
Framed for her fortune - The Disgraced Heiress Dazzling Comeback!!!

Sienna Winchester had it all – beauty, brains and billions as the heiress to New York’s most powerful business empires - Sky Group and Sky Corporation. But on the night, she’s meant to be finally introduced to the world and inaugurated as the new CEO, her world shatters. She’s exposed as an impostor by her uncle. Sienna watches helplessly as another woman claims her birthright and, in an instant, she loses everything – her name, her fortune and her identity. Now a wanted woman, Sienna is forced to flee with only the help of her father’s loyal driver and right-hand man when he was alive and a jade pendant that holds more secrets than she could ever imagine. Her only hope for redemption lies with the last person she ever expected to need: Sebastian Lucian Grey, the ex-fiance whose heart she broke three years ago. As Sienna races to uncover the truth about her past and clear her name, she’ll confront shocking family secrets, ruthless corporate scandals and a love she thought she’d lost forever. What is worse… could she trust Sebastian who was colder, more ruthless and looked at her with eyes filled with hatred. But why was he helping her? Can she reclaim her identity and her rightful place? Or will the lies that built her life be the same ones to destroy her? What of Sebastian? Will he forgive her and let go after three years? Or is he part of the people who wanted her gone badly? In the end, he must choose between love and family. Finally, can she convince Sebastian to look past their painful history? Or will the secrets of her past doom them both? *** “Sebastian, please. I need your help,”. His dark eyes, once warm with love, ran through the length of her body with amusement and a smirk on his lips. “The great Sienna Winchester begging me? How the mighty have fallen,”. “I have nothing left. You’re my only hope,”. A cruel smile played on his lips. “Funny. That’s exactly how you left me three years ago,”. Sienna swallowed hard. “I know I hurt you -,”. “You destroyed me,” Sebastian interrupted his voice like ice. “Now you want me to save you?” He leans in close, his breath hot against her ear “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t call the police and hand you over to them,”. ...

Ejiofor_Dorcas · Urban
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114 Chs

Made a deal with the devil...

Evening came quickly.

I and Monty navigated the busy streets of New York's business district. With each step closer to Blackway Industries – Sebastian's office, I felt my resolve wavering. But I had to force myself to keep moving, reminding myself of what was at stake.

Soon we were standing in front of the building…the sun had long since set, but the city buzzed with energy. Everyone seemed to know what they were doing except me. I was practically on the doorstep of the man I had called poor and not up to my social status. The man I had cruelly pierced his heart because of what?

I shook my head trying to maintain my composure. My past was a messy thing that I seldom delve into.

"Remember," Monty murmured, "Sebastian is not the same man you knew from before. So, let me do the talking initially,".

I nodded, with temporary relief. I didn't think I could make a complete sentence if given the chance. My stomach still had an anxious knot of anxiety. Even with my disguise, I felt exposed.

The lobby of Blackway Industries was deserted as we stepped in save for a single security guard, who nodded at Monty and gestured towards the elevators. We rode in silence to the top floor. The soft ding of each passing level elevating my nervousness.

When the doors finally opened, We stepped into a sleek, minimalist reception area. A striking brunette with kind eyes greeted us.

"Mr Monty," she said as if she had been expecting us. Her voice was cool and professional. "Mr Black will see you now,".

As she led us down a corridor towards a set of imposing black doors, I felt as if I was walking to my own execution. With a gentle push from the woman, the door swung open silently, revealing the office space. I gasped as the beauty of the office swept me off my feet but the smile soon faded and was replaced with apprehension.

The floor-to-ceiling windows offered a beautiful view of New York's nighttime but it was the figure standing before those windows that drew my attention.

"They're here sir," the receptionist announced and slowly backed out of the office closing the heavy doors behind us.

"Mr Black," Monty said bowing slightly. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with us,".

The figure turned and my breath caught in my throat. It was him – the boyish look he had maintained throughout high school has been replaced with an older, harder perhaps but unmistakably, Sebastian. The deep brown suit he had on made him look like a model straight from a magazine. His handsome features were still as striking and even sharper than before.

His eyes which were midnight black held me captive – dark and penetrating and seemed to pierce through my soul as our gaze met. Even now, they were unreadable.

For a moment, pain and surprise flickered across his face before his expression settled into a blank sheet. He moved forward.

"Monty," his voice was smooth and cultured, with a cautious but commanding edge I didn't remember. "It's been a while,". Then his gaze shifted to me again. I felt a jolt of electricity course through me. "Hello, Sienna, what an unexpected way to meet you,".

