
Fragments of past

"...light and darkness can't share a room together..." - Achsah Ashford

Mercy_63 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 1

A vast place, foul-smelling, far across the expanse in the darkness, seems a cold looking guy. No, a demon with expectations smirk on his face, stared callously at the entry. His deep dark eyes, enough to make you lost just by looking at it, spreading an ominous aura across the darkness.

"Finally, you are here" he said, laughing scornfully. "WELLCOME Achsah Ashford! How is this place? I hope its to your liking after all it will be your grave"

"Really? its a pity then..." with the sarcastic tone, a figure appeared, holding a black yet luminous sword with blood dropping from it, echoing every words and every steps she took through that vast place "...since it will your grave...not mine."

"tsk, tsk, tsk. I really like your confident..." he laughed evilly yet smoothly followed by the dead silent between them.

"Lucas, did you really had to come this far?" she broke the silence with her trembling voice. "...let's go home, I'll... I'll take you home..." she was a young girl around the age of 25, covered in blood. Her silver hair were almost not distinguishable, her jewelled red eyes, filled with sorrow and Lamentation, she looked up at him.

"Home? " he laughed " don't make me laugh.. I don't have my home. It was destroyed when I was five by the likes of you.." his statement made her silent as if she ran out of words.

"didn't you came here to kill me? I killed your kinds and your family... don't you hate me? don't you want to kill me?" he exclaimed. "see, I'm right in front of you.. kill me.. KILL ME!"

"darkness and light can't exist in one room" she said wretch fully raising her sword in front of her face. "its your duty to execute darkness as a light" as she closed her eyes, her sword started to glow luminously.

"that's the spirit, Achsah, let's end it in one go" he said as the dark aura started to gather in his hands "here I come.." As both of them rushed in and collapsed with each other, a strong wave caused vibration outsides.

sprut! cough! cought! the blood dripped to the ground. "wh.. why...why did u do that?" she started to cry panicking "why did you withdraw? why?.." "Achsah, d..don't cry..." he breathes heavily caressing her face "this is o..our f..fate. D..don't blame y..yourself..."

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry Lucas... please don't leave me..." she cried. "y..your highness, in my n..next life I wish I..I can be your k..knight..." "Lucas, please don't leave me..." as his energy started to vanish, he whispered "I. I.. .... .ou..." and passed away.

"Lu..Lucas! Lucas? why is your body turning to smoke?" she panicked crying desperately as his body slowly started to turn to smoke and disappeared in the air "stop it, Lucas, stop it...please...I'm begging you..."


"hey, she is crying..."

"maybe she is having nightmare.."

"should we wake her up?"

"yes, yes. wake her up"

"Achsah!, Achsah! wake up! its lunch time"

With her friends calling, she woke up, covered in tears.

"did u have nightmare again?" a cute chubby girl with a mole on her cheek asked her with concern

"yeah... "

"anyway let's have lunch then"

"same dream again" she thought opening the lunch box "it hurts, every time I dream about it. who is that man and that lady? what happened to them? why is she crying desperately? and why does they feel so familiar to me?" she looked outside the window wonderingly...