
Chapter 48 : Redemption


"Matteo is dead."

There were three things I thought I’d remember for as long as I lived. When all the memories of this life faded like the last bits of ash in a fire, I knew these three things would remain.

Alessandro loved me.

My name had been on the account.

And Matteo was dead.

It was odd that the three most memorable things to ever happen to me had happened in the last few weeks, but here I was, storing away what was both the best and most terrifying news I'd ever received in my life.

I wondered what it meant for us. I had learned that these families always struck back, and it made me wonder if life was ticking down to the moment that someone struck back at Alessandro for this.

I wondered if there was anyone left in the Bianchi family to strike back at him. Matteo was the last one I knew of. Maybe this was it, maybe it was all over, and Alessandro was free to live the life he dreamed of.

I prayed to any god that would listen that that was the truth.