
Chapter 39 : The Mole

"What are you talking about?" Alessandro asked, still looking at me as if I had sprouted a second head.

"In the company, your...organization, whatever you want to call it. The one who got me in the whole jail and kidnapping mess?" I pressed.

"What about it?" Alessandro continued with a frown.

"When I got kidnapped, Matteo went off on like a hundred different rants," I started. "He was talking about how I knew who was working for him in your organization, so that's why they couldn't let me go back to you."

"Did you?" he asked.

"No, not at the time." I ran through things in my head over and over. I didn't want to make any false accusations here. Maybe if I could talk through it with Alessandro, I could be sure.

"But now...?" Alessandro prodded.