
Freaky Friday Gone Wrong

I hate you and i wish you were never my sister you would never understand what misery means because you have such a perfect life. Ayra screamed furiously. Alice told herself not to think about the word "hate" which her sister had used on her people said a lot of things they didn't mean when they were angry. You think my life is perfect? well be my guest I wish you my perfect life, I hope you would walk in my perfect shoes . Whatever ayra muttered walking away. That's what you always do walk away, shy away from confrontations for crying out loud you are the intelligent one mom is always proud of you I mean everyone speaks highly of you. The perfect life you accuse me of you are the one that actually has the fucking perfect life. Ayra turned around and was surprised to see the amount of pain on her sister 's face for the first time ever Alice wasn't wearing a bored expression but she ignored it, it could be one of her Trump trick and said Christ you are so sick to think that. Maybe I am.

Macky_starr · Urban
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55 Chs


Hey what's with the sad face? She asked bending low as though she was talking to a nine year old.

Ayra looked up from the sun flower she had been twirling in her hands and rolled her eyes at Alice. What are you doing here? Ayra questioned back focusing back on her flower.

I couldn't find you anywhere inside, and I knew right away that you would be here, she gestured with her hands besides this old, dirty tree. Why do you like this tree? She asked removing a pink rimmed shades from her eyes and creasing her forehead.

I don't like the tree, I love it because dad planted , cared and tendered for it while he was alive, resting my back on its truck feels like dad is giving me a warm hug, now why are you looking for me? Or better yet what "little errand" do you have for me this time?

Alice 's mouth dried up and formed a huge oh, I didn't know the - the tree meant so much to you . Alice wanted to ask ayra if she still hurt over the death of their father, but she swallowed her question and focused on the reason she had come searching for her, it wasn't as though ayra would give her an answer so it's better she left the topic of their late dad alone.

Uhm ayra I understand you are in a mood at the moment, but can't you be affable towards me for once .

Ayra narrowed her eyes at Alice, surprised at her words.

Anyways I was searching for you because the essay , you wrote for me was the best in class so I want to show gratitude.

Ayra stood up with a start, forgetting all thoughts of Jack her eyes danced with excitement. Really?? Alice are you for real? She asked shaking Alice a little.

Do the calms Lil sis, am for real but your head shouldn't get any bigger than this it's just an essay.

Ayra was ecstatic, Alice might see it as meant nothing because she wasn't interested in academics but it was a big deal for her and meant a lot to her, she loved the feeling of being the best.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write the essay Alice.

What are you saying? I should be the one thanking you, so I have decided to gift you any dress of your choice from my new collection she stated proudly.

Omg today is surely a day for surprises, apart from looking beautiful always, the next thing Alice treasured and loved was dresses and she was offering to lend her one. Wow from now on I am responsible for all your assignments. - Ayra

Alice giggled at ayra 's words, c'mon let's get to it now before I change my mind .

Oh yeah let's definitely go now, before the magic wears off.

One hour later, they were in Alice 's room with clothes strewn at the four corners of the room, but the girls paid no need at the clutter and concentrated on glancing at hangers of dresses arranged by their colours.

Alice rolled her eyes and stood in front of ayra obstructing her view of the beautiful dresses. Ayra she groaned through her teeth pick a dress already, you have been staring at the wardrobe for minutes!!.

Alice it's not my fault, all your clothes are so pretty am finding it incredibly difficult to choose just one.

Well maybe you can come shopping with me next time.

Uhm but your friends always goes shopping with you, am sure I wouldn't fit in she muttered with a low register.

Alice bit her lip a little before saying, yeah you are right but pick one already !! Or should I pick one for you myself?

No no I will do it , just one moment.

Alice sighed loudly but stepped away from the wardrobe .

Ayra thought carefully before picking a little pink shiny short dress, this one I pick this one she muttered as she turned it over multiple times.

Ayraaaaa that's the best dress in the wardrobe.

Ayra struggled to hold in her laughter, she knew alice must have been under a spell to be this generous and benevolent and now she was regretting her decision.

Alice you can't go back on your words now, it's too late you said it with your own mouth that I can choose any dress of my choice.

Yeah I know but I didn't know you were gonna pick that one, it's my favorite she said scratching her hair.

Sorry but it's mine now, bye bye.

Not so fast, my room is a mess won't you help me out it back in order?

Uhm ayra pretended like she was thinking about it then said abruptly, No that wasn't part of the plan.

Ayra you are so mean, so this is how you pay back my act of kindness?

I learnt from the best ayra replied with a flourish taking a step out of the room but Alice 's next words stopped her dead in her tracks .

I know who you were thinking about under the tree, but don't forget about #rule number 5 she said shutting her door with a sinister smile on her face.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know, I want to say a big thank you to Winx16 for the power stones, it means a lot to me loads of thanks dear. If you want to see the picture of the gown that ayra chose you might consider following me in Instagram

@chiamaka - nwokolo, I will upload it on my account . Stay Safe and thank you for reading.

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