
Freedom of Olympia

Jason and Percy grew up as bitter rivals. What will happen when they end up going to the same college? Will these two enemies ever become true teammates, will they overcome their past to become partners? Also, why is Percy's back littered in bruises? Warning! This story contains mature and explicit scenes within a same-sex relationship. If you are not comfortable with LGBT stories, mature and graphic scenes, do not read this story. Disclaimer! I do not own Percy Jackson or any characters affiliated with the author, Rick Riordan. Now on to the story. I hope you enjoy it!*

LetiVH · Book&Literature
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53 Chs

Crash, Boom, Bang

Dinner had been so good; I could almost forgive Jason for rejecting me on the sofa. Not only did it taste amazing, but it was also actually one of his dietician-approved meals, so it was healthy—perfectly seared salmon on a bed of cauliflower mash and a salad with gooseberries and pomegranate seeds.

"You're gonna have to teach me how to cook when we move in together," I said, as Jason took our empty plates to the sink, the apartment bathed in nothing but candlelight.

"You can cook," he countered over his shoulder, rinsing the plates.

"Breakfast doesn't count, babe. I can't live on pancakes and oatmeal for the rest of my life," I sighed as I poured us each more wine, finishing the bottle. "Besides, at this rate, I'm just gonna be your live-in fucktoy."

Jason cocked his head at me like a confused little puppy. "Excuse me?"

"Well, I'm useless with finance crap, so that's all you, and if you're cooking, what do I have to offer in a domestic situation besides my dick." Jason snorted. "I don't even clean that well, and I always end up with a missing sock whenever I do laundry."

"At least you can use a screwdriver," he shrugged as he dropped back into his chair.

"Great, so I'm gonna be the handyman that fills your cracks." Jason choked on a sip of wine.

"Maybe you can bake," he offered with watery eyes and aflame cheeks, purposefully ignoring my statement. "Let's see what you made for dessert."

"You're changing the subject," I tried to divert, heart racing at the prospect of Jason being disappointed in my attempted batch of brownies.

"And I'd very much appreciate it if you let me," Jason countered bashfully.

"I can't bake, Jason," I whined, and Jason chuckled.

"So dessert's a bust?"

"No," I pouted. "I have something; I just can't guarantee its any good."

"Didn't you taste it as you made it?" he asked, lips twitching in amusement.

"No," I said pointedly, but it flew over Jason's head.

"Why not?" he asked, confused.

"Because I was planning on getting fucked tonight, Babe," I deadpanned and realisation set onto Jason's face. "Didn't eat anything all afternoon."

"Right," he coughed, blush flaring up again.

"Yeah, so I'm stressing myself out because I don't know what it tastes like, and Leo wasn't home to be my guinea pig."

"Percy," Jason gave my hand a little, reassuring squeeze, his blush dying down to a pink tint. "I'm gonna love it either way because you made it especially for me." I bit my lip before reaching for the pastry box across the table and setting it in front of Jason. He smiled at the red bow.

"Happy Valentine's day," I mumbled. He seemed to be debating something in his head before he plucked a small gift box out his pocket and plopped it in front of me. The tiny black box was the perfect size for a...ring.

"Jason, what is this?" I asked, eyeing the box like it held explosives.

"Well, you're nervous about the dessert, and I'm nervous about that," he shrugged. "Let's get both over with."

"Before I open this, though," I said, halting his hand on the bow mid pull. "We agreed, we're not talking marriage until after we both graduate, right?"

"Right," Jason nodded hesitantly.

"So, this isn't an engagement ring, right?" I asked, voice sounding slightly panicked, even to my own ears.

"No, Percy," Jason said gently, soothingly. "I don't ever want to get engaged for the sake of moving forward in a relationship. The day we get engaged is the day we set a date for our wedding."

"Thank fuck," I sighed, and Jason grinned.

"Good to know we're on the same page, though," he said, pulling at the bow and opening the pastry box. He pushed aside the tissue paper and froze, gaze slowly travelling up towards me before settling back on the brownies.

"Are these...salted caramel brownies with pecan nuts?"

"Thalia helped me get the recipe from Lupa," I answered softly.

"Wait, you actually got the recipe from Lupa?" his head snapped up towards me, and I gave him a nod. "That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me," he said, wistfully gazing down at the brownies. "And, even if Lupa would be appalled by the heart shape, I love them, so thank you, Percy." He leaned in to give me a chaste kiss on the lips.

