
Fragmented Memories

Zeke, a boy in his late teens, has no memory of anything before life in the military that he despises. As he lays dying in some ditch on a battlefield, he is given the chance to live by some girl who says helped her years ago. In this world of magic, one would expect it to be sunshine and rainbows, however, this is not the case. Greedy nobility dominate the militaries of every kingdom, each warring over the most meaningless of things. Zeke must explore his own mind and subdue the questions that cause doubt and hestitation if he has any hope of surviving in this cruel world. Along with his newfound group of acquaintances, he will traverse a difficult journey to truly understand who he is and what he desires to be.

Seignem · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 11 - Auction

Darkness lurked in every corner of the forest, waiting to pounce on my feeble mind. Shadows danced in the absence of light. Silence strangled the residents of the forest. Even the air was still, as if waiting for the storm to approach.

Combinations of fear, paranoia, guilt and anger stabbed constant questions at my sanity. My body felt heavy as I trudged along, carrying my severely injured companion. Who killed those kids? Was it the spirits? Was it someone else? Why is it so quiet? Kubo, please be alright.

A wave of bloodlust and insanity burst through the forest. Chilling cackles echoed throughout the forest, urging me to hurry on. Could my body even sustain itself in another fight? I may have healed the damage done to me by the spirits due to using my mana but I'm drained mentally. Trying to subdue my mana consumed a lot of my energy.

I found the hideout. There was a massive cave entrance, lights flickering inside it. Placing Ronan down in the cover of a shrub, I timidly approached the cave. Entering, a cold sensation enveloped my body, causing me to become more on edge. I heard a very raspy voice whisper further into the cave. Mustering the courage and ignoring my body's instinct to flee, I headed further into the unknown.

The cave opened up into an expansive room. To my horror, there were countless cages containing all sorts of people, dressed in rags and a strange device attached to their neck. All of them were unconscious. In the middle of this, there was a singular chair with straps and a table with strange objects. Blood, both new and old, stained the area surrounding the chair. There was an old man prancing around in front of the cages, ridiculing and cursing at them.

No. This can't be! Surely not! The person that was responsible for this is... the village chief! He... killed his own villagers. Why though? What possible reason would he have for this? Where is Kubo?

Standing in the shadows of the entrance, I quickly glanced at the cages. Not on the left side. Not in the middle. Wait! Who is the village chief taking out from the cage? Kubo!

She was still unconscious. I need to act now. My hatred wouldn't let me stay put and I charged recklessly towards him. Just as my swords made contact with him, they went straight through him, and he disappeared. An illusion again!?

"Why would you attack an innocent old man?" He asked standing behind me.

"Why did you kill those children!?" I shouted furiously.

"I simply don't know what you're talking about. I came here to liberate these poor souls."

"Don't play dumb with me! Answer the question!"

"What evidence do you have to express such ridiculous accusations!?"

"You wouldn't have been able to dodge my swords if you were merely a village chief. Also, you've had this problem for a while and never tried to sort it yourself but suddenly you just happen to be here. So what is this!?"

"There's no fooling you I guess. This room is my playhouse and my experimental room."

"You sick bas-"

"No explicit language in my residence! As for those pets you're talking about, I just felt like extinguishing a few lights. It makes me feel such euphoria spitting in the face of the Gods. Also, may I just say that their blood is simply a mouth watering delicacy."

"Those were your villagers!"


"Give me Kubo!"

"Don't worry, she'll be with you soon." The chief grinned, muttered something and I immediately started falling unconscious.

"What... did... you..."

Everything was black. Silence overwhelmed my senses. What happened? Did he put me to sleep? My eyes are so heavy, I can't open them. Damn it! I'm unconscious again! Why am I so useless? I don't even think I've got enough energy to wake up, let alone go up against the village chief. That power I used before is unavailable until I get my memories back as well.

Floating. Floating helplessly in an unknown abyss. How long has it been since I came here? A few seconds? A few minutes or perhaps hours? Time seems so obsolete. I can't feel anything. Only the thoughts racing through my mind occupy the emptiness. I need to get up. Kubo's in danger. Ronan's in terrible condition.

Light exploded, dismissing the darkness at rapid speeds. The light immediately started taking form and I awoke. Where am I? Rubbing my eyes, a shocking revelation overtook me. I was in my room. How!? Did Mira and the others follow us to keep an eye? That's not likely. If that were the case, they would've helped sooner.

"You alright Zeke?" Mira said, sitting up.

"W-What are you doing in my bed!?" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Were you not satisfied last night?" She giggled.

"W-what are you talking about!? Wait! I don't have time for this! Where's Kubo and Ronan?"

"Forget about them. Just stay with me." Her face darkened.

