
Naomi's Fight

Alex was once more bound and dragged to the arena where he would be fighting his fourth opponent since he became bound to the servitude of the Naga race, and the whim of their Orcish overlords. At the moment he was residing in the holding bay, where all combatants were forced to stay as they waited for their turn, beside him were several of the new gladiators waiting for their first game. Alex merely wrapped his fists with linen wraps as he waited for the first among their ranks to be called to their reckoning. 

Though the wraps did not really do much for sword fighting, it was a practice he had continued since his days as a cage fighter, and he simply felt like keeping some kind of tradition alive from the days before the world turned to shit. Naomi was present among the gladiator's ranks and stared at Alex as he continued to wrap his wrists over and over again to pass the time. She could not understand why he was wasting his time with such a thing.