

FRAGILE HEARTS - BOOK 2: ACE Nicholas 'Ace' King - Don of the Italian Mafia and the most feared person around. Dove Winchester - A sweet, bright and kind college student and the most liked person around. When Dove bumps into the Mafia king at her favorite cafe, how will he react? She seems to bump into him in various places that her friends say it's fate... but is it? Will Dove grow closer to Nicholas and put his past behind them or will she question all her morals to be with him? Will Nicholas learn to love or will he be dragged down with his bloody past? Keep Reading to find out!

Rose_007 · Urban
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103 Chs

When I Lost You

Playlist for this Chapter: Maroon by Taylor Swift, Sweet Nothing by Taylor Swift.

*Fast Forward to two weeks later (After Jake & Nico's fight)*

The constant ringing of my phone made me groan in annoyance and I turned it off without glancing at the screen. Whoever was calling at this moment had death wish.

I pulled the covers over my head when my phone went off again and I growled in frustration, turning it to silent and throwing it across the bed.

It was one of those nights where I had drunk too much, again and Jake and Stuart had to drag my ass back home. But now my head was pounding as a faint light came in through the windows hinting it was dawn already.

I know everyone was annoyed with my behavior but I didn't give two fucks about anything. Dove was still in a coma, no sigh of her waking up. Doctors said survival chances dropped and were very slim.

The though itself made my head pound even more as I fisted the sheets in a weak attempt to control my emotions. They were all over the place and it was a nasty sight.

After tossing and turning for a good ten minutes I pushed the covers off of me and huffed in annoyance. Whoever called at this time better be prepared to face my wrath. I rubbed my forehead in an attempt to decrease the headache and stumbled into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower, and dressed in one of my suits knowing the staff must be up by now and I better get to work to keep my mind off of things. I did my tie slowly, combing back my hair and putting on my perfume when my eyes fell on the bloody ring and necklace on my dressing table.

I still didn't wash it, and kept in my drawer. Somehow I had taken it out last night and just stared at the two things for no specific reason. With a heavy sigh, I picked my phone up to turn t bakc on when my room's door was busted open and in stumbled Jake, Stuart and Matteo all dressed up in suits.

Were they going somewhere?

"What are you doing?" I asked them confused while they looked at me with wild eyes.

"Why the fuck wouldn't you pick up your phone?!" Stuart shouted and I glared at him.

"Why does it matter?!" I shouted back.

"The hospital's calling Ace, we have to go, NOW!" Jake said and my eyes widened.

"What happened?" I asked them frantically as we ran down the stairs.

"Doctors called, something's wrong." Matteo said as we stumbled into a car and Jake sped off, driving recklessly.

"Call the hospital Ace, they called us three when they couldn't reach you." Stuart said ad I quickly dialed the hospital's number but they didn't pick up. I called multiple times, my heart hammering in my chest as the worst possible scenarios popped into my head.

No, don't think like that, she'll be fine. She's alright.

"They're not picking." I gritted, clenching the phone with a death grip as we neared the hospital.

"What did they say?" I asked Jake who shook his head.

"We don't know, they said they didn't have time to explain but told us to get there immediately." Jake said and my heart dropped.

Please be okay my love, please be alright.

"Hang in there, we're almost there." Jake said glancing at my expressions and I nodded absent minded as the car screeched to a halt in front of the hospital's entrance. We all scrambled out and ran up the stairs all the way to the third floor, the guards on every floor confused at us.

When we reached the floor I ran towards one of Dove's doctors.

"What the fuck happened? Is she okay? Where is she?" I asked him breathless.

"She woke up." Was all he said and I felt like everything fell into place as my world that stopped revolving was now moving again.

"W-what?" I asked, my steps faltered as Jake put a steady hand on my shoulder.

"I was checking her vitals when her heart rate suddenly picked up and increased dangerously. She started moving around and mumbling things and crying, shouting someone's name, Nico, I believe, calling out for help." He said and I drew in a breath.

Nico.. She was calling out to me..

"Is she...?" I asked, my words getting caught in my throat as emotion swelled up inside me and he nodded.

"She's awake finally, but we had to make her relax so we injected some medicines into her body and she passed out. I believe it was a panic attack which caused her to wake up." He said.

She's... alive...

"Can we see her?" Jake asked and the doctor nodded.

"One at a time, please." The doctor said but before he could say anything else, I was already running across the hallway and into her room.

And there she was, my angel, laying there peacefully. And she was... awake?

"Dove?" I whispered, careful not to scare her. My voice came out thick with emotion and then her stunning blue eyes flicked to mine and I sucked in a sharp breath.

Those eyes could kill.

"Nico?" She spoke softly, her lip quivering as a lone tear fell down her cheek. My own tears fell down as I walked over to her and kissed her on her beautiful lips, cupping her face with my hands.

Her own feeble hands cupped my cheek as I pulled away, as tears streamed down our faces, the silence around us deafening as I looked into her eyes. We didn't speak, because our eyes spoke volumes as she offered me a faint smile.

"You're alive... You're awake... You're really here..." I whispered, holding her hands and kissing them, then her forehead, her cheeks and her tears. Her own thumb wiped away my tears as a small sob escaped her lips.

"I'm here Nico, I'm right here..." She reassured me and I took her hand in mine, our foreheads touching as tears continued to flow down my face and onto hers. I looked into her stunning eyes, a smile making its way onto face, mirroring hers.

She moved a bit to the side, wincing in pain as she did so.

"What are you doing?" I asked her and she patted the space beside her. I understood and smiled softly, taking my shoes off and lay down beside her.

Her head rest on my chest, our hands intertwined as I kissed the top of her forehead and let the steady beeping of the heart monitor lull us both to sleep.

They say 'Hope is the heartbeat of the soul.' It was the hope she would be with me that kept my heart beating.

And here we are.