
Fragment: Bullet in the Heart

“If you keep being like that, no one will love you, Kath.” It was her past boyfriend’s words to Kathrina before he left her for good. He was cheating on her, but she got the blame for everything just because she could not give him the thing he yearned for the most. Yeah, right, sex. Kathrina Reed had not been able to let someone touch her most private part of herself. She was terrified that someone had tried it. It brought terror into her body and forced her to freeze like a survival instinct. With her failed past relationship, Kathrina stopped dreaming of falling in love. She was tired of getting disappointed with her partner and herself, and she was tired of visiting a psychiatrist’s office just to get better. It was better to be alone. Fewer expectations result in less hurt. Kathrina was fine being alone for a long time until she met Arthur Ford. The man set her heart and body ablaze. Then before she knew it, she started thinking about him, longed for him, and fell too deep into him. - Synopsis change, but no change made in the story.

Moonamore · Urban
Not enough ratings
69 Chs

Interrogation (2)

"You and Xander Lowe's fingerprints are all over the apartment." Clarissa told him, then added, "We also found an entry about you and Xander in her diary. It's a bit interesting."

A bead of sweat dropped from John's temple, and he wiped it harshly. "I don't understand, Detective."

Clarissa clicked her tongue irritatingly, took the diary under the table, and read all the entries about him and Xander.

"I won't beat around the bush. Just answer my question, did you kill Marcella?" Clarissa dropped her core question.

"NO. ABSOLUTELY NO!" John stood up. He denied it over and over again.

"But Xander Lowe admitted that you did it." It was a lie, of course. Until now, Clarissa had not received a text from John about Xander's confession. She could guess that the old man was as stubborn as John.

"Don't lie to me, Detective. I did nothing to Marcella, and neither did Mr. Lowe."

Meanwhile, Kathrina in the observation room wanted to clap at John's loyalty. The man did not only defend himself but also defended his boss.

"Sit, Mr. Harris," Clarissa instructed, and John complied.

The interrogation went over an hour and a half. Yet, John and Xander seemed to trust each other entirely as they did not spill anything that could put them under the blame. But, Kathrina believed that if the interrogation kept going, they would eventually succumb to the pressure and confess.

"In her diary, Marcella mentioned entertaining the old man. Does it include sexual favor? And did you force her to do that?"

Clarissa bombarded him with many questions, making John's heart work extra fast. There was no rest in between.

"There is nothing like that, Detective," John answered.

Once again, John denied it, making Clarissa want to punch the man in the face. But before she did that, her phone rang, and she looked at Joe's name on the screen. She beamed.

"Xander confessed," Joe informed.

Clarissa did not know what Joe used to force a confession out of the old man's mouth, but she did not care. They had a confession, and it was enough.

"Please repeat what you said to me, Detective Smith." Clarissa pushed her phone forward near John and pressed the loudspeaker option.

"Xander Lowe confessed that John Harris decided to kill Marcella out of anger because Marcella threatened to reveal that he used most the artists under him to provide sexual favor to higher-ups in the company as well as director and investor," Joe repeated what Xander told him.

"Thank you," Clarissa said, then ended the call. She lifted her eyes, "I guess you are a murderer now, Mr. Harris."

John slammed the table before him with robust power, and his veins almost popped out from his temple and neck due to the tension he felt. "I DID NOT DO IT! I DID NOT DO IT. HE IS LYING." John screamed. "THAT OLD MAN IS LYING. I WAS NOT IN THE CITY DURING THE ACCIDENT, AND XANDER WAS WITH HER."

Kathrina's brows elevated. This was new. John only said he never left the house, but now he claimed to be out of the city.

"Where were you, Mr. Harris? And do you have someone to confirm your whereabouts?"

John gulped, seeming unsure to share all the details. But the man decided it was best to be honest rather than take the blame for something he did not do. "I was in Dorhaven with my boyfriend."

"Give me his name, and I will confirm with him."

John breathed in and out several times before answering. "Tyler Young."

The name shocked Clarissa since Tyler Young was a reputable lawyer from Young Firm. From what she knew, the man had a wife and two children. So, John and Tyler had an illicit affair behind his wife's back.

"Okay. If this is true, you only confirm one of the accusations. What about providing sexual favor?"

John lowered his head in defeat. "It's true, but I assure you, Detective, my job was to search for the potential woman and schedule their appointment. Nothing more."

Kathrina watched as the mystery unfolded before her eyes. John explained everything about prostitution under Dream Star. He said that all new and old artists would have to satisfy Xander and then be given work depending on their performance.

Being their first artist, Marcella performed flawlessly, and Xander favored her. So, unlike other artists who were appointed to other people after Xander tasted them, Xander kept Marcella to entertain himself and other people from the start of her career until the last time she breathed.

"Why did she not file a report after getting the fame?"

"Xander has a ton of video of their activity."

After that, John was told to inform everything. The interrogation lasted for another hour, and then, they took ended the session.

Kathrina left the observation room and passed Xander. She eyed the old man with disgust so evident in her eyes. The man could be Marcella's father, yet he messed with her. To think that Dream Star had younger artists saddened her. They were forced to please this rotten meat for a resource.

She continued her step to her desk. Kathrina looked at the clock wall that pointed at four passed thirty in the afternoon.

"We got them, Kath." Clarissa entered their room with a big smile adorning her face. "Xavier already asked for a search warrant as we speak, so this week we should be able to close the case." She added.

"So, we are done for the day, right?" Kathrina asked, and Clarissa nodded. "Okay, I'll leave first. My mom wants to meet me."

During interrogation, her mother sent her a text with an address asking to meet her there. The place was Blossom. Thankfully, it was not far from the station, so she wouldn't have to drive longer.

Kathrina strolled into the parking area and entered her car. She inputted the address into the GPS, started the engine, then left the station.