

"Hey muffin" Jack gently tapped the bent hair on the desk he looked at her strangely why was she like this? He questioned himself her head was bent with her long wavy hair covering her entire face ever since the announcement and after Mr Williams left the class.

"Muffin?" He called again and tugged her hair softly.

Ayra raised her head with a start and was surprised to see jack looking at her with worry in his eyes, go away she muttered before slumping back on her desk hiding her face from his view.

"Muffin, Ari stop this what's wrong?" he massaged her hair through his fingers enjoying the feel of it on his hands.

'Ari ' ? That was a new one ayra thought and gosh why did his hands feel so good? She wanted him to continue massaging her scalp but she had to stop him else, her name will be a hot topic in the gossip column.

"Why are you talking to me in class?" She asked raising her head a little to stare into his.

Jack stared back at her, at loss for words he never knew what went on in that pretty head of hers. "Muffin I don't understand..... "

"We always meet in at the Hall and chat, so why are you suddenly talking to me in the class?" She wishpered looking around the class to check if people were starring, and sure enough few eyes were on them.

Ayra he started calmly vexed at her line of thinking "why the hell can't we speak in class or open place? "

Ayra sighed softly, stood up and dragged him out with her before they drew more attention to themselves. What she didn't know was Ella had already eves dropped on their conversation and stared after them in shock, gosh when did ayra become so secretive she thought to herself covering her mouth with her febble fingers.

Jack stopped her long strides, by taking hold of her cold hands" Ayra you haven't answered my question".

Ayra creased her forehead, she didn't like him calling her by her name, she preferred muffin or Ari and though she had told him previously to stop the nickname, somehow it had grown on her. "Jack what's the big deal? We necessarily don't have to speak everytime. "

"You are my girlfriend!! and I want to speak with you everytime, every moment of the day. "

"What?? Jack firstly i'm not your girlfriend and I don't want to be seen with you everywhere, because I don't want my names to be involved in malicious gossips. "

Jack 's heart broken into tiny pieces, she didn't want to be seen with him , he thought sadly dumb him thinking everything was perfect between them .

"Muffin I apologized right? And you forgave me" he added hastenly.

"Yeah yes jack" she replied sad by the broken expression in his eyes "And we are good friends now I just don't want to be known as one of your harems".

"Are you ashamed to be seen by me? "

"Ashamed " Is a deep word jack. "

"Just answer the question!! "

"No jack ,but don't blame me for taking precautions for the future, I don't know how long this little infatuation of yours would last and you would move to the next girl".

Christ!! He opened his mouth to speak, but words failed him, trying again he stared at her stunned. " Ayra Thompson I am not infatuated with you!! , muffin I genuinely like you he said with emotion filled eyes and you are hurting me with your words cuz I have never felt this way towards anyone else just you" he concluded with a small voice.

Ayra swallowed hard at his words, she wanted to believe him and what his eyes were saying but the reality still remains that both of them wouldn't mesh, no matter how much she wanted it they were out of sync.

"Ayra what are you thinking about?" He questioned seeing her silent for a long time.

Ayra frowned at him "Nothing and don't call me ayra again" she added.

Maybe he still had a chance with her, he thought and by God he wouldn't blow it up.

Muffin he held her hands in his massaging her little finger "Please would you be my girlfriend? "

Ayra was spell bound, what the heck was he doing? She couldn't keep up with him, Truthfully and deep inside her she was escatic and overly joyed that he liked her, it was like a dream come through because she had always had a crush on him like for ever. But she just had a feeling that things wouldn't end well, and her instincts was always right coupled with the fear of getting dumped by him later on, that's the reason she was content and happy on being his very good friend. Imagine how upset she got on seeing him smile at another girl, what will happen if he breaks her heart?

"Jack i'm sorry but I - .. "

He silenced her next words with a long finger "Muffin I know you like me too you are just scared and that's totally fine".

Gosh was he a mind reader? She asked herself .

Taking a deep breath, she stared at a spot above his head avoiding his eyes." Jack I would have to think about it and sort out my feelings. "

Okay he nodded slowly "I understand, but you have to understand that I won't stop chasing you till you accept and trust in my feelings for you".

Jezze he was so cheesy, now those words would be stuck in her head.

"But for now tell me why were you upset and acting like a defaulted doll. "

Oh she had completely forgotten , she had been upset earlier . "What "defaulted doll "? " She cried playfully smacking his chest and creasing her forehead.

Jack giggled for the first time that day" yes you are a cute doll."

"I was upset because of the excursion stuff. "

"Why? You don't like where we are going? It's a beautiful place".

"No no it's not about the place, the class we are merged with".

Jack stared at her , confused.

"My sister's class!! We are going to the excursion with my sister's classsss!!" She cried.

"What's wrong with that, does it entail any trouble? "

"My sister is a whole bundle of trouble on her own. !! "

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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