

It was as though their actions turned slow motion yet everything happened in a split second. The trio had been so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't notice when the burglar on the floor began to rouse slowly from his hit induced sleep, not until the blue eyed boy had shouted at her to move that was the moment alice had felt clampy hands on her ankles and before she could do as instructed , the burglar had used her as a leverage to stand up fully and was now holding a little knife to her throat but that didn't deter the blue eyed guy. He had flung himself at the burglar amidst shouts from ayra and almost succeeded in overpowering him but somehow the burglar had managed to pierce through his body with his damn knife and before they could say "jack Robin" He had ran out through the street and now they were stuck with a fainted bleeding blue eyed neighbor .

Alice swore loudly and fisted her palms tightly " Did he have a death wish? " She thought to herself because why the hell would he flung himself in face of danger just to save her ass when she had been nothing but rude to him.

Ayra slumped next to him in shock " Hey neighbor neighbor wake up please, alice he's not waking up? " .

Alice slumped next to her and checked his pulse, she heaved a relived breath " The cut isn't that deep c'mon let's get him inside and administer Nana 's first aid on him " .

" What if that bad man returns again? I don't feel safe anymore Alice " Ayra muttered struggling not to cry again.

" I doubt ari first thing first let's get him some medical help then we will call the police " .

The blue eyed neighbor was incredibly heavy to carry but the two sisters persevered till they got him lying comfortably on the sofa in the living room.

" Quick get the first aid ayra he's losing a lot of blood " Alice ordered something akin to fear in her voice.

Alice gently removed his flannel shirt and stooped when she came in sight with his full upper body, her throat dried up completely and she could feel the flush on her face.

" What's wrong Alice should we take him to the hospital? " . Ayra questioned wondering why she suddenly turned into a statue .

" Oh- no I will get to work immediately, call the police and Nana too she's supposed to be back a lot has happened already " She blabbed on trying to distract herself from the delicious sight of the male body in front of her.

" I called the police I'm sure they would be on their way now " Ayra said marveled at how meticulous alice was administering the first aid , there was really a lot to Alice than meets the eye ayra decided because who could have thought that, someone like Alice who only cared about makeup and looks would know how to treat an open injury gushing with blood.

" You're really good with needles and those stuff, do you want to be a doctor? " She asked also realizing she didn't have an idea on her sister's dreams and aspiration for the future.

" I respect doctors and nurses but I don't think I have the ability to be one, being one requires a lot of reading and hard work and Troy says I'm dumb sometimes so I would rather concentrate on being beautiful and popular " .

" Tsk excuse the language but Troy is simply stupid, you are one of the smartest person I know and I'm not saying it because you're my sister, the way you handle real life hurdles effortlessly is simply amazing and I think you would be a bad ass doctor if you put your mind to it don't let anyone talk you out of your dreams Alice " .

" Ewwww you are too sweet I might get sick " Alice teased feeling warm all over "Now keep quite so I would concentrate on my task . Few minutes later the police came and took their report while commending the two girls on their assertiveness, they promised to return on Nana return . Tired and feeling out of sorts the ayra and Alice sat down quietly and waited for the neighbor stranger to wake up.


He woke up with a start and winced on feeling sharp pains on his abdomen.

" Omg I think he's waking up " Alice muttered excitedly peering closely at him. " Ayra go get a glass of water ".

He finally opened his eyes slowly and seeing Alice 's face frowned mightly and shut his eyes again.

" Hey are you okay "? Alice started softly .

" Why does it have to be your arrogant face I see on waking up huh? " He questioned ignoring her own question.

The nerve of this blue eyed guy alice thought wishing she could pour him the glass of water ayra had provided.

" Please have some water " Ayra said this time and he brought himself in a sitting position and drank the water greedily while fingering his injury.

" Hey don't touch it yet " Alice yelled at him slapping his hands away " I took great pains in stitching you up " .

" Uhm thank you so much for saving my sister's life " Ayra said genuinely, pinching Alice to render her appreciation too.

" It's no biggie ayra ,I saved the arrogant girl's life and she saved mine we are even now ".

" Tsk can you stop calling me that I have a name you know " .

" Unfortunately I don't care about your name" . He replied smoothly.

" Christ you are something else I wish I had left you to bleed to death " She shrieked in fury no male has ever being so rude not unaffected by her beauty except from him.

" Can you two stop fighting already " .

" It's not my fault blame your arrogant of a sister, tsk thank you for the water I have to go home now " He said staggering up to his feet and saw double.

" Wait you don't seem strong yet and we don't even know your name " Ayra said blocking him.

" My name is Jiminy and I - but before he could complete his sentence he swayed and fainted again amidst giggle from alice.

Omg Alice is something else .

simply_mackycreators' thoughts