
Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

In a world torn apart by endless wars and conflicts, Kai is a Free Shinobi, a mercenary who roams from village to village, taking on any mission that pays well. With his unique abilities to learn any jutsu with just a glance and use them without needing hand seals, he quickly becomes one of the most feared and respected warriors in the land. But despite his reputation as a skilled and ruthless fighter, Kai is a lonely and isolated figure, with no real connections or attachments to anyone or anything. He spends his days on the battlefield, never staying in one place for too long, and his nights in the arms of various women who try to melt his frozen heart but fail to truly connect with him. As the years go by, the world around Kai only grows more chaotic and dystopian. Villages fall, people die, and the lines between friend and foe blur until they become meaningless. And yet, Kai continues to wander, taking on mission after mission, making money but never finding any real purpose or meaning in his life. As the years turn into decades, Kai becomes a legend, a figure of myth and fear to those who know of him. But to Kai himself, he is just a man, lost and adrift in a world that has no place for him. And in the end, he realizes that all of his power and skill, all of his accomplishments and victories, have meant nothing in the face of the endless cycle of war and destruction that has consumed the world around him. **I am currently writing three novels simultaneously - One Piece with Bodily Refinement Bead, Bleach with Soul Cube, and Naruto with Divine Purple Card. I allocate 40% of my imagination to One Piece and another 40% to Bleach, with the remaining 20% dedicated to Naruto. By subscribing to my Patreon, you can gain access to advanced chapters of all three novels.**

IWriteFanfic · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Figured It Out

Days turned into weeks, and weeks morphed into months as Mito found herself enveloped in a routine that kept her heartstrings taut with anticipation. It was a routine that remained unaltered even as the landscape outside their make-shift abode changed with the seasons.

Every morning, Mito would arrive with breakfast, a woven basket filled with fresh produce from the nearby market or the fruits of their recent hunt. Kai would greet her with a subtle nod, his attention partially fixated on the scrolls scattered across the rock table. Mikoto would be by his side, her dark eyes reflecting the early morning light as she assisted him in understanding the arcane text.

While Mito treasured the morning banter, the afternoons held a unique allure for her. The lessons she imparted to Kai were not merely about Fuinjutsu, but they were also a testament to her admiration for him. The intensity of his focus as he traced the complex sealing patterns was something that always captivated her. His hands moved with a careful precision that seemed to paint a canvas of their own on the parchment, a display of his innate skill and passion for the art.

"I've never seen anyone grasp Fuinjutsu concepts as quickly as you," she confessed one day, her eyes filled with admiration as she watched him effortlessly craft an advanced seal.

Kai simply shrugged, the corner of his mouth quirked in a half-smile that did little to disguise his satisfaction. "Your teaching skills are commendable," he said, his voice carrying a trace of respect that warmed Mito's heart.

The evenings were when Mito felt the most vulnerable. It was when they trained, their bodies dancing in a fierce ballet as they honed their physical prowess. When their bodies would entangle in an attempted grapple, his earthy, masculine scent would linger in her nostrils, sending her senses into a frenzy.

Yet, it was not just his strength that took her breath away; it was also his gentleness. Despite his formidable prowess, he never crossed the line, always maintaining a careful distance even when their spars got intense. He respected her, not just as his teacher, but also as a woman. And that respect made Mito's heart flutter with an emotion she had long tried to suppress.

Mito loved the afternoons and evenings, the private moments when Mikoto was away, and it was just them. Yet, every time she looked into Kai's ice-blue eyes, she was reminded of their harsh reality. He was from the future, and his destiny was not intertwined with hers. The intensity of her feelings was a beacon that led her to him, yet it was the same beacon that illuminated the abyss between their timelines.

Every now and then, she would see a fleeting emotion flicker in his eyes, a sign that he perhaps was not as emotionally guarded as he seemed. It gave her a sliver of hope, a notion that he might reciprocate her feelings, but the rational part of her knew better.

"Mito, are you okay?" Kai's voice pulled her from her thoughts one evening, his gaze fixed on her.

"I'm fine, Kai," she said, offering him a small smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Just tired, I guess."

Kai merely nodded, the cryptic look in his eyes suggesting he didn't entirely buy her excuse. Yet, he didn't press her further, for which she was grateful.

As the months passed, Mito found herself falling deeper into the complex maze of her emotions. Yet, she knew she had to cull her feelings, to sever the string of hope that bound her to Kai. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but one that she needed to take to protect herself from the inevitable heartbreak.

She was in love with a man who belonged to a future she could not be a part of, a man who could never truly be hers. The realization was harsh, yet it was a truth she needed to accept. Despite the rejection, she held onto the shared moments and the profound understanding they had cultivated. These moments were a testament to their unique bond, a bond she would cherish, even if it were not destined to blossom into love.

As she navigated the labyrinth of her feelings, Mito was acutely aware of one undeniable fact: the deeper she ventured, the harder it became to extricate herself. Yet, she knew she had to, for her sanity.

The shifting dynamic between Kai and Mikoto had not gone unnoticed. Mikoto, a woman in her late thirties, and Kai, a young man of nineteen, had found solace and companionship in each other's presence, despite the notable age gap. It was a development that left Mito with a strange mix of emotions, a tangle of bitter sweetness that was hard to decipher.

She could still remember the night when she confessed her love to Kai. In that moment, she had also confronted Mikoto, wanting to remind her of the stark difference in their ages, hoping to create a wedge that would drive them apart. But Kai had responded with a confession of his own. He had openly stated that Mikoto was his lover, a statement that had sent a shockwave through Mito's heart.

Mito's intention to break the bond between Mikoto and Kai had backfired, instead cementing their relationship further. But, surprisingly, she wasn't bitter or upset about it as she had initially thought she would be.

Was it because she had already accepted the fact that her love for Kai was never meant to be? Was it because she was so deeply in love with him that she simply wanted him to be happy, even if it wasn't with her? She didn't know.

A year and a half had passed since their unlikely journey began, and now Mito stood in front of the rock dwelling Kai had created. With a kick, Kai reduced the monumental structure to dust, crumbling their makeshift home.

The sudden change filled the air with an oppressive weight, making it hard for Mito to breathe. Her heart ached, understanding immediately what this meant. Kai had found a way to return. As if on cue, Kai turned to look at her, his ice-blue eyes softer than she'd ever seen before.

"I was waiting for you, Mito," he said, his voice carrying a melancholic undertone that stirred her heart.

She swallowed hard, gathering herself to respond, "You figured it out?"


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