
This Chick Is Quite Something!

Elena passed the VIP lounge and was going down the stairs. Suddenly she stumbled and almost fell, but managed to grab onto the banister.

"What the hell is going on with me? Last time there was no such a thing..."

The girl felt that with each step her legs seemed to become wadded, and the temperature inside her body only grew. She left the last step, stopped, and then turned right into a crowd of people who moved synchronically with the sounds of music.

Melinda watched her from the farthest table. Seeing Elena's condition, a smile lit up her face. She turned to the guy standing next to her.

"You saw that one in the dark blue? She is your goal for tonight. Judging by her behavior, the aphrodisiac has already begun its action. Plus she drank champagne. After this combo, even the most clearheaded person would go nuts. Go after her and make her want to have sex with you right in the center of the crowd. Fortunately, there will be plenty of witnesses. Ha-ha, tomorrow the whole Academy will watch this video, and then this bitch will not even dare to go past the gate."

Melinda was shining at the anticipation of tomorrow, fantasizing with what triumph she would look at Elena and make her look like a miserable insect.

"Understood, no problem. I do not care what kind of argy-bargy you have between you two, but this little chick is quite something. I agree just to have a bang with her for no reason whatsoever. All right, I'm out before somebody else intercepted this tidbit," and the young man followed Elena.

Elena was walking through the crowd, trying to remember how she got here and how she could find a way out. Her legs did not obey, swaying from side to side, she hooked people dancing around. Every touch of someone's body made her loins burn with fire. She was accidentally pushed into the shoulder and was ready to fall, but suddenly she felt that someone firmly grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close to him.

"Baby, there are so many people here. You have to be careful on your heels, otherwise, you might get hurt."

Elena raised her head and saw a strange young man who was staring at her and smiling.

"Um, thanks. I'm fine. I, perhaps, will go on my way," Elena tried to free herself from the man's arms, but he only pulled her closer to him.

"Why to leave so soon? Let's dance a little, shall we? Maybe it's a fate that we met here today?"

His one hand went up to the level of the shoulder blades, and the other gradually dropped below the waist. The young man pulled the girl even closer to him, and Elena felt his breath close to her ear.

"I've got some really good moves for you. You'll see, you'll like it," after that, he squeezed her buttock with his hand.

"Hmm, and you're funny. So brave," Elena narrowed her eyes and smiled slyly.

The girl took the man for his T-shirt and pulled him close. Touching the lower part of his neck with the tip of her nose, she slowly led it up and stopped at the lobe of his ear. The man immediately turned on.

"Okay, let's play. I am pleased to see how you can move," the girl whispered in his ear, "Let me just fix my dress a little."

The man freed the girl from his hands and was already burning, anticipating how he would enjoy her beautiful body. She took a step back, stood sideways to him, and slowly began to lift the bottom of her tight-fitting dress.

. . .