
Freedom Blades

Freedom is something that i never achieved in my whole life, i fled father for freedom. But one cannot flee society... Oh well it doesn't matter anymore since i'm dead. I just hope that sis' will find her happiness, i should've confessed to her. See ? I wasn't free : i couldn't do that. Anyway outsmarting the reincarnation system seems like a fine things to do. In my next life i'll make my rules. ===================================== If you have any commentaries on the tags or genre please mp me and i'll fix it. And since english isn't my main language please signal me any issues with my writing. This novel is also Published on Scribblehub. Warning : there will be sex scene and some light bdsm. I'll signal them in the chapters if you wanna skip them.

Valoo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Flashback: Lana

*insert annoying phone tune here*

Brother is calling back?! So soon!! Something must have happened. Please don't tell me that it's a complication... Or that it's incurable or that he has been captured by aliens...

"Hey sis'!"

"Why are you calling back so soon something happened!? A complication?! Where are you i'm on my way !!"

"Please calm down, i just got father and we stroke a deal, he'll take care of my medical fees and i'll go back to being his heir, so you shouldn't worry. I'll just wait till he dies and then i'll be free."

"Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, you shouldn't worry y'know. I'll hang up now see ya"

That dumb brother. How can he spout such an obvious lie? I know for sure that a deal with father take way more time than just ten minutes, even more so when you are in a disadvantageous position. Haaaa why must he be so...so.... Anyway, he shouldn't say such things just to reassure me. Let's call father and see what they have discussed.

"The number that you have called is temporarily unavailable."

I knew it he called dad just now.


Well, their call was quite short so it could have gone really well or really bad.... I'm more for the latter. So now it's my turn.

"Hello father."

"What do you want."

Still the same rude bastard.

"How went your deal with big bro'?"

"There's no deal."

"sigh.... If i come back to the house could you agree to his conditions?"


Knowing father, it should be enough to ensure big bro's safety. He may be logical and narrow minded to extremes, but he would never betray his word. At least when he's not talking to politics.

"Which heir would it be?"


I can do it if it's for big bro's sake.... I think...

"Fine i agree."

"A car will come in around 30 minute to your home, no need to pack anything."

So, he even knows where i live, i guess i can respect the fact that he didn't came for me sooner

"How did you get my address?"

"Now that you're valuable i'll get it."

got my hopes up for nothing.


The car came just as he said. A luxurious black Porsche. And the chauffeur interrupted me before i came in and handed me a black bag.

"You cannot be seen with such clothing young miss. that would be a disgrace to the Lawrence family"

I got back inside and changed into the clothes he gave me.

There was like three complete sets of clothing underwear included. All from top luxury brands.

I choose the comfiest ones. which resulted in blue jeans, nice black Vans with white linings and a white turtleneck top with a blue navy coat. Honestly that feeling of going back to wear clothes worth more than my apartment is strange, it's like going back in my cage from my own accord.


Two months have passed, and bro gifted me his apartment, i couldn't bear to change anything since it hold so many memories of us. I'm mad that he told all of his coworkers about his imminent death and didn't bother to tell me about his failure to strike a deal with dad, i know he did it for my sake, but did he seriously think that it would make things easier for me. So today i'll go to talk to him about my deal with dad.

We soon reached the hospital, i just hope that father will be nice to him.

*knock knock*


And as we entered his room i saw his face go from 'nicely surprised' to 'tired, sad and sorry'.

"Father can you leave for a moment in need some private talk with sis'."

The door opened briefly and closed instantly after.

"So you went to father for my sake huh ?"


"Didn't you know it's the thing i would hate the most. How can i live knowing you went back to this family."

I know but i couldn't stand and look at you die while i could still do something.

"I'm sorry but i couldn't watch you die while doing nothing. Even more when i had this solution."

"So, you traded your happiness and mine for my life"

Why does it seem such a heavy price when he said it like that?

"I.... Yes."

"Call father please."

I did as told and a moment later father entered the room

"Who will it be?"

"The heir of xxconglomerate"

Why such a notable asshole father.

"Shouldn't oomotors be more interesting"

Wait he's trying to reason with father for my sake? Big bro you're so nice.

"They are smaller."

Father please...

"But they have an interesting trade route with china, south AND NORTH Korea. And if you manage to get into the Council you should be able to guide them finely."

"I'll consider it, your insight is as good as always."

Seems that big bro is still a genius in finance huh?


About a week later bro send me a list of heiresses of big companies. what he wants me to marry them? the end of the message turned my joke into a fact.

"Hey sis i hope that father didn't marry you off yet, here's a list of big company heiresses who are most likely to be gay. So, choose the one you want and go to father. all of them will bring him more benefice than oomotors or xxconglomerate heirs.

I quickly researched on every one of them and found the one! zzmultinationals's heiress. she seems to be a sheltered pure and kind lady. and there aren't many rumors about her since she publicly admitted that she was gay. AND zzmultinationals is nearly as big as father's Lawrence Group, and that's quite the feat since father' seat is worth a hundred billion dollars.

"FATHEEEEER!" i shout while entering his office.

"Can you please stop this unsightly shouting. what have you come for?"

"I have a proposition : marry me to zzmultinationals's heiress!"


Oops seems that he couldn't process what i said tehee~

"Are you okay father?"

"How is that a possibility?"

"She publicly admitted that she was gay"

"Did you say zzmultinationals?"


he quickly composed a number on his phone and after a quick discussion i was given a new phone with her number. Finally, a phone, father thrashed mine when i got 'home'.

As i got out of the room i heard father's phone ring and stayed out of curiosity.


"What is it that you want this time"

I couldn't hear who was talking but father look annoyed. ha serves you right for being an ass.


"Who's the doctor i'll find a better one"

wait doctor? is it big bro?


"No, i won't let you give her more of those strange ideas. i hope you're happy she will be married soon too zzmultinationals's heiress"

Wow he really sounds angry. But it has to be big bro and it look like he requested to talk to me, wait doctor? please don't tell me that....


"Is that all."


big bro' hang up and father looked confused. he muttered something like "Of course, how could i not be?"

i quickly went to my room and..... fuuuuuuuck i don't remember big bro's number....please at least make it so i could talk to him one last time.

Out of spite i decided to message my new fiancée.

{Hello, i'm Lana Lawrence your fiancée.}

{Nice to meet you Lana, i'm Rose Heartfield.}

It's freaking awkward...i don't know what to say...

{Lana, can i ask you something indiscreet.}

{Yes, i mean we will be soon married and all.}

{Okie, then why did you come back to the Lawrence family? i know that you fled with your big brother so why now. And if you don't want to talk about it please don't. It must be something hard, but just as you say we are fiancée so please rely on me a bit.}

Yep, she's really the same angel as internet said.

{Can we talk about it face to face, i need to let it all out.}

{You know that we live like three states apart?}

{Forgot about that sorry.}

{Then how about i come to you tomorrow afternoon?}

{You mean it?}

{Why, yes?}

{Okay please come at this address tomorrow, i'll wait for you.}

I messaged her big bro's address.

I asked dad if i could go and take care of big bro's appartement. he seemed a bit disturbed, but he agreed so i had a chauffeur drive me there and i spent the night there.


I don't know why but i feel really downhearted right now. Ah anyway i put on one of big bro's t-shirt. well, it's long enough so i didn't put anything more... A-anyway let's wait for Rose.