
Freedom City Stories (Isekai Detective Side Story)

19A46, A year before Takumi took the mantle of being a private investigator, Freedom City is a location riddled with mob related crimes. Years before, in 19A38, an Oni serving the Malzeno family, named Sara Onikami has to flee the city after assassinating a rival mobster, and went back to her home nation in the Kyokuto Empire. However she didn't return early due to her being made prisoner during the war. Now she returns, and must work her way up the ranks of the Malzeno family.

Yuuya_Kizami21 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Speaker

Sara walks into the office, and bows down respectfully in front of her new boss. Mike wasn't having any of it, and scoffed at her attitude.

"This is Ameria, stop bowing like that."

"Pardon my attitude, Messer Mike."

"Whatever. Listen, one of our speakers to suppress the drug epidemic in the Industrial Island is refusing to go to work. I want you to find him and make sure he makes his shift, speaking to the people."

"There must be a reason as to why he isn't."

"Did I say that you're allowed to make any comments? Now scram, and get that guy to work. He lives at a townhouse nearby, in Tremont."

"Understood, Messer."

Sara walks out, and used the bicycle parked right on the side of the warehouse before pedaling away. Tremont is only a block away to the north, Sara had to go along the curved street, and he sees the speaker Mike spoke of. The speaker is a male cat-type beastkin known as Nekomata. Sara knew him from her childhood when she lived in the city with her aunt. This nekomata's name is Thomas, who is supposed to be doing his job with his pal, Gerard who is a mouse-type beastkin known as Micekin.

"Sara? You're... You're back in town!?" Thomas asked in surprise, his cat ears standing up.

"Yes, I am back. I am tasked to bring you to work."

"W-work? Listen, Sara... I'm sick, I got a bad case of flu, I swear!"

"You are going to work, like it or not. Mount the bike, and get to the Oriental District."

Thomas shakily got on the bike, and Sara sat on the backseat, her hands wrapping around Thomas' neck, threatening to strangle him if he does anything stupid.

"Sara, you should know that I'll be dead if I start speaking again!"

No answer, as Thomas starts pedaling west, passing by a deli restaurant.

"The Heisenbergs are in control of the Oriental District, I tell you!"

"Yes, I take that as a joke but my sense of humor is void."

The reason Sara took that as a joke is because The Heisenberg Crime Family is the weakest out of the three families that ruled Freedom City. They gain their profits from import/export of stolen vehicles, protection racket schemes which they didn't protect, and prostitution. From what Sara heard, the Heisenbergs treated them badly. This of course, caused them to be hated even more and people actually refused to join if they are being recruited. Only the stubborn joined, which fills their ranks. Their new type of crime that they are doing is drug smuggling and trafficking, which the Malzenos extremely despise.

"I'm not joking, please stop this!"

"Stop? Alright then." Sara then tightened her grip on his neck, strangling him causing him to pedal faster in which she then lets him go.

They stopped at a row of tenement buildings in the middle of The Oriental District, which is basically this world's variation of a Chinatown housing locals that came from Kyokuto and the People's Oriental Republic which was just formed after the war ended. There is a small triad presence in this district due to Malzeno's influence, but that will not last long.

"Alright, dismount from the bike. I'm going to report Messer Mike about my success."

"A-alright, see you again sometime Sara..."

Sara then switched seats, and pedaled off leaving Thomas to make a speak to the people. It took her around 3 minutes to pedal all the way back to Mike's warehouse, and when she did arrived and entered the office, Mike is nowhere to be found.

"Messer Mike? I have finished your orders."

"What? Oh for crying out loud, Sara... The last thing I need is you stressing me out." Mike's voice is heard from the bathroom.

"Any more orders for today?"

"You bet I have! I got a call from an associate, and that guy still hasn't made his speak! Do you want to know why?"

"I crave the reason."

"He's dead, you Neanderthal! A Heisenberg hitman whammed him! Are you going to let this slide? Get back to the Oriental District and hit them directly! Beat their dealers and show them that the district belongs to Lucrezia Malzeno!"

"Understood. I shall take my leave..."

And as soon as Sara left the warehouse, more shouting is heard from the bathroom.

"Finally she's off! Oh man, why is there never any paper in here!? They make me waste my mana on water spells!"

Sara pedals back to the district, and sees the first dealer dealing in an alleyway with one of the locals.

"Who're you? Want some of these... Or maybe a good time?"

"I advise you to leave. This is Madonna Malzeno's territory."

"And who are you to be barking orders at me?" He walks in closer, and stroked Sara's chin.

Sara replied with a headbutt which instantly knocked him out. She then dragged the body out of the alleyway, and she is met by two more dealers, who widened their eyes in shock as to what happened to their partner. They quickly took out switchblades from their pockets, as Sara looked on emotionlessly. She released the knocked out dealer, and awaited the other two to strike. The two of them dashed towards Sara, attempting to shank her hips, but Sara catches their hands that are holding the blades, and broke them effortlessly before smashing their heads on each other, knocking them out as well.

"This isn't enough of a lesson, it should be public."

Despite her having to lie low, there really is no other choice but to scar the Heisenbergs psychologically and plus, it's to teach a lesson not to mess with Lucrezia. She drags them over to the district's center where the tenements are, and tied them up with ropes that she bought from a local shop. She returns to the three dealers with a crowbar, and at that time a crowd is already gathered around the district center.

"People of the Oriental District, this is a lesson to those who dares trafficking illegal substances around this area and the rest that belongs to Madonna Lucrezia Malzeno."

The three of them woke up, and desperately tried to shake off the ropes that bind them, but they are tightly bound. Sara walks up to one of the dealers, and raised his chin.

"What is your name?"

"Adolfo Hitterman."

"Now that's a good answer."

In an instant, Sara swings the crowbar, hitting the dealer in the side of the skull knocking him down to the ground. The other two squirmed in terror, as Sara then stood on top of him and continues to strike the downed dealer in the head multiple times. On the fifth hit, she managed to scrape the skin and flesh off his face. She doesn't stop, and continued to beat him down until the seventeenth swing where his eyes, chin and nose has been scraped off from his head and now his brains and tongue are exposed. The other things that remained on what was supposed to be his head, are blotches of red flesh.

The other two dealers yelped, as Sara then turned her attention to the both of them.

"Please, don't kill me! I won't tell the Don! I have a family--"

"Idiota! We're dead anyway!"

Family? That word gets stuck in Sara's head. Her parents sends her alone to Ameria to live with her aunt because of her unusual behavior for an Oni. Normal Onis were known to be loud and brash, but Sara is quiet and elegant. Here, her aunt was the one that introduced her to Lucrezia, the both of them became friends as Sara grew older. And sometimes she gets to silence people that Lucrezia's men have captured. Sara never had a real loving family to begin with, since her parents disowned her and her aunt bringing her to this mob life, and that she'll be upset if she didn't.


Sara grins, and chuckles loudly at that word breaking her usually calm and elegant behavior, scaring the people in the center. The police has arrived in squad cars, but the moment they heard that laughter, they became hesitant to get closer. Especially since Sara is, in a way, enforcing the law against drugs and doing it for Malzeno's sake.

"What nonsense! If your so-called family loves you so, then why are you doing this!? They are probably watching as I am executing the both of you next! Or even, that family doesn't even exist at all!"

She then did what she had to to the two remaining dealers. Their bodies were then sent over to the river to become food for the fishes. From then on, the story of "The Malzeno Demon" is born.