
Fragrance of the Deadly Love

‘Once you step inside the house, same as you enter into my world. You belong to me, you are mine, your soul stuck with me in my long loneliness life’ said the ancient being to her. She got fired from the company she has been worked for 5 years. With funny, ridiculous issue. And she has been asked to immediately leave the office once she finishes the fired things with the HR. She became jobless and stay at home while waiting for the invitation of an interview new job. She lives at simple small modern minimalist house in the west city of Terrazen. After so desperately waiting and she running out of funds. one day she got invitation for an interview. and miraculously she got hired. At her first day of working, ‘Holy crap this is an Insane office’ she said inwardly. After she work there for 3 months, she got international training at head office company located at the busiest city in the world. On that training she met with the CEO, the owner of the company. After that her life turn upside down. Because she realized after stay at his house during the training. Accidentally, she found out the CEO is not human but an ancient being from thousands of centuries ago. He like her and want her badly to become his woman in his long loneliness life. No one can have Her but Him. She is his, he is the only one who can touch her, kiss her, devoured whole of her.

Ozer_art07 · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Now, eat

"Sounds sweet from your lips" Kendric mumbled, he tilted his head to the right. It was as if he had been swept away by the waves crashing against the shore at dawn. Took him into the middle of the sea, deeper and deeper. Until he was completely submerged at the bottom of the sea.

"W-what?" Leigh's voice choked, hearing Kendric's words. Even though it wasn't too loud, she could hear it clearly. Now her body, which had begun to relax, was shaking again, anxious. To her, he said it in a casual tone. But why the smile on his lips made her think that Kendric had something mischief thought behind his smile. Makes her more anxious.

"I said, It sounds sweet heard it from your cute and sensual lips, call me again" he asked her to call him again with a piercing look, it felt like that gaze pierced right into her heart. Dig deep and want to know what's inside.

Leigh's face was crimson red to her earlobe. And his gaze, she couldn't bear to stare at him any longer. Her heart was beating fast, it sounded clear in her ears. She was afraid, the sound of her heartbeat could be heard by him. What a shame. She murmured inwardly.

"Is it hard to call me again?" he could clearly see that Leigh was embarrassed. The problem was he buried her face quite deep. And he wanted to see that flushed face, it would be very exciting to see her blushing face, especially if it was caused by him. He didn't care if his request was too much, but right now he really wanted to look her in the face.

Kendric's words, spontaneously made Leigh lift her head and look Kendric straight in the eye. Just as their eyes met. Leigh felt her body unable to move again. Did she really get bewitch? That's impossible in modern times like this. It's just mystical. But the truth now was, her body was completely immobilized.

Leigh saw a smile spread across his face. That smile sent a tickling sensation from her nape to her spine. The next second she was able to move her lips. "Hmm... no—" Her words were cut short.

"Then call me" his lips curled up slightly. A satisfied grin appeared there. Like the satisfaction when you manage to get what you want the most.

"K-kendric" the voice that came out of her mouth stuttered. She almost hiccuped at the end of her speech.

He frowned, he asked her to call him by a nickname but why did she call his first name completely "Just Ken, is fine" this time his voice sounded a little louder and firmer. But the smile on his face still graced his handsome face.

Leigh gulped slowly, as if she had swallowed food so hard it made her difficult to swallow it. Yet all she swallowed was spit. She looked into Kendric's eyes with a depressed look. Of course, not. But I am here as a trainee. Also, a small employee at the branch office. She did not expect ifs he accidentally offended the man in front of her. She didn't want the job she worked so hard to be lose just like that.

Is it true that there is no problem if I call him as he asks? After all, he asked for it himself. 'Hmm I don't think there's a problem' she muttered to herself. "Ken"

"Look, it's not too difficult!" not a question but a statement, he flashed the line with a triumphant smile. He could see the look on her face, how when his name was called with her cute and sensual lips. Beside her face which instantly became very crimson. But he was satisfied.

He looked at the food on her plate, she hadn't even touched it. 'Looks like, I need to do something' he stood up. He turns around, his hands grabbed the top of the back of the chair, pulling it to the right from where he was now. He placed his chair right on Leigh's left. Then he sat there, as he always did. And he acts casual. Like what he just did, it makes the dining table situation tense.

Leigh gasped in surprise, seeing what Kendric had done. 'What was he doing, wasn't sitting close enough in front of her earlier, and now sitting beside me' she squeezed her fingers hard, so hard that they turned deathly pale.

Not yet released from her surprise, Kendric made her heart skip a beat. He stabbed the steak that was on his plate. Lifting to her red lips. She stunned.

"Eat" Kendric ordered looking at her sharply but gently. While giving a sweet smile. Like seducing a child who is hard to eat their meal.

"I-I can eat by myself sir" with her getting nervous, besides her stuttering, she mispronounced Kendric's call. Made Kendric frown, his eyes darkened.

He lowered the steak and placed it on his plate. "Now, why are those lips of your who called me back with a call I don't want to hear" He leaned his face closer to Leigh's, too close she thought. She had to back away so that there was some distance between them. But the distance is still not too significant.

"Do I need to kiss your cute and sensual lips, so you won't forget to call me by my nickname?" he asked as he leaned his face close to Leigh's. It left her no room to back down. because her back was leaning against the back of the chair.

"Ken" she said shakily, she didn't realize she was holding her breath the second Kendric leaned his face first act.

"Breathe, sweet girl. We don't want you to die out of breath, do we?" a smile broke from Kendric's lips seeing Leigh's reaction, she took a breath that immediately made her hiccup.

Leigh's face was bright red. She was so embarrassed this time. She wanted so badly to get up and run away from this room as soon as possible and disappear before the man in front of her right now. She had entered this room not long ago, but she was already feeling unbearable and suffocating.

Kendric leaned back his body. He repeated what he had done earlier. Lifting the steak to her lips. "Now, eat. We don't want you to starve here" he ordered in the same tone.

Leigh reluctantly opened her mouth and accepted the steak that was thrust in front of her lips. She chewed it slowly. Her face reddened, embarrassed.

Kendric knew very well at this moment Leigh was embarrassed, but he acted like he didn't know. He acts casually. Cut the steak into small pieces on his plate. Make sure the cut fits the size of her cute lips. So, she can easily eat it.

From the corner of his eye, he could tell that she had swallowed the steak in her mouth. Without waiting he stabbed the steak that he had cut. Thrust to her lips again. While offering a smile that she couldn't refuse. "Eat" commanded in the same tone of voice. Firm but gentle.

"Hmm, you need to eat too" she said guiltily, because since he changed positions, he hadn't seen him eat.

"Oh, sweet girl, you're worried about me," he replied with a triumphant smile. He didn't think that she cared about him. "You first" he ordered not allowing her to argue.

Leigh was embarrassed. She reluctantly opened her lips, swallowing the steak. But Kendric's attitude then made her mouth and eyes wide open.

Kendric ate ​​the steak from the same fork he used to bribe her. For rich people, they will feel disgusted to eat from the same tableware, which is used by people whose wealth level is below them. But this did not happen to the man in front of her.

He even chewed the steak in a relaxed manner, as if there was nothing wrong with what he just did. Is he mad man?