
Guy's day out: Greek's Pizzeria

"Ohhh, this place is nice!", Joshua says as we walk up to the place he picked: Greek's Pizzeria. I've never been here. It looks nice, though. "Have you ate here before?", I ask him. He turns to me says, "Nope. Have you?" I shake my head. "Well, we're both trying something new! Come on!", he says happily and jogs inside. Man, he's like a little kid, always running, talking loud, I think as I walk in after him. I look around and find a table next to the large window. I glance around and see a table full of teenagers who are glaring at me. I quickly look away, not wanting any trouble, and look at Joshua. He has his hands in his pockets, tapping his foot and talking at the person at the counter. I look up at his hair. His roots are black but, the rest is blond. I'm assuming he dyed it cause, I've never seen anyone's hair naturally like that. I glance back at the teenagers. They are now looking at Joshua. I roll my eyes and put my chin on my hand, tapping the side of my cheek. A moment later, Joshua walks over and sits in the chair in front of me. "Hey, you ok? You look tired.", he says. I look at him and say, "Nope, I'm fine. I just don't get out much, that's all." He shrugs and says, "If you say so, buddy. By the way, I got us cheese pizza and spicy wings. That ok?" I nod and glance back at the teenagers. Joshua looks too and says, "Oh, your worried that they're going to do something, aren't you?" I snap my eyes at him and frown. He laughs and raises one of his eyebrows. "You're a cop. Of course, you're nervous. But don't let it eat you up." I look down and smile. "How old are you again?", I ask. He smirks and says, "Why you askin?" I laugh and sit up. I adjust my vest before answering. "Well, hell, you're cute. I won't lie bout that. But, sadly, I'm straight. But, still, just in case . . ." He snickers and says, "21. And you?" I look over his shoulder and see a waiter walking toward us with a huge pan of pizza and a box of wings. "After we eat, I'll tell you. For now, let's chow down."

46 mins later

Joshua's POV

"I should go there often. That food was good. And, you didn't have to pay. I could of.", I say, walking next to Joseph. He looks down at me and smiles. "Your too cute.", he says. I huff and cross my arms. "Am not." He shakes his head and puts his hands in his pockets. I look down at my watch and gasp. Joseph looks at me and says, "Hey, you ok?" I show him my watch and say, "We only 15 minutes left until we-" Before I can finish my sentence, Joseph clamps his hand over my mouth and pulls me into an ally way. He puts a finger on his lips, "Shhhhh." I give him a slight nod. He removes his hand and shifts to peek around the wall. "They're here."

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