
Four Empires and an unknown future

The sun shone at the top in the empire of Bruman this empire lay surrounded by a mountain that rose as a natural defense of this empire, the streets of Emperor Bruman's empire were almost completely crowded with people who most of them dressed elegant clothes and among them stood out groups wearing armor and tunics.

These people in armor and robes were called explorers and their job was to hunt monsters and demons that appeared constantly on the outskirts of the empires and that constantly caused problems in the cultures of the villages on the outskirts of the empire. Bramun was considered a natural kingdom in the manufacture of armor and weapons thanks to the mountains that surrounded the citadel making it the most important empire of the four existing.

The other three empires had different dedications due to the disparity of their lands, Jorgal II the emperor of Bruman and also the youngest emperor to be crowned in the history of Bramun was very well known for being a born strategist and his beauty made him be wanted by all the noble ladies of the empire which qualified him as the perfect man, but every human has flaws and none is perfect and the most notorious defect of Jorgal was his taste for alcohol and enjoy the good company of any lady.

Astur's empire was the main provider of magical knowledge since its empire possessed a large part of forest from which plants constantly imbued in mana sprang up thanks to the magical beasts that inhabited it which gave rise to the production of skin armor, scales , bones that were perfectly improved thanks to the properties of the dark forest, this kingdom was considered a very valuable land thanks to its production of wild fruits and meats and exotic pets.

The Empress Amira was an unparalleled beauty which made her the most desired woman of the four empires, her beautiful dark hair made her stand out from all the other women as well as her dark skin, Amira was considered a Magnificent warrior and expert in the use of magic of different types, the empire of Astur was one of the main empires that provided soldiers to all the commercial routes of the four empires which left it in a perfect position since Amira knew absolutely everything about every cargo that came out of any of the other empires

The empire of Krugal was the main supplier of marine foods, natural jewels of the sea, recovery of sunken cargoes in the sea and the maritime exploration to discover new lands with possibilities of exploitation for the obtaining of natural wealth also this empire was mainly in charge of monitoring the marine activity and the prevention of storms in the coasts which could affect the fishing and attempts of recovery of treasures and loads of ships that were sunk in the sea to causes of natural problems or attacks of marine creatures.

The emperor Jaugfrey IV considered the oldest and wisest of his empire since he became the only emperor layers to live 137 years and still able to keep his empire in top condition and his subjects completely happy, thanks to the constant efforts Jaugfrey managed to win the trust of three of the four empires making him a friend and indispensable ally in case of the explosion of a war, Jaugfrey was considered as an astral observer without any equal since his constant exploration of the stars and investigation of the night skies, Jaugfrey was not a combatant which in times of war his efforts were totally useless but his empire had the protection of the ten elemental dragons which formed a pact with each one of the emperors of the empire of Krugal for more than 1000 years.

The Gandrol empire, which was managed by Emperor Urnam XIII, was considered one of the most hostile empires of all, since it obtained the constant support of societies that ran illegal businesses in the creation of drugs that affected the body's magic and combat potential. to body but at the same time they deteriorated the human body which made the other empires proclaimed that the use of those drugs was totally prohibited.

Urnam was known for his incredible control of magic and combat arts but he was also known for his constant use of drugs that affected his mental state which made commoners outside his empire constantly fearful of their lives while the plebeians and other young ladies feared to be called to serve their emperor.

The behavior of Urnam was totally improper to be an emperor but at the same time his empire was considered one of the strongest because his soldiers suffered experimentation with drugs constantly which made them incredibly strong compared to soldiers trained by common methods but due to the constant use of drugs and experiments carried out on the soldiers, they could expect a maximum of 20-30 years of life at most which caused the other empires to repudiate such cruelty and little value for human life.

All this was momentarily forgotten at the meeting table of the Bruman Empire where the four figures were gathered discussing the problems each of their empires had, each of the emperors were accompanied by two royal guards of their respective empires, the hall of meetings he was in a very uncomfortable situation since the silence appropriated the place. the four emperors were ashamed to run into problems that they themselves were not able to solve which caused them to resort to a meeting to find the solution in the mouths of the other emperors.

The silence of the room lasted a while until Jaugfrey decided to break the ice talking to the Empress Amira ignoring the other emperors.

"Tell me dear Amira how is the situation in the old Astur's empire?" (Jaugfrey)

Amira sighed and smiled in response to Jaugfrey.

"I could lie and say that everything is fine in my home but I'm afraid we're here to see if we can find a solution to each other...right?" (Amira)

Jorgal's voice echoed in the room.

"It is obvious that we have problems for that reason we are here gathered to see if our four brains can formulate a solution for the problems that each one of us faces...for example I am afraid that the metals extracted from my mines are extremely bad lately...even red steel is in very poor condition when extracted and refined...that's why I came today to see if any of you could give me an explanation of what is happening."(Jorgal)

Urnam spoke looking at one of his soldiers who was wearing heavy armor and a double-edged ax decorated with red metal and had a red flag on the handle of the ax.

"I do not know what your problem may be ... the only thing that is that my empire also found a serious problem ... my soldiers fall sick which had never happened before so if they could be so kind to help me I would appreciate it" ( Urnam)

Urnam did not show much respect for the other emperors which displeased Jorgal but he kept his composure and responded politely.

"Hmmm, I really have no idea because your people are falling sick ... although I really doubt it's a common disease since your continuous experiment with drugs created from the blood of demons and other strange things...so I really wonder how is that one of your soldiers has not ripped your head off yet!"(Jorgal)

Amira and Jaugfrey gave a small laugh at the sarcastic voice of Jorgal responding to Arnum.

After another few minutes of silence and more discomfort Jaugfrey decided to speak.

"I am afraid that my last exploration of the stars and stars have led me to the discovery of something that might bring an unparalleled evil and possibly death and destruction will be all that is left of our empires"(Jaugfrey)

The other three emperors began to feel nervous to hear the words of the wise Jaugfrey then Jaugfrey began to explain what he saw in the stars last night.