"You don't sound like your usual self. I need to go see if they are alright."

"Why? Are they more important than me?"

"That's not it at all. I'm just really worried about them."

Something is seriously off. Not only is Mira acting shady, but this entire room feels different. My body doesn't hurt or ache, which is strange. When did I have curtains over my windows? I quickly rushed towards the door but was instantly cut off by Mira, covered by a blanket.

"Why are you stopping me Mira?" I asked.

"I told you to stay with me."

"And I told you that I'm worried about Ronan and Kubo so you'll have to wait."

"Remember I am the one who saved your life. You owe your life to me."

"Funny you should say that considering when we first met you said you was paying a debt to me."

Mira hesitated.

"I thought so. Please move out the way of the door." I said.

"I refuse."

"What!? You still refuse? Why are you trying so hard to stop me from seeing them?"

"You don't need to worry about anyone but me. Stay with me and everything will be fine." As she said this, an overwhelming force knocked me backwards onto the bed. Seductive whispers started to invade my mind, infecting it with images of sensual bliss.

"Stop this Mira! Let me see them!" I tried moving but my body betrayed my commands and laid frozen.

"Just relax." Mira whispered.

"No... Don't do this!"

Mira's eyes flickered dangerously.

"Do you not want me?"

"That's not it. I don't remember a thing about the past between us so any feelings you have are due to the past me. It feels like I'm taking advantage of your feelings. I'd rather wait until my memories are returned!"

Suddenly, Mira started to disintegrate into thin air.

"Sorry it took so long!" Mira's voice boomed from somewhere.

"Wait so that wasn't you?"

"Of course not dummy. That was merely an illusion. Nice speech by the way."

"You heard everything!?" I shouted flustered.

"Like usual. How are you coping at the moment anyway?"

"To be honest, terribly. I... Some children were killed because I was too slow. Ronan's in horrible condition and Kubo is currently in the hands of a psychopath. I took out the spirits though at the cost of exhausting my body."

"I'm sorry. I should've sent Mikel with you instead of Ronan but Ronan insisted he was fine."

"It's not your fault. It's the crazy village chief's. I just feel so helpless right now. I found Kubo but became unconscious once again. I don't even know where I'll be when I wake up or if Ronan managed to stay hidden."

"You'll be alright. You wouldn't have got the approval of Mikel otherwise. One last thing before you wake up."

"What is it?"

"Don't feel guilty for not remembering. It won't change my views on you. I'll be waiting for whenever you feel the time is right, and even if you fall for someone else in the meantime, I'll still wait. Forget that last part! Good luck!"

Awaking breathless, I sat up. I was in a cage with six or seven people, all unconscious. None of them looked familiar meaning Kubo was being kept somewhere else and Ronan probably wasn't found. Something was irritating my neck, so I went to scratch it, only to find a cold, metallic object strapped to it.

I felt dizzy and nauseous as I tried standing. Unfortunately, my swords had been confiscated along with my armour, which made sense considering I was in a cage.

Stumbling over to a scrawny boy sprawled out across the floor, I tried to wake him. However, this only caused the metal object on his neck to start sparking, so, out of fear for the consequences, I left him alone.

Peering out of the cage, I realised that I was no longer in the experimental room. Instead, there were hundreds of chairs assembled neatly in a huge hall. To the left and right were more cages containing unconscious people, yet I still couldn't spot Ronan and Kubo. This looks awfully similar to a slave auctioning room.

A crowd of footsteps echoed in the distance. Immediately, I dropped to the floor to not stand out.

"Right this way please good ladies and gentlemen." The village chief's voice reverberated.

Disgustingly, hundreds of people, all in lavish clothes, burst into the hall and excitedly rushed for a seat. How could they be this excited over buying a slave? This is absolutely disgraceful. How the hell am I going to get out of this mess and save Kubo?

The village chief smiled viciously as he bounced over to the stage. Licking his lips, he began his horrific display.

"Today is a very special day for you customers. We have some astounding, priceless slaves for sale. But for now we'll cycle through the riff-raff labourers. The first bundle I offer contains five experienced males and one young female suited for any devilish purposes you seek to inflict on it. The starting price is five gold pieces."

That girl barely looks like a teenager! This is ridiculous! Five gold pieces for six human lives is preposterous. I want to stop this but what can I do? If I try anything, they'll probably subdue me with this thing on my neck. I've got no choice but to watch helplessly again! Really? Is this all I'm good for!? Watching from the side-lines.

The bidders seemed disappointed with the first selection so the bidding only went up to ten gold. The poor people that had probably no idea this was happening were sold to a pudgy bald man with barely any teeth. Anger started boiling inside me but I had to endure this until I know Kubo is here.

