
Freaky Friday Gone Wrong

I hate you and i wish you were never my sister you would never understand what misery means because you have such a perfect life. Ayra screamed furiously. Alice told herself not to think about the word "hate" which her sister had used on her people said a lot of things they didn't mean when they were angry. You think my life is perfect? well be my guest I wish you my perfect life, I hope you would walk in my perfect shoes . Whatever ayra muttered walking away. That's what you always do walk away, shy away from confrontations for crying out loud you are the intelligent one mom is always proud of you I mean everyone speaks highly of you. The perfect life you accuse me of you are the one that actually has the fucking perfect life. Ayra turned around and was surprised to see the amount of pain on her sister 's face for the first time ever Alice wasn't wearing a bored expression but she ignored it, it could be one of her Trump trick and said Christ you are so sick to think that. Maybe I am.

Macky_starr · Urban
Not enough ratings
53 Chs


"Omggggg am so excited, this trip is gonna be so much fun" Ella declared heartily donning a black shade on her face .

"I totally agree this is my first time going to San Francisco, am honestly thrilled.

" I can't wait to go can the bus move already" she whined stretching her neck to see the driver

"No I think the bus will wait for all the students so we can all go together . "

Ella groaned in consternation "that sucks big time " She muttered unfolding a roll of pink chewing gum and stuck it inside her mouth .

"Nah I think it's cool, that way the school would be accountable to everyone that is going to the excursion and no one would be found missing " Kachi concluded.

Ella nodded her head slowly "yeah you are right, in my excitement I didn't think of others " Suddenly her eyes twitched and widened, "OMG where is ayra? She's not here yet and I wanted the bus to leave she asked bereting herself.

Kachi giggled a little, " Don't be so dramatic I genuinely thought she was somewhere around here, c'mon give her a call right away. "

Ella obliged and quickly put a call across to ayra but unfortunately it went to the voice mail, "her phone is switched off " Ella said worried.

"Don't worry am sure she would be here soon, ayra won't miss the trip for anything she's as excited as you ".

"Yeah that's the only thing we could talk about all week ".

" She would be here soon, let's save a seat for her " Kachi suggested trying to distract Ella from worrying too much.

"I already did, you girls shouldn't bother "a voice said directly opposite them.

Jack, Ella murmured creasing her forehead at him " Sorry but ayra always sits with me at any road trips "she said emphasizing on the " any" which means no room for negotiations,"and I left her a seat already by the window side her favorite position she concluded.

"You are such a drama queen Ella, I know you guys always sit together but am sorry dear that's about to change, my muffin would sit with me throughout this trip. "

Ella shriked at his arrogant words, "jack don't me mad this morning you won't like me go sit with your fellow boys " She cried in anger.

"No I want to sit with my girlfriend " He stated plainly.

"I get it, you guys are dating but that doesn't mean she should spend all her moments with you!! , I was her best friend before you came into the picture!!.

" Just because you got to know her first doesn't mean you love her more than I do, my words still stand muffin stays with me!!.

"Arghhhh she won't stay with you Jack, stop talking already am sure there's a lot of people that wants to sit beside you, go get one of them and leave my ayra alone!!.

" She's my muffin not your ayra he muttered and she's gonna want to sit with me " .

"Don't be delusional, ayra would choose to sit next to me you don't have a chan-

" Can the two of you stop already "kachi said looking from Ella to Jack, if ayra was here am sure she would be disappointed at the childishness you guys are displaying ".

" He caused it Ella said pointing an accusing finger at Jack's direction.

"Stop it already ayra would sit next to us, you don't have to argue "- Kachi.

"And that's on period " Ella seconded looking out of the window to inspect when ayra would arrive.

"I can't wait to see that little victorious smile wiped out from you girls faces, but where is muffin? Isn't she supposed to be here by now ? He questioned bringing out his phone to call her.

" Don't bother her phone is switched off "Ella informed him.

" What? Why? I spoke with her this morning and she's meant to be here by now.

"I know ayra is never late " Ella replied him forgetting their argument a while ago.

"Tsk and most of the students are here already, the bus would soon leave " Kachi said biting her fingernails.

"I would head to her house and see what's holding her up " Jack said standing up immediately to go out from the bus but unfortunately he was stopped by the security.

"I really have to go get something really important sir " Jack spoke to the big body blocking him from getting to his "muffin ".

" I'm sorry but we can't allow you to leave at the moment for security reasons. - security man.

"I will be back soonsoon sir please " Jack pleaded .

"Go back to your seat sit , you ain't leaving the bus ".

Jack walked dejectedly back to his seat and slumped on it, " I wasn't allowed to leave he muttered " .

"Let's not worry guys, ayra would be here soon " Kachi said though her voice lacked the initial conviction it had previously.

"Buckle up guys, we are about to move a voice resounded from the speaker ".

Jack went back to the entrance of the bus and pleaded with the driver, " Sir someone ain't here yet please can we wait for her like an hour.

"Son an hour is too long, I can only wait for ten minutes for her because you pleaded.

"Muffin where are you?