

True to the driver's words they arrived San Francisco quite late and by then the myriad of excited chattering and gossips had died down, suffice it to say everyone was tired from the long journey . There were palpable expression of relieved sighs from everyone even from the teachers as they all alighted from the bus.

"Are we there yet? " Ella questioned rubbing her eyes to see properly from the pitch darkness surrounding them.

"I think so " Kachi replied packing all their stuff from the bus and cross checking to satisfy herself they were not forgetting anything in the bus.

"This wasn't quite what I was expecting are we gonna sleep in the woods "? Ella questioned trying to check out the whole vicinity.

" Don't worry Ella, it would look better tomorrow morning " Ayra muttered looking over to Jack but he was chatting with his friend, she looked away in consternation wondering how she would get his attention.

"Uhrm sorry to ask oh screw that I am not sorry at all but where are we supposed to lay our heads tonight? because I don't see any conducive accommodation here ".A voice said from the back and all eyes turned to see who had the balls to speak in such a manner, but ayra didn't have to turn to know the owner of the voice she knew well enough it was her dearest sister Alice.

" Young lady there is a suitable accommodation for you guys "Mrs thin their teacher replied shoving her glasses up to the rim of her eyes.

" I can't believe this is your idea of "suitable accommodation, gosh there could be reptiles and insects in there and we are supposed to sleep there? Whatever happened to reservations in a five star hotel ? " Alice argued folding her arms.

Ayra slapped her forehead in consternation and wished for the ground to open up and swallow her 'what the heck is wrong with Alice? And why can't she close her mouth ' she thought to herself.

" You know for the first time I completely agree with your sister " Ella whispered in ayra's ears ." Lodging in a hotel would have been a pleasant experience ".

" Urggh miss Thompson this is an excursion not a vacation " Mrs thin replied primly looking disapproving at Alice.

Alice didn't care one iota about the stares from classmates neither did the frown from Mrs thin bother her,frankly she was used to it nor the gentle tapping of Troy's fingers stop her from speaking her mind, gosh if she had her way she would chop of his fingers and feed it to the street dogs .

"I beg to differ ma'am just because it's an excursion doesn't mean the students shouldn't be properly cared for, I believe we paid for this and should get the value of our mo- "

Ayra couldn't bear it anymore she swiftly went over to Alice's side and closed her mouth with her fingers to stop her from doing more damage with her words .

"Uhm I'm really sorry for her poor behavior" She apologized addressing everyone.

"Ayra before I count to three get your filthy fingers out of my hands " She murmured blazing daggers at her.

Ayra ignored her completely and continued with her apologies " You see she's on her period that's the reason she saying all these stuff, please don't mind her and let's move on " She concluded as they all dispersed into small groups.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I'm not on my period so what did you do that for? ".

" Gosh I should ask you that what the hell is wrong with you Alice? You know pretty well the school is trying their best to make this excursion a memorable one for us ".

" Well I guess they could try harder because I ain't sleeping in that damn place "she deaclared loudly swiping at her legs for mosquitoes.

" At least show some appreciation for the one they have done but no, you are disrespecting the teacher in the presence of everyone, not cool Alice " .

"First of I'm the older one here you don't get to tell me what's cool or not , secondly my lipstick is all ruined all because of your sticky fingers!! "she screamed at ayra .

" Serves you right " Ayra muttered right back at her.

"What did you say? ".

" Nothing look let's not fight here Alice can't we have fun for once? " .

"There is absolutely nothing fun about this place and it's all your fault I'm here in the first place".

Ayra held her pained chest in surprise

" Christ how is this my fault? " .

"If you hadn't forced me to this damn place , I would be in my room right now with a good WiFi and not be stuck with betrayers in the name of friends!!. "

" Alice you are clearly angry about something other than this place and it's eating you alive " .

"Shut up and get going already, look your friends are waiting for you " She said pointing at Ella and kachi.

"Will you be fine by yourself? wait let me find your boyfriend ".

" Don't even dare " She warned ferociously , glancing around the whole place and her eyes caught something.

"Why is she starring?" Alice muttered frowning .

" Huh? " .

"That girl she has been starring at you for solid minutes now and I don't like her eyes . "

Ayra followed the direction of her fingers and and stared back into the eyes of a girl, who was very busty, fair and wearing heavy makeup there was nothing remarkable about her apart from her big boobs plus she was putting on a dress that emphasized that particular asset a lot. Ayra looked away in disgust and faced Alice again.

"I don't know her neither do I know the reason she's starring at me " Ayra replied shrugging her shoulders in nonchalance.

Alice returned the girls stare till she got uncomfortable and stared away, satisfied she turned towards ayra with a smirk before replying "Oh I recognize her now ".

" Who is she? I don't think I have seen that face previously " .

"Where would you see her , when your eyes are always stuck in a damn book all the time anyways her name is Natasha and she's Jack's ex who obviously still has a thing for him ".

" Omg I know her now, she is the blonde I saw with jack that fateful day I wanted to confess to him " .

Alice 's mouth formed a big "O". " I know the look she's giving you, be careful baby sis. "

Ayra smiled widely at her words.

"Why are you smiling like a fool? " Alice questioned.

"You care about me Alice and that warms my heart to no end ".

" Stop sprouting rubbish ,if you die mum won't allow me to host my birthday party that's the reason I asked you to be careful ".

" Whatever that makes you sleep at night Alice " Ayra replied still smiling widely and before Alice could reply a booming voice interrupted .

" Okay guys the house is all cleaned up the boys would stay over to the east side of the room, while the girls to the West . "

"Excuse me sir but the girls are supposed to choose the best room first " Alice sprouted.

" Omg please don't pay any head to her " ayra said dragging Alice off with her towards the house amidst struggles.

I'm dedicating this chapter to lameena, thank you for the power stones it means a lot to me. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter? please do well to drop a comment, it motivates me to write better. Thank you for reading and stay safe. ❤

simply_mackycreators' thoughts