
Free Me ' My ' Monsters

Elisa Roselyn von Heist a young witch in the face of all her sorrows seeks nothing more than her freedom. She moves out of a pan into fire as she is destined to be queen of Avara Nation. Niklaus Regaleon Michaelson , a paranoid Alpha , the ruler of Avara kingdom. Known for his formidable aura, is tied by fate to be mated to a 'Weak Witch' . Will the knot of fate be capable of holding them still or will her quest for freedom be another block wall, in their path. And most of all . . . Will he find what he so desires ?

Ifechukwu_Daniella · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 12

I stare at him for what feels like hours or days.

" It's really not polite to leave someone hanging ", he says taking my hands.

" I'm Elisa . . . Elisa Roselyn ", I stutter slowly.

" Yeah, I know. So, Elisa are you going to help me or not ? ", Seems like now I know who he is, all his request now sound like commands to me although he doesn't look like he's being rude.

" Sure ", he chuckles and he's charming smile, leaves me warm.

Oh Goodness! Elisa what are you thinking, he's your in-law. Or maybe I could marry him instead of Niklaus. At least that's if I want my wedding and funeral to be the same day.

" We'll be leaving, tomorrow. So you better eat something. Thanks for coming with me ", I start eating and the food is still a little bit warm.

" If your brother is the Alpha, why are you on the mainland "

" Well, he won't be so excited to see me. I'm to never return but I've got a spell to change that so he never finds out, I'm back . So all you need to do is get me to live there. You don't have to worry about the rest "

I decide not to ask any further questions so as to not end up in-between the entire family fued. I slowly eat my meal, spending time with Fred is getting really comforting. I feel more comfortable than I ever will with Niklaus, he must be a good brother.

" Why did Niklaus capture your sister  and imprison her "

" She tried to stop him from killing our mother. Our mother loved him most but that didn't seem to be concerned about that ". I could see the pain evident in his eyes as he spoke.

" Our father was a monster and she protected him from our father even at the risk of her life "

I didn't know what to say, I always knew Niklaus was worse than a heartless monster but right now I feel he's worse than monsters. I feel so glad that I decided to betray him and do what's right.

But the problem still remains, how I'm gonna make him take Fred in. What would I say ? What if at first glance he chooses to kill me.

" He won't ", Fred says as if reading my mind.

" Huh ? "

" He won't hurt you. My brother can be really forgiving as long as you are willing to do his will. You just have to convince him that you'll be loyal to him from now onwards ", he says making it sound so easy.

All I could do was nod. I still didn't understand why Niklaus would be willing to kill someone that loved him so.

" My brother, isn't as bad as the rumors make him sound. You'll learn to love him "

I didn't even have a reply to what he had just said because I had already found myself feeling Niklaus wouldn't hurt someone without a reason.


POV Niklaus

It's been days now and there's still no news about either of them I haven't had the visions for a while now and for some reason I find myself worried and angered.

For the past few days, I haven't had my rest. The thought that she doesn't even want to return has been driving me nuts.

As the days go by, I have a strange feeling that she's going to return to me on her own accord but a feeling won't be enough for me to stop my search even though I'm sure they won't achieve a thing. The search still gives me comfort.

Why do I care, if she stays ? She's not any different from the rest of them that always leave me behind. The thought of her leaving him angers him more than her betrayal. At this moment he can't seem to think straight. All he could think of was who to kill.


POV Elisa

We rise up, very early in the morning and we head for the sea, so we could go back to the mainland.

" Have you thought of what to say to him ? ", Fred suddenly asks.

" Not really. I don't think there's anything I'll say that won't get me either killed or chained "

" Well . . . Here's a hint. Don't lie, he'll know and don't think too much, everything would work out just fine "

" What about you ? I mean, what do you intend on saying to him ?"

" Oh . . . About that, he won't know I'm the one. I have a spell like I told you earlier, so he won't recognize me "

" What makes you think, he'll let you in the mansion "

" He will, trust me. He's paranoia won't let him let me leave "

" Well that's a mean way to put it but I shouldn't worry much. I'm sure you have things all planned out. Plus I actually don't care what happens to you "

" Has anyone ever told you that the both of you are a perfect match ",he chuckles.

I still can't get the whole ' what to say thing out of my head '. Fred seems to know a lot about Niklaus and he doesn't look the least worried.

" Aren't you a little scared that things may not go as planned "

" Nothing ever goes as planned, trust me but I'm willing to do anything for my sister. I'm also not willing to give him the joy of seeing me scared ".

We finally arrived at the island. The moment I set foot on the island, I have a strange feeling.


At Alpha Mansion

Niklaus is on his way to the dungeon to seek help from the monster that he least wanted to see. He suddenly feels a rush of familiar energy.

' She's back ', it brings a smirk to his face.