"Don't thank me till you taste them," I mumbled, ducking my head. Jason boomed with laughter next to me before plucking up one of the brown hearts and tearing it in half. "Babe, you just broke my heart," I quipped, clutching my chest as he froze, one half held out to me.

A brief silence fell between us as Jason merely blinked at me before we both burst out laughing. "That was cute as fuck." He then casually took a bite of the brownie, like I wasn't holding my breath.

"Fuck," he moaned almost pornographically. "These are so good."

"Yeah?" I asked, finally taking a bite myself. I was relieved to find that they were, in fact, edible.

"They're slightly more salty than Lupa's, but I kinda like them more this way. Like I could never eat more than half a brownie of Lupa's batches because they were overwhelmingly chocolatey and sweet. But the saltiness in your's cuts down the chocolate flavour. So, get ready to see me eat this whole box."

"Speaking of boxes," I gingerly picked up the little black box in front of me, Jason's jaw stopping midchew. I lifted the lid to glittering silver and promptly dropped the box. "Son of a bitch, you said it wasn't a ring."

"I said it wasn't an engagement ring," Jason corrected, and I narrowed my eyes at him. "It's a promise ring," his eyes dropping as he sheepishly flicked the crumbs off his fingers.

"Oh," I picked up the box again, the plaited design almost seeming organic like real leather. "It's beautiful."

"Calypso helped me design it, and Leo machined it. I wanted it to match the nautical theme of your tattoos."

"Wait, you guys made this?" I asked incredulously, Jason gave me a shy nod in return.

"You see, you...um...you have your tattoos and loud personality, which I love, and because of that, the entire world can see how committed you are." He finally raised his head to glance at me. "I just wanted to show you in some way that I'm right there with you."

He was too cute for words. My chest swelled with adoration and barely contained glee. I couldn't quite process what I was feeling. I was only faintly aware of the soft, "fuck me," tumbling from my lips.

"I know it's kind of stupid, and you don't have to, you know, wear it. I probably got the size wrong too."

"No, Jason, it's perfect," I cut him off before he could doubt himself, even more, slipping the ring onto my left hand. "Now, like I said," I tugged him closer by his collar, "fuck me."

I watched his shyness morph into confusion and then finally shift into realisation. A devilish smirk spread across his face, and I bit my lip in anticipation. He surged forward, capturing my lips in a searing kiss. Wine glasses were pushed to the other side of the table as he, too easy not to notice his strength, lifted me onto the table. My thighs bracketed his hips like they were sculpted puzzle pieces meant to slot into each other.

Shirts were quickly discarded, hands groping at newly exposed flesh. I wrapped my arms around Jason's shoulders, one hand threading into his hair and the other finding a path down his back. His hands, in turn, latched onto my hips, pulling me impossibly closer. I moaned into his mouth as he rolled his hips, creating unyielding friction between both our jeans. My nails scraped up his spine, leaving angry red marks between his shoulders.

He pushed me back down onto the table with a feral growl, the legs groaning in protest, and my head narrowly missing the candle in the centre of the table. He impatiently peeled my jeans off along with my underwear, leaving me bare, safe for the ring on my finger. The candle flickered with my ragged breaths, the light dancing over the silver ring like flames.

Jason pulled the lube from my jean pocket before dropping the fabric on the floor as if it had personally offended him. Then, without preamble or hesitation, he pulled my legs over his shoulders and bent me in half like fucking pretzel, his teeth sinking into the meat of my thigh. I kicked his shoulder as best I could, sending him an ineffective glare. He merely chuckled before soothing the irritated skin with his sinful tongue and fuck...he left a wet trail from my thigh to my crack before he licked a broad stripe over my rim.

"What, the fuck, have you done with my innocent little virgin?" I huffed as I squirmed in Jason's grasp.

Jason wiggled his brows at me before his tongue plunged past the ring of muscle, my hand instinctively clutching at his hair, tugging with maybe a little to much force. Jason's answering groan, however, vibrated inside of me, and I instantly forgot about the possibility of scalping my boyfriend.

Slicked up fingers soon joined the wet muscle in my ass, insistent on spreading me open. Jason would never rush prepping me, but I could feel his eagerness, his body practically buzzing with the need to buried balls deep inside of me. I loved reducing him to this, to the needy mess that would beg without shame. Loved the power he simply handed over to me.

