

Nora walked slowly to her son's room to check up on him and watch him sleep, it has begun a ritual for her to watch him keenly while he sleeps , turns out it calms her troubled soul down to see her precious son sleep soundly. Many people didn't have the luxury of peace of mind and thus can't sleep normally at night, someone like her who toss from one end of the bed to the another till the early hours of morning before she would close her eyes in a little rest .

Nora opened the door to the room and first took an appreciative glance around the room she had decorated years ago that period she had been the happiest and cherriest person alive but unfortunately she couldn't say the same now , somedays were normal the rest worse that she had to become numb to the pain and heartache life has been giving her lately taking a deep breath she rooted her eyes on the soccer pitch bed at the edge of the wall expecting to see jack sleeping with his pillow strewn to the floor but her eyes met an empty bed. " Where is he? He had dinner with me and supposed to be in bed by now where is my son? She mumbled into the thin air and going into the bathroom and toilet to check if he was there but she met an empty space devoid of Jack.

She slumped back on his bed bemused and confused she couldn't find her son " Did she forget his routine? or rather was he outside at that time of the night?

No she muttered audibly standing up from the bed worrying etched at her petite face, jack was a creature of prediction and most times she knew what he was thinking and from what she has observed these past few weeks is after having his dinner he would talk or think about the ayra girl whom she haven't met yet before falling into sleep with a beautiful smile on his face.

But the point is where was he now? it's past midnight and her only source of joy, light and peace was missing she nearly shouted at aloud on searching the entire house and not seeing a trace of him ." Gawwwd jack where are you? Why are you making your mom worry she thought massaging her heated forehead " She called him through his phone countless times but it was all ignored by him, just as she started imagining a myriad of worse scenario where jack was in trouble and hurt the door bell rang, half running towards the door she opened it widely with an expectant smile on her face to see her precious son but the smile froze on her face on seeing it wasn't jack.

Philip had been surprised on seeing Nora open the doors for him like she missed him, it has been a long time he had seen a genuine smile on her face and seeing a frown replace the smile because of his arrival suddenly tugged at his chest in an odd way. " You certainly don't look glad to see me return to my own house, were you expecting another ,perhaps a man? " Philip questioned gingerly looking her outfit over for any defense he could hold on to but she was dressed in her most unappealing nightwear.

Nora face palmed her face and for the first time she wanted to really hit the face of this husband of hers , for most married women their problems lessened at the arrival of their husband but her case was different .

" What rubbish are you sprouting this late night?" She shouted at him uncaring at the surprised expression on his face .

" Yes I wasn't expecting you to be back because this isn't your normal time of coming home to your family!!! " . She stated her chest rising and falling at the same time.

" And it's all your fault Nora, you have made this space so uncomfortable for me " He said his hands encompassing their living room " that I would rather be outside than in here with you " .

His words sliced at her heart but she didn't feel the pain seems like she was so worried about her missing child than give heed to his hurtful words or maybe her body has probably grown a thicker skin that is tougher , taking a deep breath she struggled to hold on to the tiny thread of sanity left in her " Philip I don't have time nor the energy to fight with you tonight, my son is missing so leave me be " She moved away from him and continued ringing his number.

" What the heck do you mean by your last statement? He questioned trailing at her back.

" You heard me right jack is missing he's not in his room " She cried feeling helpless.

" Maybe he's somewhere around or-

" Philip I have searched everywhere he is not in this house, my son is missing" she cried lightly feeling the urge to roll on the floor and shout at the top of her voice .

" Calm down woman I will call the police and make a report , shit it's not up to twenty four hours yet" he muttered dropping his phone .

" What are we supposed to do ? Fold our hands and wait ? " .

" It's protocol Nora they can't do anything till it's up to twenty four hours, stay here I will look for him around the neighborhood " He said grabbing his car keys.

" I'm coming with you please " She begged.

" No just stay here in case he returns you give me a call " He explained rubbing her checks before he could stop himself .

One hour later Philip returned with negative news, he hasn't seen him anywhere around the neighborhood he also called the family of his friends but no one claimed to have seen him this evening.

Tears were already streaming down Nora's face at this point "Tsk can you stop with the tears?" Philip complained handing her a wrap of tissue which she collected.

" Did he make any new friends we don't know about or give hints of running away? Philip asked his mind working over time to find his son.

" No all his clothes are still in tact and no withdrawal has been made from his savings, but he has a girl he really likes her name is ayra an- " .

" Christ my son is dating and I had no clue? " He interrupted softly.

" I don't know I don't think they're dating yet but I believe he really has a huge soft spot for the girl in question " She said slowly.

" If your analysis is right that means you have made me worry for no reason " .

" How?" She asked him confused.

" Tsk he probably went to the girl's house tonight, teenagers are irrational when they think they are in love, Nora you of all people should know what I'm talking about " .

Nora didn't want to recall her ill spent wasted teenage days but she had to hold on to hopes that her precious jack was fine somewhere in a girl's house though she doubted that theory she had no other choice but to believe it.

" C'mon let's go to sleep he would come back tomorrow morning believe me " He said wondering if she would quit starring at the door.

" But what if he doesn't return tomorrow morning? " .

" Then we inform the police " He stated primly " but we have to sleep to conserve our energy for tomorrow's battle "

Nora opted to sleep at the couch in the living room facing the door and Philip had no choice but to join her but he laid on the floor, the couple closed their eyes in complete exhaustion but none of them slept a wink .

Hey guys, how are my amazing readers faring? I am sorry I have not been posting daily as usual it's not intentional please bear with me because I am currently writing my school exams therefore i am trying to balance reading for my exams and writing ,and it hasn't been easy but I ain't giving up.

I see all your comments and they motivate me on days I am too worn out to write, so please do me a favor and keep them coming. Thank you for reading this chapter and stay safe. ❤❤

simply_mackycreators' thoughts