
Freaky Friday Gone Wrong

"I hate you and i wish you were never my sister. you would never understand what misery means because you have such a perfect life". Ayra screamed furiously. Alice told herself not to think about the word "hate" which her sister had used on her ,people said things they didn't mean when they were angry she consoled herself. "You think my life is perfect? well be my guest I wish you my perfect life, I hope you would walk in my perfect shoes ." "Whatever" ayra muttered walking away. "That's what you always do walk away, shy away from confrontations for crying out loud you are the intelligent one ,mom is always proud of you I mean everyone speaks highly of you .The perfect life you accuse me of you are the one that actually has the fucking perfect life". Ayra turned around and was surprised to see the amount of pain on her sister 's face, for the first time ever Alice wasn't wearing a bored expression but she ignored it, it could be one of her trump trick and said "Christ you are so sick to think that". " Maybe I am ".

Macky_starr · Urban
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90 Chs


It was a bright and beautiful morning in Chinatown and everyone woke up happy and joyous for the events of the day, but a certain soul woke up filled with resentment and anger towards ayra. They were scheduled to visit the the golden Gate fortune cookie factory today and Natasha had planned to carry out her motive at the factory.

"Nat are you sure about this ? ".

" Yeah this is my only opportunity to get back at that nerd for taking what belongs to me " Natasha replied her friend with an evil smile on her face .

" But this is too extreme don't you think so? Tina persisted trying to get her out of the stupid idea, but one thing about Natasha was if she decided on doing something she would do it no matter how morally wrong or downright crazy the stuff was.

" Are you on my side right now or hers? " She asked eyes twitching in anger.

" You are my friend Nat of course am on your side but I just think the girl has done nothing wrong to deserve this kind of action from you " .

"Are you deaf? Or are you intentionally trying to annoy me? I told you she stole jack away from me, she pretends to be as gentle as a dove but she fucking stole my boyfriend away from me " She cried in frustration.

"Tsk c'mon off that high pedestal Nat, we both know you forced yourself on him and you guys were never really dating in the real sense ".

" I can see that you were sent to divert me from my plans but your evil plans will not work " Natasha replied concentrating back on her task.

Tina rolled her eyes and thought to herself " You are the one with the evil plan here " Sighing audibly she held Nat's shoulder, "I understand you are hurt he left you for another girl but he was never yours for the keeping in the first place. "

"Why can't he be mine? She asked tearfully " I gave him all the love I had but yet he treated me as though I didn't matter, why is everyone I love leaving me? First it was my dad now jack? But I won't let this one slide without a fight ".

" Hmm don't you think you are fighting the wrong person? Tina countered her " You should be fighting jack and not the poor girl she had no fault in him leaving you. "

"It's all her fault Tina, I'm sure she used some kind of black magic to make him leave me for her because am clearly more beautiful than that stupid nerdy ayra " She pronounced.

" I know ayra is a nerd but Christ she's also very beautiful, have you seen her clear spotless skin? " .

"Just shut up your mouth and make sure no one sees me " Natsha ordered annoyed at her friend.

"Christ but would be very embarrassing and in the presence of everyone too ".

" Yeah it would make my revenge more sweeter next time, she won't steal what's mine " .

Tina wanted to argue more and dissuade her from carrying out her plan but she knew it was furtile and would only anger Natasha to be more malicious towards ayra. Personally she didn't like ayra because she was very smart and was the teachers favorite but she had a conscience and felt this was a little too much for the poor girl, she could only hope they won't be caught while carrying out this nefarious stunt of theirs.

"Listen carefully Tina, we have to make everything look like an accident else we would be in trouble ".

Tina swallowed hard trying not to think of them getting caught and nodded slowly as Natasha filled her in on the details of the plan.


" Babe what's up with you ? I have been calling your name for the past few minutes, do we have a problem? " Troy questioned tugging at Alice's hands to stop her from walking.

Alice turned back to stare at him fiercely " Well do we? "

"Jezze what's with the stare as though you want my head on your hands and why are you throwing my question back at me? ".

Alice relaxed her face features but her eyes were still burning with uncontained rage and fury, but she calmed herself down the last thing she wanted was for him to get an inkling she knew about his little sneaky movement behind her back, he would just deny his involvement and all her hard work towards having the perfect birthday party of her entire life would be in vain . Every shit she was condoning was because

her precious birthday was around the corner and she could not afford to act rashly.

"I didn't answer you because I didn't hear you calling my name " Alice finally replied him.

"Uhm okay but I feel you have been avoiding me, did I do something wrong? ".

"That depends on you Troy did you actually do anything wrong? " She asked folding her arms and enjoyed his squirming.

"No - of not I -I have done nothing babe " He mumbled in reply.

Alice smiled gently at him "then we don't have a problem " She said walking off.

"Wait where are you headed? ".

Alice stared at the school bus she was walking to and looked back at him in annoyance " Are you blind? I'm walking to the bus for crying out loud we are going to the golden Gate fortune cookie factory " .

"Yeah It kinda slipped my mind but why are you going with the rest of the students? You are a queen Alice and should be given princess treatment, c'mon let's wait for my driver to take us there. "

" No I want to go with the rest of the students wanna keep my eyes on ayra ".

" Tsk the Alice I know would be ecstatic to go with a private car " .

"You really don't know me Troy " She muttered under her breath , you only know what I choose to show you " She thought silently in her heart.

"Hmm you are acting weird this morning but I will rather wait for my driver to convey me there, than be congested in that tiny bus ".

" Suit yourself " She muttered putting on her shades and sashaying towards the bus.

Troy stared after her in astonishment " "What's wrong with her? He questioned the thin air .

Hey guys, hope you had fun reading this chapter? Can anyone guess the plan Natasha has in store for ayra? Please. comment your thoughts in the comments section and anyone who guesses correctly would have a reward. Don't forget to stay safe and happy reading. ❤❤

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