"Get your gorgeous cock inside of me, Babe." Jason's baby blue eyes lit up like times square and damn if didn't make my heart flutter. Jason didn't hesitate to undo his belt and pull out his dick. He hissed as he spread the cold lube over the flushed skin. He hooked his arms under my knees, hands on the back of my thighs as he pulled me to the edge of the table before he sank into me with a practised movement. We both moaned as Jason leaned down to seal our lips in a sweet kiss.

"I love you," he whispered, peppering my cheeks and nose with feather-light kisses.

"I love you, too, Babe," I breathed into his ear. "Now wreck me."

Jason grinned down at me before he straightened back up, one hand on my hip, the other on one of my thighs. He pulled me onto his dick with every single brutal thrust, making my toes curl and my back arch off the wooden surface beneath me, and my head fell back onto the table with a loud thud. My vision was swimming, his bruising grip on my hip the only thing keeping me anchored as he ripped moan after moan from my throat. There was only one thing I could do in retaliation. Jason did have a thing for dirty talk, after all, so I opened my damned mouth and did what I could to wreck him too.

"You feel so big inside me, Jason," I moaned, Jason eyes rolling back into his skull as he moaned a breathy version of my name. "I'm so fucking full, Babe," I groaned, rolling my hips to meet his thrusts. "I can literally feel you rearranging my guts, and I fucking love it."

"Percy...I...I," Jason's breath stuttered along with his hips, warmth erupting inside me as he came, the heat pulling me over the edge as well. I painted my chest with my cum, clawing at Jason's arms to maintain some semblance of my sanity. Jason collapsed onto me, uncaring of the sticky mess between us.

The table groaned before a sharp crack sounded, and we were falling. We crashed to the floor, the candle went out as it rolled over onto my shoulder, spilling hot wax onto my skin and making me hiss. The room fell into darkness as I heard our glasses shattering on the floor.

"What just happened?" Jason's voice sounded close to my ear, barely above a whisper.

"Pretty sure we broke the table," I answered, trying and failing not to laugh. "Also kinda scared to move, because I heard the glasses shatter, but I don't know where. I'm not in the mood to have shards of glass poking into my back."

"Okay, just hold on a sec." Jason pulled out of me, making me wince. I heard the rustling of his pants as he got to his feet. The glass crunched under his shoes as he stepped over to the wall, flicking the light on, casting a harsh light on the scene. The floor was covered in scattered shards and the wine we had been drinking. The slightly raised platform of the tabletop had kept me off the floor and out of harm's way...well mostly. Jason's concerned eyes fell to the red platters on my shoulder, panic visibly rising in him.

"Relax, Jase. It's just wax." I sat up carefully, staying on my little island. "It's not like it's the first time I've had candle wax on me during sex. Granted, it's never been on accident."

Jason grimaced as he lifted my jeans and underwear, both covered in the wine. He ran out of the kitchen and soon returned with some of his clothes for me to wear. My sneakers were inspected, brushed off and handed to me once they were deemed safe. Jason helped me to my feet once they were no longer bare and at risk of being sliced on the glass.

"Fuck," Jason groaned. "We promised Frank we wouldn't fuck in a common area. I can't just explain away a broken table. He's never gonna let me have the apartment to myself again."

"Relax," I tried to soothe my Superman. "Who's your handyman?"

Jason eyed me carefully. "You can fix this?"

"Yeah, sure. Epoxy the legs back on, wood filler in the cracks, and sand it down to blend once it's dry," I shrugged. "Frank'll never know."

"Okay, but Frank's coming back tomorrow morning, and the closest hardware store is probably closed. We're not gonna be able to fix it in time." I snorted, making him frown.

"Like I don't have all of that in my apartment right now." Jason blinked at me as I turned for the door. "You clean up the glass and wine while I go grab it."

Jason's hand on my wrist stopped me in my slightly limping tracks. "What do mean you have everything in your apartment?"

"I live with Leo, Jason," I raised a brow at him. "Our kitchen table is not the only piece of furniture that's been broken and stitched back together.

"Okay, understandable," he nodded before pulling me closer, to sweetly kiss my lips. That's when I realised our post-sex bliss had kinda been interrupted by something we'll joke about for the rest of our lives.

"Love you," he mumbled.

"Love you too," I smiled in return. "Now get to cleaning."