
Fragmented Memories: Of Love, Pain and Magic

Elizabeth spent her life thinking these dreams she had were just her imagination coming out, until she was face to face with a real demon. Reuniting with her long lost lover Leon, she has to piece back together her past, and come to terms with her present. Can she find her way back home?

Kricket_Leedy · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Do what you must

I ended up heading to Vegas. I had always wanted to go, and I knew that I could find some kind of work there and a decently affordable place to live. I found a cheap monthly hotel room to start, it was definitely an upgrade from the hole I stashed away in that night, but it was far from nice. I got a cell phone and managed to get my IDs worked out so I could get a job. All of the things I did back in my normal life were food based, but I had no desire to get back into that mundane existence. I was a super goddess… that should get me something, right?

I had close to 200k in my stash, I could live reasonably for a few years if needed, but I wanted to establish something. I finally built up the courage to go shopping, I bought a few cute outfits, stuff I had always wanted to be able to wear, and spent a lot of time wandering, going to clubs and casinos, and drinking quite a bit.

But I also dove into the underworld, looking for a witch or a spell to help me break this connection between Leon and me. There were times I could still feel him, pain, sorrow, grief… It was too much. I knew if he wanted, he would find me again, and I couldn't let that happen. After a few futile attempts, I crossed a witch who explained what this connection was.

When we shared my demon, to cleanse himself of the curse, he was bound to me with the spell, allowing us to share a piece of our souls with one another.

And the way to break it? Make him hate me. I knew it would be impossible, even the idea of hurting him hurt me deep. So, I gave up. I knew that I would just have to move on, and hope it fades.

One evening, I went to a dance club, decided that I would enjoy my life, just a bit. I ended up at a corner table with a few random people, just talking, flirting, drinking, when a familiar face appeared on the arm of a couple of women.

At first, I was taken aback, the resemblance blew me away, then his mouth opened, his first words bringing back harsh memories, "Well if it isn't my beautiful ex-sister-in-law, what the fuck are you doing out here?"

Memories of secret kisses, shared passion in the dark of the night… The night he purposed to me, and in despair, I rejected him, wanting to keep his brother close to my heart.

His longer hair, and slenderer figure sometimes the only thing to tell him apart from his brother, "Andreas Black, the fuck are you doing here?"

He laughed, "Hey guys, this is my ex and my brother's ex, and…" he said drunkenly, flopping down, losing his train of thought, he looked at me, "Hey." He smiled, leaning forward, holding himself up with the table, he leaned into me, almost landing in my lap, "You're still exes with my brother, right?" He said sloppily, and I nodded, "Good!" He lunged forward, trying to kiss me.

"Andre, you're plastered, it's only 10pm." I said, dismissing him with a small shove.

"I started at 10 last night, sooooo I am a little bit ahead." He said, laying back in the chair, "What the fuck are you doing in Vegas? Like, shouldn't you be in LA?" He stopped, looked at me confused, "Wait aren't you dead?!" He said loudly, everyone looking at him.

I scooted to his side, "Why don't we go get you some water and we can talk?" He smiled and nodded.

We found a quiet spot toward the front of the bar, and we sat for a long while and he drank lots of water. He seemed to be getting a little more sober, so we talked for a few, I told him about leaving Leon for good. He didn't seem too upset, instead we ended up talking for hours. By time the bar was closing, we were both laughing, drinking at little too.

"Why don't we meet up tomorrow night and do this again?" He asked shyly, "I mean, it's not like you're married to my brother any more…" he said, laughing, "And maybe it'll be nice to have a friend in town, right?"

I smirked, agreeing to meet him at a different club the next night. Andre was arrogant, but he could be blind when it came to me. He didn't realize I only ever dated him to piss of his brother, and he sure didn't realize that they looked so much alike, it was eerie. But, I knew him well enough to know he would be able to help me. He didn't know that I was going to use him, the same way he wanted to use me.

Andreas was next in line, behind Leon, to take his father's place, but he had no desire to do so. Even less than Leon. He was content with womanizing and partying his everlasting days away. I always thought he might change his mind someday when he grew up. With the curse broken, Leon would be able to kill his father and take the throne someday if he wanted. Returning to their realm was on the bottom of his to do list right now.

The King of the Wolves would stay in power if they allowed him, and only when they were ready, would he step down or die. That much, I could remember. Part of me mourned not recalling the details, the emotions connected with the story, but part of me was glad.

Even remembering what I did, it hurt to think about the pain and suffering Leon dealt with at the hands of his father. Even at my own hands… Even now, I cringed thinking about the idea that I would have cheated on him.

Hopefully the longer I gave it, the more I would recall, but the pieces I did have, I didn't really want anymore. Our daughter had been consumed by his curse, lost to the oblivion, we separated; even though we stayed close for the sake of safety, Andreas and I sparked up a relationship, pretty much crushing Leon and changing our dynamic forever.

Even now, the thought was soul crushing.