
Escapay awaypay!!

You're sitting in an ambulance, with a thin blue blanket over your shoulders. You're staring down at your phone, thinking, Can this day get any worse, or what? You hear footsteps and look up to see John walking up to you. He sits next to you and says, "You ok?" You look up at him and sigh. "I guess. They're going to asking me all these questions and I don't feel like answering any of them . . . I just want to go home . . . " He looks up at his car in the parking lot and says, "Well, my car still got four tires. They didn't get stolen . . . yet." You stare at him, mouth open in surprise. He smirks. You yell, "O, M, god! Really?! Like, right now?!" He looks away, still smirking, "If you want . . . ." You jump from the truck, throw off the squirrel-butt-smelling blanket, and grab John's hand. "Let's go!" You pull him across the parking lot to his car. He takes out his keys and unlocks the black SRT Hellcat Widebody 4dr Sedan. You slide into the passenger seat and buckle up. John does too. He sticks the key into the engine and turns it. John revs the engine to ear-bleeding levels. You glare at him to stop. He laughs and puts the car in reverse and backs out. He puts the car in drive and looks over at you. "Where to?"

"O, M, god!?" Like, who says that??? NO one! I dont even say that!

xXNijiBaniXxcreators' thoughts