For an hour, I witnessed people have their rights sold for money. They were seen as mere objects for profit and not actual human beings. I have to stop this but how? All those people that need saving, and yet I'm letting them slip into the dark depths of slavery because of these bars. I... I can't save everyone. Not like those fairy tale stories I fabricate within my mind. I'm no hero. I'm a coward.

"Onto the next selection of slaves. I call these the special slaves. Within the next few bundles, there will at least be a special slave within it guaranteed." The village chief giggled.

Surely Kubo should be in that group. I assume I'm also in that group since my cage hasn't been auctioned yet. As soon as I see Kubo, I will get her. Do I still have the money I was given by Mikel!? The highest bid in the labourer section was 15 gold pieces and Mikel gave me 30. Yes I do still have it on me! I wonder if I can bid for her.

The bids for the special groups seemed to be averaging 20-25 gold pieces so hopefully I can outbid the others.

"The finale for the auction is upon us! I am about to present a once in a lifetime slave coupled with some special slaves."

Suddenly the middle of the stage opened up, and a cage appeared from below. Kubo was strapped to a chair in it! She looked unharmed but had the metal object attached to her, and she was unconscious.

"This little girl has the blood of the Gods coursing through her. She is truly remarkable, but she is unrefined in using mana so you'd have to teach her how to control her power. The set of special slaves accompanying her are all skilled in combat or mana manipulation. The starting price is understandably 500 gold pieces."

500... gold pieces. I'm such a fool for believing in hope. What's this about her having the blood of the Gods as well? I'm pretty sure Mikel would've told me about it. At least I'm being sold with her I guess. I'll be branded a slave for the rest of my life. I'm sorry Mira, Kassandra, Mikel, Ronan.

The final total amounted to 1250 gold pieces. Both cages were taken away and loaded onto a carriage. I just watched and accepted my fate. I didn't try to resist. You could say that I lost my will. The journey was depressing. No-one awoke from their slumbers. They looked so peaceful, but they would soon have to face the gravity of their situations.

Falling asleep, my mind was blank. No nightmares or dreams. I couldn't even communicate with Mira at a time like this. I just want someone to talk to. Someone to tell me good news. Please someone break this suffocating silence.

My head crashed into the side of the cage as the carriage halted to a stop. Everyone was waking up at the same time which was probably down to the objects strapped to our necks. Glancing over to see if Kubo had awoken, a feeling of dread pierced me. Her cage wasn't there. Where the hell was she taken!? I've had enough of this crap!

The cage slammed open and a tall, lean, menacing woman, with her silver hair flowing over her shoulders, ordered us out. Once we were all lined up, a huge man carrying a huge battle-axe on his back came towards us with a bored look on his face.

"You four special servants are now owned by me. I will tolerate no objections to my authority. You are merely here to do chores and not much else since I've already got what I needed. I don't care about your pasts and your promises to people, you are forbidden to leave this mansion under any circumstances unless I, my wife, or my head servant Elysia says so."

"You say there's four of us but there was another brought here as well. Where did you take them?"

"How would you know? You should've been fast asleep. Perhaps you were merely dreaming of this girl you're talking about."

"I never specified that they were a girl." I remarked.

Suddenly, I was struck in the stomach with his fist. I felt my bones shatter on impact and I collapsed to the floor wheezing and gasping for air.

"I said no objections!" He growled.

"The rest of you will be taken by my wife to your quarters. You will start tomorrow guided by the head servant. Any thoughts of escaping will be extinguished without mercy. Do I make myself clear!?"

"Yes Master!" The other three shouted in unison. I couldn't see their faces properly but I could tell two of them were females and the other was male.

"You swine! Don't ever question me!" He spat on me and shouted, "Elysia, grab the imbecile and aid him. He starts with the rest tomorrow as well."

"I... I will... get Kubo... back!" I gasped.

"Forget it. You won't see her again." The man started sauntering back to where he came from.

Laid in immense pain in the middle of this isolated driveway, I tried to observe my surroundings. There was forest in all but one direction. I must've been taken quite far from the village I was originally in. Down the end of the road was a massive mansion, glistening in rich colours and decorations.

Why do I feel like I know this place? I feel a deep sadness which is counteracted by a sense of anticipation and excitement. Have I been here before? I might find some clues to my memory here. My primary objective however is to find Kubo. I just have to trust Ronan is doing alright.

A girl seemed to be rushing towards me from the mansion. Her hair was black, in pigtails, and she was in a maid outfit. As she got closer, a scar running across her face became visible. The scar looked pretty cool but I'm sure the story behind it probably wasn't. Her piercing blue eyes met mine and something felt familiar.

"Have we met before?" I asked.

"Z-Zandaka!? I thought you were dead!"