
Franzer: The Uncrowned Prince

Not everyone is the favored child of the gods. Born with the fate to save the world from the clutches of evil. Some are there to support and help the heroes to reach their destiny. Some are simply entities that are not even effected by 'a' Fate. They are born so strong that deities do not dare mark them. Someone like... Lucian Vince Franzer, the former crown prince, now stripped of the royal legacy. He will go through his trials where fate will try to bind him. He will meet heroes, friends. He will find love and reason as he adventures through the known realm. This is the story of the Uncrowned Prince. The entity that fate could not bind. ____________________________________________ Update note: 1 chapter a day Word count: 2.3k words +- 200 words _____________________________________________ Note: All the images that will be posted, including the cover, were drawn by myself, with the help of references. So these images belong to me.

LuminouShadow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs


Chapter 11: Plans

"If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else."

― Yogi Berra


Year 1212, 28th day of the 3rd month- The Villa Behind the Church~

General POV~

The merchant city of Bullmar, not many visited the church at the far western parts of the city. And other than the people connected to Lucian. No one knows that there was a large villa behind the church.

It was morning and the party as well as Jabbar and Matron Marina were sitting on the large long dining table. Lucian was enjoying some tea while a maid served the food.

Everyone looked happy. It had been a while since they ate properly cooked food and had a good bath. There was a fresh air lingering about them.

Celine was eating like a maniac staying true to her personality. While Axel was eating in a refined manner with a anger tick on his forehead caused by Celine. Mavis was also enjoying tea and he didn't have his iconic hat on his head. His words were, 'It was bad manners to wear a hat indoors.'

Julian, Jabbar and Marina were talking about the journey and they had already been introduced to each other the day before.

Marina looked at Lucian as he finished his tea, "My lord, what are your plans from here on? Are you going to comply with the king's orders and go to the elven kingdom? I mean isn't it too cruel. They can just send messengers to break the engagement off after all. I see no point, why you need to go personally."

Lucian smiled at her. "Of course there is no reason for me to go."

"!!!" Marina and everyone else looked at Lucian in confusion and surprise.

"Haha, why would I need to go just to break off my marriage. Sigh, and it was more of a contract than an actual bond you know. And the reason my father, the king issued that order was to give me a reason to leave the capital. So don't think too much about it." Lucian replied as he laughed slightly.

"Phew, then my lord would not need to go through that humiliation. I was almost ready to march into the capital an-" Jabbar started saying nonsense as he was smacked by Marina.

She then looked at Lucian who was looking at their interation with an amused expression. She blushed from embarrassment. 'I will torture this idiot later for making me look bad.' "Ummm… So my lord, where will you go in your travels or will you stay here?"

"Let's see, first of all I will recuperate here for a few weeks and try to understand a few things, then I will give a visit to my aunt. I am sure she is devastated by the news.

After that I want to make a visit to Haranhaul I have a gut feeling something big is going to happen there. I still cannot divine but I still get some senses about the future.

And maybe after that I will visit a few other holy places and perfect my divination. And finally….

I will go to the Elven kingdom." Lucian said the last line with a big smile.


Everyone was agitated by the last line. Even Mavis shouted.

"Young Lucian, why would you want to go there when you just said there is no reason to go there?" Julian inquired, he was intrigued.

"Well I really don't care about the matter regarding the engagement but the Elven forest is one of the sacred grounds where nature spirits reside. I would like to meet some if possible."

"What's a Spirit?" Celine asked right on que.

"Sigh, you muscle brain… Spirits are believed to be blessed by the deities and they exist in the holy places that has abundance of their element. They are being's entirely made of Mana. And their control over their element is absolute!" Axel explained.

"WOW! THAT'S SO COOL! Thanks stinky." Celine seemed happy after getting to know about it.

"So that's the case. Well I suppose it will be a good learning opportunity for all of us." Mavis added his comment.

"So for the next two weeks we will relax and train. Sir Julian can you please continue to train Axel and Celine. I think they will be able to understand aura quite soon." Lucian requested the old knight.

"Well of course Lucian. I am Axel's master and as for Celine! She has already started learning from me since we left the Capital." Julian replied with a hearty laugh. I nodded at him in gratitude.

"Marina bring me a map of the kingdom. Mavis and I will make a plan on how to travel."

"Yes, as you wish my lord." Marina left the room.

"Jabbar is my aunt a patron of the store?"

"She is my lord. She buys a lot of items from the store. She said the designs are really to her liking." Jabbar replied making a proud face.

"Good… I want you to visit the Alvarez House personally with the next delivery. And request a meeting with my aunt." Lucian then thought for a bit. He then took his necklace off and gave it to Jabbar.

"Show her the necklace to prove your identity and tell her I would like to come visit her. But our visit needs to be a secret."

"As you wish my lord." Jabbar nodded and carefully stored the necklace. He of all people knew how precious the necklace is to Lucian.

"Here is the map you requested my lord." Marina came with a large map that showed the whole geography of Rorengar.

"Many thanks Marina." Lucian said as he unfurled the map. He has a lot to plan....

[A/N: A sample map will be attached on the comment section and yes I drew it :> ]


Same day, Alvarez Estate in the Capital ~

Isadora's POV~

I was called back from my duties in Redfield village. Something serious might have happened for the lord to call me back. I started thinking of different things as I move towards the lord's office.

Inside the mansion I could hear some of the servants talking about the crown prince. 'Did something happened to Lucian? I have a bad premonition…'

As I neared the office door I could hear Lis's loud voice.

