
Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

In a world torn apart by endless wars and conflicts, Kai is a Free Shinobi, a mercenary who roams from village to village, taking on any mission that pays well. With his unique abilities to learn any jutsu with just a glance and use them without needing hand seals, he quickly becomes one of the most feared and respected warriors in the land. But despite his reputation as a skilled and ruthless fighter, Kai is a lonely and isolated figure, with no real connections or attachments to anyone or anything. He spends his days on the battlefield, never staying in one place for too long, and his nights in the arms of various women who try to melt his frozen heart but fail to truly connect with him. As the years go by, the world around Kai only grows more chaotic and dystopian. Villages fall, people die, and the lines between friend and foe blur until they become meaningless. And yet, Kai continues to wander, taking on mission after mission, making money but never finding any real purpose or meaning in his life. As the years turn into decades, Kai becomes a legend, a figure of myth and fear to those who know of him. But to Kai himself, he is just a man, lost and adrift in a world that has no place for him. And in the end, he realizes that all of his power and skill, all of his accomplishments and victories, have meant nothing in the face of the endless cycle of war and destruction that has consumed the world around him. **I am currently writing three novels simultaneously - One Piece with Bodily Refinement Bead, Bleach with Soul Cube, and Naruto with Divine Purple Card. I allocate 40% of my imagination to One Piece and another 40% to Bleach, with the remaining 20% dedicated to Naruto. By subscribing to my Patreon, you can gain access to advanced chapters of all three novels.**

IWriteFanfic · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs


With Madara making his strategic "withdrawal," Kai redirected his attention to the more immediate threat. The skirmish between him and the legendary Uchiha had unintentionally provided an opening for the Three Tails to amass a formidable amount of chakra, expediting its revival.

Kai's eyes scanned the area, assessing the situation. The vast chakra of the beast pulsated ominously, its pressure weighing down on surrounding. Yet, to Kai, it was just another obstacle to overcome.

Kai settled himself on a branch that had, against all odds, remained intact amid the previous carnage. The resilient bough creaked slightly under his weight, but held firm. Below, a churning vortex of energy had begun to concentrate, marking the beginnings of the Three Tails' resurgence. The shimmering chakra gathered at a single point, pulling more and more energy into itself. As it expanded, it seemed like a growing storm of luminous blues and purples, swirling and spiraling in an eerily beautiful dance.

The once-calm surface of the lake nearby was now disrupted by the colossal force, causing waves to surge and crash against the shore. Birds, sensing the impending danger, fled into the horizon, their desperate cries echoing in the distance.

Kai watched the formation intently. He could feel the raw power emanating from the chakra, but there wasn't a hint of worry on his face. He was prepared, always prepared. After all, he'd faced many enemies, and though this beast was formidable, it was just another challenge.

The chakra storm below grew more turbulent, expanding and condensing. It was as if the very fabric of space was warping and contracting, gravitating towards a singular focal point. From this concentrated mass, a giant, monstrous figure slowly started to emerge. Limbs, thick and sturdy, sprouted from its sides.

Kai, perched on the resilient branch, maintained his gaze upon the churning vortex of energy below. His eyes, accustomed to myriad battlefields and their ensuing chaos, captured every detail of the being slowly materializing before him.

A mammoth creature of colossal size, seemingly drawn from the nightmares of seafarers and warriors alike, began to surface from the chaotic swirl of potent chakra below. Kai's eyes fixated on the enormous, crab-like shell, riddled with menacing spikes that decorated the creature's form as a testament to its defensive and offensive capabilities. The Three Tails unraveled its intimidating presence into the realm of reality once more.

Its three shrimp-like tails swayed ominously behind it, a chilling display of its latent, monstrous power. Beneath the protective shell, red, muscle-like tissue stretched, a stark and unnerving contrast against its otherwise heavily-armored exterior. Human-like arms reached out, revealing sturdy hands, yet it bore no hind legs, its underbelly concealed and protected by the hefty shell above. Its face, partially obscured by its substantial jaw and spiked forehead, allowed a glimpse of a solitary red eye, with a dark crimson pupil staring menacingly into the void. It was a known speculation that Isobu kept one eye perpetually shut, a strategy to shield its more vulnerable facets.

As the creature's form continued to solidify, Kai remained unwavering above, his silent composure embodying the numerous battles and trials he had traversed throughout his life. His demeanor was steadfast, grounded in a reality forged by both strength and restraint, masked by the experiences that had armored him in an emotional gauntlet.

The beast, now fully emerged, projected an aura of undeniable power, yet Kai, ever the indomitable spirit, bore no evidence of falter. A gentle rustle of the leaves above whispered through the tense air as he slowly descended from his perch, his boots softly kissing the ground below.

Three Tails' singular eye shifted, focusing upon the lone figure before it. An unsettling silence engulfed the scene, nature itself seemingly holding its breath in trepidation of the confrontation to unfold.

Kai stepped forward, his stride confident and resolute. The physical embodiment of his turbulent past and unyielding future met each step with a quiet, underplayed fortitude. His voice, when it broke through the stillness, bore a measured tone, neither intimidated by the behemoth before him nor dismissive of its evident might.

Three Tails opened its wide maw, its voice echoing like thunderous waves upon a desolate shore, "Disgusting human! Are you here to seal me as soon as I was born?" Yet, before it could fully finish its threatening proclamation, its voice trembled to a halt, a tangible hesitation permeating the atmosphere. The beast scrutinized Kai, who remained steadfast before it, "Your Chakra. Why does it resonate so vibrantly like his? No, it pulses even purer. What are you?"

Kai tilted his head slightly, his gaze unwavering as it lingered on the colossal creature before him. Intrigue flickered momentarily through his steadfast eyes at the mention of an unnamed "him" by the Three Tails. No inkling of recognition passed through Kai's mind, as the identity remained shrouded in mystery.

"I am not here to seal you," Kai began, his voice steady and unthreatening, yet beneath it, an unspoken strength resonated. There was no need for grandiose speeches or exuberant dialogue; Kai's words, succinct and straightforward, carried an undeniable weight. "Sorry, I don't know if you have a name, but I am here to save you from a nefarious organization called Akatsuki. Their mission is to hunt all Tailed Beasts to create Ten Tails."

As the words spilled into the tense air, a shiver of perturbation quivered through the shell of the Three Tails. The colossal beast, moments ago an epitome of menacing grandeur, now flickered with a subtle nuance of vulnerability beneath the giant, crab-like exterior. Though its formidable appearance remained, the news Kai delivered seemed to stir the waters of its resolve, introducing a ripple of trepidation into the tumultuous ocean of its being.

Kai's stance, subtly relaxed, stood in stark contrast to the massive creature's visibly unsettled demeanor. His eyes, reflecting a tranquil sea of understanding and concealed strength, remained locked with the single, pulsating eye of the beast. A soft breeze whispered through the scene, caressing Kai's attire, though it failed to disturb the stoic, unbroken aura that enveloped him.

The creature's voice, once a cascade of thunderous disdain, now held a hint of curiosity, "Why should I trust you, human? Your kind has sought to use and restrain my power for their own gain time and time again. What makes you any different?"


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