
Fragments of past

"...light and darkness can't share a room together..." - Achsah Ashford

Mercy_63 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

... drama she watched before...

" Hah! Hah! Hah! I cannot breath~ without you being right by my side... I'll die~ so ca..."

"umm.." a sleepy hoarse voice answered the call "Oi! are you not awake yet? Is there no school today?" a women shouted furiously "Or are you planning to stay absent again?" It was past 7:15 and their school timing was to reach and get inside by 8:00."Mama, I told you there is a teachers meeting today, so its OK even if we don't go..." After listening she calm down "then.. prepare the lunch today. I'm going to duty now. Don't sleep to much..." "umm..." She lowered her phone and then fell asleep right away...

After 3 hours, she got up panicked shouting " Shit! School... " then cooled down "Ah... today is Saturday..." laying down back on the bed and looking the ceiling blankly... "Arg~ my body feels heavy~" she cried "When will I complete my studies?...I don't want to study..."

That day the sky was gloomy as if it's evening when it was only afternoon. She returned home, prepared lunch, took shower and dressed up into white T-shirt with black shirt and black skirt with her accidentally wolf cut hair style. "Hmmm..." she nodded looking at the mirror " I don't look that bad in my accidentally made wolf cut... especially my side look.." She admired herself for a second then added "..looks cool."

Half an hour before.

'All of you gathered at the school within 2:30 - 3:00 Pm. We will start our project' was messaged by her class captain. A week before, every classes above VIII were given a task to create a project for science exhibition and the due date was coming Monday. Some gave excuses to not come and some insulted them for making excuses. Some already agreed and some of them were just ghosting in the group.

Out of many unread messages she clicked the first one and it seems to be from her desk mate and also the school vice captain. She was told to cut her hair short as the school disciplinary group will come for checkup and also that she was the only one who haven't cut the hair. Well that was true since her hair nearly reached her waist. "well... Okay..."

After clicking some pictures as a goodbye, she followed the steps from the video. Tied at the top of the head, tie again at the place where you want to cut then cut it slowly. The result was good but it was still long so she repeated again laughing herself once she loosened it only to regret her life decision. It was all messed up. She looked like a porcupine on their guard. "I'm dead now..." she mumbled...

It was still raining cats and dogs when she reached her class. After some waits other mates also gathered and started the work. After some time their class teacher came and asked them to returned home as it was getting dark. "it stopped raining.." one of them shouted. They were on their own world cleaning the class when "Boka, stop shaking the table..." Ayush who was resting in the table said but there was no one near him. "Run... its earthquake... "

People scattered everywhere, screaming and crying, running wildly towards the football ground. And there was her who stood still looking through the window, shaking along with the earthquake as her eyes got locked in something outside...

#Boka- a bad words used to call boys. (a male goat)

# They had two house, one was used for guest and they sometimes goes there to sleep as that house is cool surrounded by trees and other one is in the colony got from the company her father works.

#The distance between her house and the school is only the walk of 5 minutes.

# At 8:00 the school gate will be closed and at 8:30 the class starts.

#Can't get outside of school till its 3:30 pm so the students had to take lunch with them.