

It's been exactly one week since Patrick confessed his feelings to kachi and he had never felt more lonely than he felt at the moment in his entire life. As an only child in a family who pirotized family business over family time and bonding, he was used to being left behind in the care of numerous nannies and was accosted to being alone. Growing up and having tons of friends that barely saw the surface of him, he still felt lonely and had come to enjoy being on his own then came she, distracting him with her cute afro gravity defying hair, her shiny black skin and of course her dainty body and smart mouth. He had always felt alive in kachi's company and for the first time in forever he had needed and wished for the attention of the opposite sex , he had wanted her to like him just as quickly it had taken him to do so but somehow he always seems to mess things up and people he loved always leaves him at the end. First it had been his parents, then his favourite nanny had died and now kachi? Hell!!! He swore loudly feeling his system shut down briefly , he could still see the absolute shock on her face that fateful day . She had opened her mouth but closed it back , balling her fingers into fists she had left him standing at the spot and proceeded to ignore him for the rest of the week. ' was it so hard to believe that he had feelings for her? ' he asked into thin air .

There was this relief that came from baring his feelings raw in front of her and not always have to hide his fondeness and admiration for her but he missed her so much it hurts, he missed her smiles, quirky replies, raised eyebrows in disapproval . Christ he missed her to the moon and back and if he could change back the hands of time, he won't have confessed he would have tucked his feelings into place and remained her friend because this feeling of emptyness had engulfed him into a wide tomb of nothingness which threatened to overpower him if she didn't speak to him soon .

' How was she even able to sleep and smile like the world wasn't about to end ' ? He thought sourly watching her sit down with ayra and Ella at the the cafeteria table, he couldn't even sleep properly at night because of her but here she was chirping animitedly with her friends as though she was a sweet harmless angel .

He wiled himself to look away from her image before he actually went down on his knees to her but guess what? He couldn't even bring himself to stare away he literally bore holes in her body with his eyes till she looked up into his eyes, she shivered a little before putting on a facade of composure but Patrick whose eyes were fastened on her had already seen her little shiver and it contented him that his gaze had affected her that much and it encouraged him to put an end to their misery once and for all, he could only hope that his little plan wouldn't draw her farther away from him.

Kachi had just been recovering from the intense stare from Patrick when she felt him walking towards her table, swallowing hard she concentrated hard on her table wishing he wouldn't talk to her but knew he would nonetheless .

" Hii Patrick " Ella greeted cheerfully flipping her lashes up and down and taking a bite of her chips. Kachi almost gagged on her sandwich ' was Ella flirting with her Patrick right now ' ? .

" Hey girls" He greeted back gently eyes still rooted firmly on kachi

Kachi stared at him worried on how thin he suddenly looked and his eyes were hollow as thoug- stamping down her concern for him, she glared at him " Patrick I don't wa- " .

" Sshhhhh " He held his fore finger to her lips stopping her bruising words " I know you don't want to speak nor see me I just wanted to bring this back to you" He echoed handing her a bracelet " You forgot it in my room the last time you visited " He finished stalking off without sparing her anymore glances .

" Are you guys fighting or something ? " Ella forever the questionnaire muttered slowly.

Kachi closed her fingers around the bracelet before snapping at Ella " I don't want to talk about it "!!!.

" Alright do the calms , no need to scream girl " .

" You guys jack mentioned to me that Patrick was leaving town to Canada to start a new life " Ayra started softly .

" What? " Ella screamed and kachi simply stared at ayra in surprise.

" Omg you guys ain't aware? Maybe that's the reason he's so quite these days poor guy" Ayra shrugged in sympathy.

" I can't imagine how it feels to be uprooted and start a life in a whole new country " Ella added.

Kachi wanted to scream at the two of them to keep quite that Patrick couldn't and isn't leaving town at least without telling her but what if he had wanted to tell her just now and she had rudely told him off 'Omg she felt like fainting '.

" Uhm that can't be possible we are in the middle of a school session " Kachi screamed at ayra struggling to control herself but failing miserably.

" In case you haven't figured it out yet, Patrick's parents are filthy rich and can do and undo. According to Jack they have already arranged everything into a nice package for their son both school and everything else that you can think off " .

Kachi recalled back to the day she visited Patrick's home and realized with stinging eyes and shortened breaths that ayra was right, that explains the exotic cars and expensive properties she thought to herself.

" Oh my gosh kachi are you crying? " Ayra asked in concern

She sniffed needing to be alone but not wanting them to know she's bothered about the news shit ,screw bothered this school and her life would never be the same without Patrick in it. She thought crying in her heart. " No I'm not I think something fell into my eyes" She lied.

" I don't know what's going on between the two of you and it's not in my place to meddle but I'm telling you this as a friend, his flight isn't until tomorrow morning . You still have the opportunity to go after him kachi because believe me after today you might never see him again in your life!!! " Ayra declared.

" C'mon kachi time is ticking " Ella murmured.

With a thudding heart and scaredy eyes kachi sprang up from her seat and half ran out of the cafeteria in search of Patrick.