"There is still no news about him? What about our men in Azmar? If he is going to the nasty eared forest folk he needs to pass through Azmar right?"

"Calm down girl! It takes almost two weeks to reach Azmar. It has only been five days since he left. At most he reached Windsor Pass. I already have my men there. If he passes through I will know. So, calm down and be patient.��� Lord Alvarez was trying to calm the young lady down .

"But… What if they send some assassin's?" Lisbeth's voice sounded heartbroken.

"Lissy… you know him so well… You know that Lucian is strong and Sir Battlemoar is accompanying him. He will be fine." Lord Alvarez said with a soft voice that he only uses towards his wife and daughter.

I didn't want to get in while they were talking so I waited.

I knocked when the inside turned silent for a while.

*knock knock*

"Who is it?" Asked a voice from inside the room.

"My lord, its Isadora from the third knight squad. I came at your summon."

"Come in!" Said a solemn voice.

As I stepped in the room Lisbeth greeted me with a forced smile. "Welcome back Dora, hope you are in good health." I greeted her back and looked at her.

Lisbeth and I are childhood friends. I am a bit older than her so I always treated her like my younger sister. We always played and had tea parties together.

But all that had changed since he came into our lives …

'Sigh!' Now we are only acquaintances with the same person to admire…

Lisbeth was very bold though, unlike me she even begged Lady Oriana to allow her to serve as a maid for him… I cannot copy her. I knew my place. I did not have the advantage of blood to be there but she had.

I then requested the knight commander to transfer me to a different front away from the main house. 'Sigh! But something must have happened for Lis to be like that and the whole capital seems… different. It's murky and dark. Not many stores are opened.

"Excuse me my lord but… Did… Did something happen to the crown prince?"

"Sigh! Nothing is wrong with the crown prince… Well it's not the same crown prince you asked about though…" Lord Alvarez looked out the window deep in thought.

So I glared at Lis, I had a very bad feeling… I don't like this feeling.

Lis seemed almost ready to cry and she did under the pressure and jumped to hug me. She buried her face in my chest as she used to when we were young.

"Dora, Dora… What do we do… Lucian has been stripped of his title and lineage. And … and *sob* Now there is no news of him…" Lis couldn't hold it anymore and cried loudly.

Thunder struck me and I felt sadness overwhelm me but I was a knight I could control myself. I invoked my aura to calm my nerves.


I exhaled a lot of air. And looked at lord Alvarez for some answers.

"What she said is the truth. And that's why I called you here. I have a long-term mission for you…"

"I accept!"

"Sigh! I haven't even told you the mission details yet…" He started rubbing his forehead and seemed distressed but I didn't really care.

"As long as I can help Lucian!"

"Look at you being bold now! Even using his name." Lord Alvarez chuckled which made me blush from embarrassment. I could also feel Lis pinching my side which was not armored.

"Very well! Isadora of the third squad. You are dismissed from your duties! And I the Lord and protector of Eastigar command you to take some soldiers and go to the kingdom of Elves. You shall assist my nephew!"



Meanwhile in the Northern border- Fort Brackhill

General POV~

A beautiful woman with black hair tied in a ponytail was sitting on a desk. Her crimson eyes were reading some reports which caused a frown to appear on her perfect face.

*Slam… Thud*

The desk broke down as she got up from her seat, an invisible pressure covered the whole room and the assistants were already kneeling.


"I leave her be just because she could coax the king to marry her and now she pulls of this shit?" The woman seemed incensed.

"P-ple-ease… q-q-quell yo-oour anger comma-ander." One of the assistants was trying to calm her, but he only was looked at by the murderous eyes and fainted and soiled his pants.

She looked towards the south from her window. And muttered, "Beth… if even a hair is touched on Luce and Axy I will eat you alive."

This woman was an infamous General of Rorengar. She was only in her early twenties but she was known as the 'Bloody Black Fox'.

She was the eldest daughter of the noble house of Whitefox, the governors of White Burrow City situated in Centigar. It was very close to the capital city and near the borders of Nortigar which is ruled by the Battleborns.

She was known as an anomaly to the Whitefox lineage. For her black hair where Whitefox's are famous for their silvery white or silver blonde hair with crimson eyes.

She had a rough childhood because she was different. But, she wasn't weak like any other child who were shunned because of their uniqueness. No, she took it as motivation and had her first kill at the age of five. When she killed a maid because she was calling her a demon.

The incident was quickly covered by the family. After all she was from the main family. But inside the Whitefox estate, she was still known as a Demon.

[A/N: Demons and Deakin's are different. Deakin is an actual race hated by the whole continent.]

She was then brought up by her father and the old fox polished her marshal prowess. The girl was a genius in warfare. And quickly climbed the ranks and even snatched the position of a general at the age of twenty-two.

She was an anomaly alright. Ruthless, Merciless, Bold and Beautiful.

She did not laugh or smile much. Only two people made her smile, Luce the idiot who only uses magic and Axy her idiotic brother who cries when he loses.

The black haired woman calmed a bit and even had a bit of smile after she thought about the two brats.

'Be safe you brats, big sister will come to you soon after she kicks the asses of these stupid barbarians…'

She was the Bloody Black Fox and the Black Peony of the battlefield.

Her name…. was...

Angeline Whitefox.

[A/N: Ahem I tried drawing again but didn't like how the color turned out so umm I will just post the no colored version of Mira Alis… I am getting better ok!!!]

Thank you for reading the chapter. From the next chapter the story will pick up pace and there won't be as many dialouges.



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