At that moment, facing the man I had once loved and lost, I realized that this meeting was more than just about clearing my name. It was about confronting my past, facing my fears and perhaps, finding a way to move forward.

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. How do you greet the man whose heart you broke, especially when it is you who needs his help now?

Sebastian's lips curved into a sardonic smile. "Cat got your tongue? That's not the Sienna Winchester I remember,".

The familiar teasing tone tinged with bitterness was enough to snap me out of my stupor.

"Hello Seb – Sebastian," I managed. "You've …done well for yourself,".

"Really," he chuckled moving to settle down behind the gigantic slab of black marble. He proceeded to press a button and a holographic display sprang to life, showing news footage of my crimes and the manhunt. "Though it seems you've had a difficult time of late,".

Monty stepped forward. "Sebastian, please. Sienna is innocent and you know this. You practically grew up together in the same neighbourhood. She's been set up by her uncle, Philip Winchester,".

"You will address me politely, Monty," Sebastian's gaze flicked coldly to Monty. "I usually do not come in on days like this but I had to because of how urgently you said it was. Because of that, I had to send the staff home… and believe me, I'll lose a couple of billion for that alone, so I am not exactly in a good mood, you might want to be careful and I truly hope this meeting is worth my time and money wasted,".

"I am sorry, Mr Black," Monty bowed again.

After a few seconds, Sebastian began speaking again. His expression remained unreadable. "And you expect me to, what? Wave a magic wand and make all her problems disappear?"

"No, Mr Black," Monty responded. "We need your resources, your connections and your testimony to help us prove her true birthright,".

"My testimony?" he arched his brow.

"Yes, we are currently trying to gather resources but most of them suddenly disappeared into thin air. However, a testimony from you, stating that Sienna was the real daughter of Mr and Mrs Winchester would go a long way,".

For a long moment, Sebastian said nothing. His gaze was on my face but I couldn't stare back. My head was downwards, I felt vulnerable under his scrutiny. Finally, he spoke.

"Do you have any idea," he said softly "The kind of power it would take to undo this? The strings that would need to be pulled to withdraw half of New York's security to stop chasing after her? The favours that would be called in?"

I couldn't contain myself any longer. "I don't care what it takes," I blurted. "I'll do anything you want me to do just to clear my name, and reclaim my birthright and my father's legacy,".

Amusement flickered in Sebastian's eyes. "Anything?" he echoed a dangerous edge to his voice. "Be careful what you offer, Sienna. You might find the price higher than you're willing to pay,".

The use of my name, without any formality, sent a shiver down my spine. It was too familiar, too intimate, given our history.

"Mr Black," Monty's voice was pleading now. "If not for Sienna, then for her father. For the relationship both families once shared,".

Sebastian's jaw tightened at the mention of my father's name. He was silent for a minute, his gaze still fixed on my face.

"The one he looked down on my family, swindled my father out of the deal that made Sky Group become prominent or how I was told that my family was too poor to marry their beloved, precious daughter? Which of the relationships are you talking about, Monty?"

"You know that's not how it happened," Monty said desperately. "There were good times and let's not dwell too much in the past. Please…".

After a while, he nodded his head. "Very well, I'll help you. But understand this, it doesn't come for free. In fact, it comes with a lot of conditions. If you're willing to meet these conditions, do exactly as I say, when I say it with no questions asked. Then we have ourselves a deal,".

"Mr Black if I may…".

"I wasn't talking to you, Monty," he raised his hand silencing him. "Let the victim speak her thoughts,".

I hesitated. Every instinct in me screamed at me to be cautious, to not trust this man who had once stared at me with loving eyes but seemed to hate me now. But what choice did I have?

"I agree," I said firmly.

"Good!" he rose to his feet. "I'll be in touch with further instructions. I'll leave first,".

As he got to the door, he turned, his eyes searching mine. "Sienna," his tone was cold. "Your father was a good man no doubt but he had this habit of not keeping to his words. I hope you're in no way like him. If you prove me otherwise… I'll be the first person to fuck you over!" he smiled suddenly. "It's great seeing you again, Sienna," and then he was gone.

His words sent a chill down my spine. What did he mean by that?

A few minutes later, two men dressed in suits came into the office. Without saying a word, they gestured for us to follow them. Which we did. We ended up on top of the building and walked towards a helicopter that was waiting for us.

As we took off, I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd just made a deal with the devil.

Little did I know, the dance I thought was far from over. It was Sebastian leading it… and man… did he know how to dance…