me with a sad smile. "Maybe we can share and build one perfect life?" I found myself smiling back down at him.

"Yeah well, we can start with me sharing my childhood cartoons, so sit back, relax and watch the badass that is Ash Ketchum," I said, pulling him into me. "Oh, and feel free to spill coffee on the couch." He gave me an odd look. "We've been trying to convince my dad to get a new one for months." I shrugged, and he burst out laughing.