
Freedom Acquired

Re create my wand what the hell does he mean. I know wands can modified staff much like Hagrid Umbrella or Lucius Malfoy Pimp Staff. But those were physical modifications not Magical modifications. Well might as well listen to him.

"Well how long is this going take Mr Olivander I am going to leave the country in two days." I said to him

I could have left sooner however my new home was getting refurbished and getting furniture set in place so I had wait.

"It wont take much time at the very least 3-5 hours but trust me you will be pleased and you wont need to pay me since this was something I always wanted to do" His eyes twinkling with curiosity and eager as we made our into his workshop.

Honestly it was a mess it looked like a mix of craftsman and mad scientist lab with a mix of animal killing psychopath. There were large amount written paper sprawled on the table with no care. With Wood blocks of all shape , size and colour lying several tools such saws and chisels sticking out of them. However the most off putting thing about his workshop was the amount of animal parts that were just lying around like it was normal. I swear there an eyeball in the jar that was just staring at me.

"You truly are unique Mr Peverell. Wiccan have no need for wands since they use nature as a focus point and even use celestial event like full moon to amplify the effects of their magic even use spirits of the dead in the same manner" Olivander explained to me

" However for a Wizard like us we use wands or other things such as hand movement in Africa use something physical to caste spells will do use metaphysical means. So Wiccans gather more magic use it in a large scale they have more powerful magic such as contacting the dead and creating dimensions while we can use more refined magic such as transfigurations and alchemy. So when Wiccans use magic they destroy wands instead they can also overheat their own magic" The master wand maker said to me

"So I wont be able to use the wand to do Wizard magic" I said felt quite dejected at this reveal dammit.

"Well you can but not in the traditional while normal Wiccans can't use wands you are still a Wizard if I have to guess then I think that it is because you are a siphoner. Siphoners are mutation of Wiccan that drain magic but don't have magic of their own and they can only siphon Wiccan magic however you siphon both magic. When you held your wand your wizard core reacted to it then the Wiccan magic amplified it. Then you started to siphon causing you to overload yourself." Olivander stated to me

"However we can rectify this by creating what I call a synergy serum. You see you are hybrid your Wiccan and Wizard magic would have collided killed you. Your siphoning is somehow balancing this dichotomy between your magic. The wand will be the main ingredient. As well as some your blood" as he pulled out a knife cut the palm of my hand spilled some blood into a cauldron.

He then dropped my wand in as well as and started way his wand around the magical object started to melt and started to mix in with the blood and started merge with it. As the outer casing of the wand melted it revealed a beautiful scarlet feather that was reminiscent of a peacock feather. It slowly turned into a small pile of glowing ashes. Soon the mixture of brown and red slowly started mix together with swirling patterns with specks of luminescent dust. Olivander carried on with his magic muttering incantations.

This carried on about 3 hours the old man did not look bored at all and looked at the cauldron with an obsessive curiosity. Honestly I slept after 1 hour year of the process was being done I just got tired after a while and just slept in the chair I was sleeping in.

Jesus a nine year old sleeping in a old mans basement. Man I hope the authorities don't come bashing in.

As I was sleeping I heard huge " Screech!!!!" I woken by the loud shriek and then saw Garrick Olivander with a huge smile. As he looked at the cauldron in awe shining through his eyes.

"What the bloody hell was that?" I asked the Wily old man

"Its done that screech was the life force of the phoenix congealing with the potion this is a superior version of what I predicted, Drink it" The old man shoved a tiny shot glass of the red gleam to it was like liquid fire.

I took the glass from downed in one gulp then I felt weird my body started to warm up at then I collapsed on the floor and my vision was going blurry. For fuck sakes.

When I woke up my vision was blurry shit my glasses must have broken when I fell down. I took the glasses that were hanging of the ridge of my nose to see the damage that was done. Suddenly my vision amazingly clear and saw that my glasses was perfectly fine did that wacky potion heal my eye sight soon I heard foot steps. I see Garrick Olivander walking inside the room. I was about to give him a piece of mind when he started to conjure a mirror

"Well have look at yourself" The old man stated

It was weird when I saw my self it was like looking at someone else. My dirty black hair was refined to a more silky obsidian shade. My previous pale skin became olive with the scars signalling vanishing from body. My face somehow looked more regal with my eyes have radiance glimmering emerald. The biggest change was my body it looked very different instead of underweight I looked fit.

But the biggest change was my magic it now allows me to stockpile magic when I siphon no matter how longer.

I left Olivander when business was done and headed back to the room that goblin gave to me to rest


The serum somehow gave extra abilities such as seeing people aura , heal quicker like healing a broken bone in 3-4 days and enhanced intellect. All gained from the phoenix tail feather.

I have one more day before I head to Virginia so I made my way to the Magical Menagerie to find my magical familiar. As I entered the pet shop I was welcomed sight of several magical creatures barking , squealing and screeching. I looked around went to the snake section to check something out.

When I came into the the room full snakes apart of me was a bit excited to see if this would so I started to speak so all that came out of my mouth was hissing sounds. The snakes looked at me and called speaker, they kept on chanting 'speaker'

Except one snake in the room it was at the corner of the room so soon I went to that snake. I looked at the plaque beneath it. It said " Horned serpent blooded Black Mamba" I looked at the snake and it black with an red underbelly with two red horns protruding of his head. I tapped on the glass case to get the snake to acknowledge me.

'Hello little one' I initiated the conversation to him

'What is it that you want speaker?' the male sounding voice asked me

'Do you want to come with me' I asked

'Why would the great me go with you?' he replied my question with another question

'It must be boring if you come with me you can have adventure and free roaming space ' Remembering that snakes like to roam about.

This seemed to perk the snake up he started look at me with sea green eyes brimming vibrantly hissing 'You better be telling the truth speaker or face the wrath of my bite'

'Not lying you can about all you need however you can randomly bite people' I said to the snake. It nodded at me ' Well you need a name how about Shesha after the hindu snake king'

'Very well you can call me Shesha keep your end of the deal' it hissed at me haughtily

I chuckled and said 'I promise'


Today was the day . The day I can be free of my past and my preconceived free from bigotry and racism. The goblin flooed to my mansion at Mystic Falls. It was perfect there was forest a quaint little town. Despite the name this was just a normal town. The mansion has a automatic maintenance spell that cleared and sorted every along cooking meals for me. As long as I have the ingredients for the meal.

I quickly run towards the window and take in a deep breath so this was it this was freedom.

Next Chapter will be a time skip

Can anyone write lemon I dont think I can write one

HyperPhoenixcreators' thoughts
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